8--Commissioners in chancery; reports, exceptions to..... 9- Married woman, attorney in fact for..... 10-Certain acknowledgments of married women to deeds, etc., legalized. 18-Collection of delinquent taxes; redemption of part of tract or town lot 19-Appointment of deputy clerks in criminal or intermediate courts..... 20-Election of special judges in criminal or intermediate courts.. 21-Compensation of special judges in circuit courts. 22-Protection of riparian own. PS........ 23-Compensation for catching drift timber 24-Filling vacancies in town offices.. 25-Appointment of trustees of religious, benevolent, educational and 29-Elections in towns giving less than 600 votes.. 30-Compensation of the clerks, sheriffs and prosecuting attorneys. 43-School levies; school term increased to five months. 44-Schools at places of reception for the poor.. 45—Amendments to school law: teachers' reports, salaries, institutes and examinations; levies and debts by boards of education; issuance of bonds by certain school districts containing town or city; non- paying pupils at normal schools: training of colored teachers..... 46-Removal of county and district officers................... INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICTS. 47-Of Moundsville, authorized to issue and sell bonds... 48-Of Spencer, authorized to issue and sell bonds.. CHARTERS OF CITIES AND TOWNS. pealed; the towns consolidated... 59-Sistersville, charter amended and re-enacted 60--Huntington, charter amended and re-enacted. 61-Moundsville, charter amended.. 62-New Cumberland, charter amended.... 63-Benwood, charter amended and re-enacted.. 64- -Grafton and West Grafton consolidated.................... 65-Wellsburg, charter amended... 77—Authorizing judges of first circuit to employ short-hand writers. 78-Empowering boards of education of certain districts to levy for school 80-Concerning Potomac & Piedmont Coal & Railroad company. 81-Relieving sureties of J. A. Williamson, late sheriff of Barbour county 82-Extending time for distraint for taxes of 1891 and 1892......... 31-Directing payments to janitor's assistants 32-Raising joint committee to wait on the governor (close of session).. 1-Raising joint committee to wait on the governor (beginning of session) 17 Authorizing attorney-general to institute proceedings to forfeit char- Congressmen, state officers, state boards, state national guard, judicial department, times of holding courts, names of judges and clerks Commissioners out of the state authorized to take acknowledgements ACTS OF 1895. (House Bill No. 1.) CHAPTER 1. AN ACT to amend and re-enact section thirteen of chapter sixty-four, code of West Virginia. [Passed February 6, 1895.] Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia: That section thirteen of chapter sixty-four of the code Section 13 of of West Virginia, be amended and re-enacted so as to chapter 61 code read as follows: amended. may be revoked and restric posed. Evidence. 13. When a decree for a separation forever, or for a Decree from limited period, shall have been pronounced in a suit for bed and board: divorce from bed and board, it may be revoked at any time thereafter by the same court by which it was pro- By what court. nounced under such regulations and restrictions as the Regulations court may impose, upon the joint application of the tins to be imparties, and upon their producing satisfactory evidence who to ar ply of their reconciliation; and when a divorce from bed therefor and board has been decreed for abandonment, or deser- For abandontion, or other cause, and two years shall have elapsed tion, etc., time from the bringing of the suit wherein such decree is to elapse, etc.. entered, without such reconciliation, the court may upon cation for a dithe application of the injured party, and the production som of satisfactory evidence, taken in support of such appli, rimony. cation, decree a divorce from the bonds of matrimony former hearing and upon such application the court may read and con- ered. sider the evidence in the cause taken and filed in the former hearing; Provided, The court shall be of the ment, deser to make appli vorce from bonds of mat Evidence uron may be consid To apply to opinion that no reconciliation is probable, and this shall what decrees apply to such decrees heretofore, as well as hereafter entered. (Approved February 14, 1895.) [NOTE BY THE CLERK OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES. The foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.]. Acts amended. certain actions demnifying bond. utor, adminis (Senate Bill No. 77.) CHAPTER 2. AN ACT to amend and re-enact section 6 of chapter one hundred and four of the code of West Virginia, as amended and re-enacted by chapter one hundred and two of the acts of the Legislature of one thousand eight hundręd and eighty-two, concerning limitation of suits. [Passed February 21, 1895.] Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia: That section 6 of chapter one hundred and four of the code of West Virginia, as amended and re-enacted by chapter one hundred and two of the Acts of the Legislature of 1882, concerning the limitation of suits, be amended and re-enacted, so as to read as follows: 6. Every action to recover money, which is founded Time in which upon an award, or on any contract other than a judgto be brought. ment or recognizance, shall be brought within the following number of years next after the right to bring Upon an in- the same shall have accrued, that is to say: if the case be upon an indemnifying bond taken under any statute, Bond of exec- or upon a bond of an executor, administrator or guartrator, etc. dian, curator, committee, sheriff or deputy sheriff, clerk Contracts by or deputy clerk, or any other fiduciary or public officer, writing under within ten years; if it be upon any other contract by before the first writing under seal, executed before the first day of day of April, April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, within After that date, twenty years; but if executed on or after that day, or contract by within ten years; if it be upon an award, or upon a conder seal. tract by writing, signed by the party to be charged seal, executed 1869. Upon an award writing not un |