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(Senate Bill No. 109.)


AN ACT to amend and re-enact section nine of chapter fifty of the acts of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, entitled, "An act to change the name of the Potomac and Piedmont coal and railroad company, and to confer additional powers thereon," as amended and re-enacted by chapter forty-five of the acts of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one.

[Passed February 20, 1895.]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

That section nine of chapter fifty of the acts of one Acts amended thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, entitled, “An act to change the name of the Potomac and Piedmont coal and railroad company, and to confer additional powers thereon," is amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows:

Potomac coal

9. The said company shall commence the building of Piedmont & its road within two years, and have the same in running and railroad order between the Baltimore and Ohio railroad and the company: when to begin Chesapeake and Ohio railroad, within twenty years from building its the twenty-third day of February, one thousand eight when to be hundred and eighty-one.

Speaker of the House of Delegates.


President of the Senate.



February 28, 1895.

I certify that the foregoing act, having been presented to the governor for his approval, and not having been returned by him to the house of the legislature in which it originated within the time prescribed by the constitution of this state, has become a law without his approval. W. E. CHILTON, Secretary of State.

[NOTE BY THE CLERK OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES.The foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.]


completed be tween certain points.

Sureties of J.

A. Williamson,


county, released from damages, etc., above six per cent.

(Senate Bill No. 90.)


AN ACT for the relief of the sureties on the official

bond of J. A. Williamson, late sheriff of Barbour county.

[Passed February 14, 1895.]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

That David W. Gall, G. W. Gail, Jr., Benton Teter, late sheriff of Henry Harris, J. B. Nichol, R. M. Talbott, G. B. Harvey, J. H. Felton, G. H. Gall, J. W. Shank, Ira C. Woodford, E. D. Gall and Samuel D. Felton, sureties on the official bond of James A. Williamson, late sheriff for the county of Barbour, be and they are hereby released from all damages and interest over and above six per cent., on the debt of said Williamson to the state of West Virginia, that has accrued, or may accrue, on said debt.

WILLIAM SEYMOUR EDWARDS, Speaker of the House of Delegates.


President of the Senate.



February 22, 1895.

I certify that the foregoing act, having been presented to the governor for his approval, and not having been returned by him to the house of the legislature in which it originated within the time prescribed by the constitution of this state, has become a law without his approval.

Secretary of State.

[NOTE BY THE CLERK OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES. The foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.]

(House Bill No. 164.)


AN ACT extending the time in which distraint and sale

[blocks in formation]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

to make dis

for taxes of

That the sheriffs of the several counties in the state of Extent of time West Virginia, whose terms expired on the thirty-first traint and sale day of December, one thousand eight hundred and 1891 and 1892. ninety-two, be allowed until the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, upon which to make distraint or sale for the collection of taxes, not returned delinquent, for the years one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one and one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two.

(Approved February 22, 1895.)

[NOTE BY THE CLERK OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES. The foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.]

(House Bill No. 305.)


AN ACT making appropriation of public money to pay members of the legislature and for salaries of the officers of the government, in pursuance of the fortysecond section of the sixth article of the constitution.

[Passed February 19, 1895]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

tions to pay

legislature and

1. There shall be and are hereby appropriated for the Appropria fiscal year ending September thirty, one thousand eight members of hundred and ninety-five, the following sums of money salaries of for pay of members and officers of the legislature and state officers, for salaries of officers of the government:


[ocr errors]

Mileage of senators.

Compensation of senators.

Officers, clerks,

Legislative Department: Senate.

To pay mileage allowed to members of the senate for the session commencing on the ninth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, one thousand and seventy-seven dollars and forty cents.

To pay per diem compensation of twenty-six members of the senate, from the ninth day of January to twentysecond day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, inclusive, the sum of four thousand seven hundred and seventy dollars.

To pay per diem compensation of the officers, asssistetc., of senate. ant clerks, clerks of committees, pages, etc., that is to


Assistant clerks.

Committee clerks.




Doorkeeper. Cloak room keeper.


Charles W.

Mileage of

members of the house.

Compensation of members of house.


To the clerk of the senate, five hundred and fifty dollars.

To six assistant clerks, one thousand six hundred and twenty dollars.

To eight committee clerks, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars.

To eight pages, seven hundred and twenty dollars. To the sergeant-at-arms, two hundred and twenty-five dollars.

To the stenographer, two hundred and seventy dollars.

To the door-keeper, one hundred and eighty dollars. To the cloak-room keeper, one hundred and eighty dollars.

To the librarian of the senate, one hundred and eighty dollars.

To pay Charles M. Gallaher, for swearing in the members and officers of the Senate, four dollars and twenty-five cents.

House of Delegates.

To pay mileage of the seventy-one members of the house of delegates and of I. C. Prince, contestee, declared not elected to his seat, for the session commenc ing on the ninth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, the sum of two thousand eight hundred and nine dollars and sixty cents.

To pay per diem compensation of the seventy-one members of the house of delegates and six days per diem for I. C. Prince, contestee, declared not elected to his seat, from the ninth day of January to the twentysecond day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, inclusive, the sum of twelve thousand eight hundred and ninety-four dollars.

etc., of house.

To pay per diem compensation of the officers, assist- Officers, clerks’ ant clerks, clerks of committees, pages, etc., that is to


To the clerk of the house of delegates, five hundred Clerk. and fifty dollars.

To eight assistant clerks, two thousand one hundred Assistant and sixty dollars.


To nine committee clerks, one thousand six hundred Committee and twenty dollars.


To the sergeant-at-arms, two hundred and twenty-five Sergeant-atdollars.


To door-keeper, one hundred and eighty dollars. Doorkeeper. To ten pages, nine hundred dollars.


To cloak-room keepers, one hundred and eighty dol- Cloak room lars.


To librarian of the house of delegates, one hundred Librarian. and eighty dollars.

J. B. Peyton,

To pay J. B. Peyton, Jr., for swearing in the mem-Jr. bers and officers of the house of delegates, twenty-one dollars.

Executive Department.

To pay salary of the governor, twenty-seven hundred Salary of govdollars.


To pay salary of the auditor, two thousand dollars. Auditor. To pay salary of the treasurer, fourteen hundred dol- Treasurer. lars.

To pay salary of the secretary of state, one thousand Secretary of dollars.



To pay salary of the attorney general, thirteen hun- Attorney gendred dollars.

ent of schools.

To pay salary of the superintendent of free schools, Superintendto be paid out of the general school fund, fifteen hundred dollars.


To pay salary of adjutant general and ex officio super- Adjutant genintendent of weights and measures, one thousand two hundred dollars.

To pay salary of state librarian, one thousand dol- State librarian. lars.

To pay salary of janitor, one thousand dollars.

Judicial Department.


To pay salaries of judges of the supreme court of ap- Supreme peals, eight thousand eight hundred dollars.


To pay salaries of judges of circuit courts, twenty- Circuit judges. five thousand two hundred dollars.

To pay compensation allowed by law to persons who Special judges. hold the circuit courts when the judges of the circuit

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