Sergeant-at-Arms..Cyrus Willey. ..Hinton West Union Grantsville Assistant Clerks.... E. M. Showalter, Clark W. May, Cyrus W. Hall, Ledrew M. Wade, Will A. Strickler. Committee Clerks.. W. C. Worden, Archibald A. Taylor, Henry G. Shaffer, Homer B. Woods, Winfield S. Starcher, N. B. Hamric, James A. Seaman, W. H. Curtis, D. E. Nichols. Cloakroom Keepers. Matthew Parry and John A. Brown. Pages..... Wade Coffman, Clayton E. Coleman, Guy STANDING COMMITTEES. NOTE.-The person first named on each committee is the chairman thereof. House of Delegates. PRIVILEGES AND ELECTIONS. Messrs. Smith of Ohio, Reynolds, Morris, Martin, Dandridge and Lawson. FEDERAL RELATIONS. Messrs. Harmer, Smith of Ohio, Rinehart, Bumgarner, Cook of Summers, McDonald, Edmiston and Pugh. TAXATION AND FINANCE. Messrs. Reynolds, Brady, Ford, Glover, Morris, Crislip, Anderson, Brownfield, Pearson of Wirt, Harmer, Dandridge, Stuckey, Jarrett, Harding and Groves. MILITARY AFFAIRS. Messrs. Clark, McKnight, Smith of Hancock, Hawkins, Brownfield, Reynolds, Martin, Brady, Whiting, Harding, Dandridge, Lawson, Erwin and Hoover. THE JUDICIARY. Messrs. Fleming, Reynolds, Morris, Smith of Ohio, Stapleton, Martin, Harmer, Jones, Glover, McDonald, Edmiston, Hansford, Kester, Dandridge and Harding. EDUCATION. Messrs. Morris, Jones, White of Preston, Cook of McDowell, Ford, McKnight, Cook of Summers, Smith of Hancock, Porter, Pipes, Harding, Moomau, Hill of Boone, Dandridge and Groves. COUNTIES, DISTRICTS AND MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS. Messrs. Brady, Purdy. Rinehart, Cook of McDowell, White of Mercer, Hess, Anderson, Davis, Blue, McDonald, Moomau, Hoover, McKimmie and Maze. PRIVATE CORPORATIONS AND JOINT STOCK COMPANIES. Messrs. Glover, Reynolds, Fleming, Stapleton, Pyle, Smith of Ohio, White of Preston, McDonald, Edmiston, Harding and Pierson of Braxton. · ROADS AND INTERNAL NAVIGATION. Messrs. Smith of Hancock, Pearson of Wirt, Stamm, Kemper, Ankrom, Crislip, Porter, Brady, White of Mercer, Kimes, Pierson of Braxton, Stuckey, Maze, Harding and Lawson. FORFEITED AND UNAPPROPRIATED LANDS. Messrs. Martin, Stapleton, Ford, Reynolds, Whiting, Smith of Ohio, Harding, Hill of Boone and Jarrett. CLAIMS AND GRIEVANCES. Messrs. Jones, Kiser, Whiting, Pipes, Pearson of Wirt, Porter, Smith of Hancock, Corder, Collins, Adkins, McKimmie, Groves, Kidd and Stucky. HUMANE INSTITUTIONS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Messrs. Brownfield, Crislip, Jones, Hill of Mason, Ford, Clark, Smith of Wayne, Hess, Kimes, Pipes, Dandridge, Hansford, Hoover, Edmiston and Lawson. PRINTING AND CONTINGENT EXPENSES. Messrs. White of Preston, Corbitt, Davis, Ford, Harmer, Evans, Rinehart, Blue, Hess, McNabb, Hansford, Erwin, Kester, Pugh and Groves. THE EXECUTIVE OFFICES AND LIBRARY. Messrs. Stapleton, Pyle, Fleming, Martin, Reynolds, Clark, Jones, Corbitt, Ford, Collins, Edmiston, Kidd, Kester, Pugh and Hoover. ARTS, SCIENCES AND GENERAL IMPROVEMENT. Messrs. Campbell, Davis, Smith of Hancock, Kimes, Blue, Pipes, Whiting, Erwin, Hill of Boone, Hoover and Kidd. THE PENITENTIARY. Messrs. Greer, Sturm, Ankrom, Purdy, Toler, Brownfield, Cook of Summers Kimes, Corbitt, Pyle, Harding, McKimmie, Kester, Moomau and Kidd. MINES AND MINING. Messrs. Toler, Harmer, Cook of McDowell, Sturm, Bumgarner, Rinehart, McNabb, Greer, Porter, Blue, Kidd, Lawson, Erwin, McKimmie and Pierson of Braxton. IMMIGRATION AND AGRICULTURE. Messrs. Collins, Corder, Purdy, Hawkins, Hill of Mason, Evans, Hess, Kemper, Sturm, Corbitt, Jarrett, Maze, Boggs, Adkins and Hill of Boone. STATE BOUNDARIES. Messrs. Rinehart, Smith of Hancock, Hill of Mason, Anderson, Whiting, McDonald, Lawson and Erwin. RAILROADS. Messrs. Evans, Martin, Campbell, Pyle, Bumgarner, Greer, Brady, Morris, Brownfield, Edmiston, Hansford, Kester, Adkins and Boggs. LABOR. Messrs. Stamm, Toler. Anderson, McKnight, Rinehart, White of Mercer, Sturm, McNabb, Cook of Summers, Corder, Boggs, Jarrett, Hill of Boone, Pugh and Adkins. RULES. Messrs. Edwards (Speaker), Reynolds, Evans, Brady, Fleming, Morris, Dandridge, Edmiston and McDonald. The Senate. PRIVILEGES AND ELECTIONS. Messrs. Patton, Gramm, Hensley, Cook, Mahood, Catlett and Hyde. THE JUDICIARY. Messrs. Farr, Patton, Young, Lockney, Reed, Whitaker, Scott and Mahood FINANCE. Messrs. Whitaker, Furbee, Farr, Hughes, Patton, Tarr and Hardman. EDUCATION. Messrs. Furbee, Young, Reed, Lockney, Hensley, Stewart and Finley. COUNTIES AND MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS. Messrs. Hensley, Furbee, Hoge, Cook, Gramm, Henderson and Earl. ROADS AND NAVIGATION. Messrs. Hughes, Young, Hoge, Davies, Hensley, Haynes and Peck. Messrs. Gramm, Whitaker, Furbee, Davies, Hughes, Tarr and Hyde. PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND HUMANE INSTITUTIONS. Messrs. Cook, Young, Hoge, Hensley, Lockney, Hardman and Peck. PENITENTIARY. Messrs. Farr, Whitaker, Furbee, Hughes, Davies, Henderson and Haynes. RAILROADS. Messrs. Hughes, Farr, Patton, Hensley, Gramm, Scott and Haynes. MILITIA. Messrs. Young, Hoge, Reed, Hensley, Gramm, Peck and Catlett. FEDERAL RELATIONS. Messrs. Patton, Farr, Reed, Hughes, Cook, Stewart and Scott. IMMIGRATION AND AGRICULTURE. Messrs. Lockney, Hoge, Furbee, Davies, Reed, Earl and Henderson. MINES AND MINING. Messrs. Davies, Hensley, Cook, Hoge, Farr, Hyde and Mahoo.l. LABOR. Messrs. Hoge, Gramm, Davies, Lockney, Cook, Hyde and Peck. CLAIMS AND GRIEVANCES. Messrs. Hensley, Whitaker, Furbee, Hughes, Davies, Mahood and Hardman. FORFEITED, DELINQUENT AND UNAPPROPRIATED LANDS. Messrs. Patton, Farr, Furbee, Whitaker, Young, Stewart and Tarr. PUBLIC PRINTING. Messrs. Reed, Hughes, Whitaker, Farr, Lockney, Earl and Catlett. RULES. Mr. President, and Messrs. Farr, Whitaker, Henderson and Finley. PUBLIC LIBRARY. Messrs. Young, Reed, Lockney, Cook, Patton, Scott and Finley. EXAMINE CLERK'S OFFICE. Messrs. Furbee, Patton and Tarr. JOINT COMMITTEE ON ENROLLED BILLS. On the part of the House......Messrs. White of Preston, McKnight, Pyle, Edmin ston and Hoover. On the part of the Senate......Messrs. Reed, Lockney, Young, Finley and Mahood. |