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When, how

and by whom

rules and regulations governing the election of municiresult certified. pal officers for said city, and the officers conducting such election shall ascertain and certify the result to the secretary of said board within three days thereafter. Such result shall within ten days after the same is so certified be noted on the minutes, and the certificate filed by the clerk. The said board of education is hereby vested with the power to appoint the officers required by law to hold and conduct such election.

To be noted on the minutes.


Authority of board as to

7. Any person'voting in favor of such issue of bonds shall have upon his ballot the words, written or printed, "For ratification;" and any person voting against such issue shall have upon his ballot the words, written or printed, "For rejection;" and all ballots, shall be sealed up and deposited with the said secretary. In the event that the result of such election is favorable to such purchase and issue, the board shall have authority to purchase upon reasonable terms, real estate within the district, suitable for the purpose, and to erect thereon such new public school building, and to sell upon the best terms practicable the principal school building now used, and the Application of land upon which it is located, applying the proceeds of such sale to such purchase, and, should a surplus remain, the payment of the interest on such bonds.

sale of real

estate, etc.

proceeds of such sales.

WILLIAM SEYMOUR EDWARDS, Speaker of the House of Delegates.


President of the Senate.


February 21, 1895.

I certify that the foregoing act, having been presented to the governor for his approval, and not having been returned by him to the house of the legislature in which it originated within the time prescribed by the Constitution of this State, has become a law without his approval. W. E. CHILTON, Secretary of State.

[NOTE BY THE CLERK OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES. -The foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.]

.(House Bill No. 3.)


AN ACT authorizing the Independent School District of Spencer, in the county of Roane, to issue bonds for the purpose of paying off existing indebtedness, for the purpose of building, supplying and equipping school houses in the town of Spencer, said district.

(Passed February 1, 1895.)

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia :

pendent dis

cer authorized

1. The board of education for the independent school Board of edudistrict of Spencer, in the county of Roane, is hereby cation of indeauthorized at any time within five years from the pas-trict of Spensage of this act, to issue and sell their bonds, for the to issue bonds; purpose of paying off its existing indebtedness, for for what purbuilding, supplying and equipping school houses in the town of Spencer, in said district, subject to all the limitations and provisions set forth in the succeeding sections of this act.



2. All bonds issued and sold under this act shall be of bonds; when of the denomination of one hundred dollars. They payable. shall be payable thirty years from their date: Provided, That they may be paid at any time after five years from the date thereof, at the pleasure of the board, and this provision shall be expressed on the face of the bonds.

terest payable

Said bonds shall bear no greater rate of interest than Maximum rate six per centum per annum. And said interest shall be of interest: inpayable annually on the presentation of the interest annually; coupons attached to and issued with said bonds, at the Bank of Spencer, in Roane county, West Virginia.

to issue bonds


3. Whenever said board may deem it desirable to Purpose, etc., issue bonds under authority of this act, and for the pur- to be entered of poses herein set forth they shall by resolution, entered of record, so declare, specifying the particular purpose and amount for which said bonds are to be issued, and the rate of interest said bonds shall bear. Said resolution shall appoint a day at which an election shall be Election to be held, by the qualified voters of said independent school district, to decide whether they will ratify or reject said. resolution.


Notice to be

Such resolution shall be published in all the newspa- given; how.

Election: how

conducted, etc.

Statement to be published.


Vote required.

Bonds not to be

sold for less

than par and

except, etc.

pers published in said district at least once a week for two succussive weeks previous to the day of the election.

4. Such election shall be conducted and the returns thereof made in the manner required in the election of members of said board.

5. Together with said resolution there shall be published a full and accurate statement of the financial condition of the board as to both teachers' fund and building fund.

6. The person voting for the ratification of any such resolution shall have written or printed on his ballot the words. For ratification of resolution to issue bonds," and the person voting against ratification shall have written or printed on his ballot the words "For rejection of resolution to issue bonds.”

7. No bonds shall be issued by the board unless the resolution providing for their issuance shall have received three-fifths of all the votes cast for and against the same at the election herein provided for.

8. Neither the board nor any of the officers thereof shall either directly or indirectly sell any bond at less. for cash only, than the par value thereof, and then only for cash, unless accepted as the equivalent of cash at par value by the contractor or creditor of said board, for the building and supplying and equipping school houses in said district as aforesaid.

Proceeds to be

paid to sheriff

and credited to

building fund; sheriff liable therefor.

Board to pro

vide a sufficient

terest, etc.

How sinking

The proceeds of the sale of any bonds issued under this act, shall be paid to the sheriff of Roane county to the credit of the building fund of said district, and the sheriff of said county shall be held and be liable for the proceeds thereof in the same manner and to the same extent as he is for money paid him to the credit of said fund.

9. The said board shall annually provide, by suffilevy to pay in- cient levy, for the payment of the annual interest accruing on said bonds, as well as for the establishment of a sinking fund, for the payment of the principal thereof within and not exceeding thirty years. The sinking fund to be ap- fund shall only be applied to the purpose for which it was levied, and for investment in the bonds of the board as the board may direct. And the said sheriff shall out of the said levy set aside and place to the credit of a special fund, to be known as "school sinking fund of the independent school district of Spencer," such amount


set aside so

as the board may direct, by annual resolution; and it Board annually to dishall be the duty of the said board, annually to direct rect sheriff to said sheriff so to set aside to the credit of said special much money, fund, such amount as will be amply sufficient to create etc. and maintain said sinking fund, according to the true and full intent of this section, and of section eight of article ten of the constitution of this state.

10. No bonded debt shall be incurred under this act Limit of which shall cause the aggregate indebtedness of the said bonded debt independent school district to exceed five per centum of the assessed value of taxable property of said district, as ascertained by the last assessment for state and county purposes, previous to the incurring of such debt. Nor shall any such bonded debt be created under this chapter, for any sum in excess of ten thousand dollars principal.

(Approved February 17, 1895.)

[NOTE BY THE CLERK OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES. The foregoing act takes effect from its passage, twothirds of the members elected to each house, by a vote taken by yeas and nays, having so directed.]

(House Bill No. 277.)


AN ACT to repeal chapter seventy-five of the acts of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, making provisions for free schools for the town of Volcano, in Wood county.

[Passed February 22, 1895.]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

free schools for

1. The act approved February the thirteenth, one Act providing thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, entitled, "An the town of act to provide free schools for the town of Volcano," is Volcano rehereby repealed.


2. The property, real and personal, vested at the In whom the time this act takes effect in the board of education of vest.

property shall

Volcano, shall by this act vest in the board of education. for the school district of Walker, in Wood county: Provided, That this act shall not be construed as impairheretofore cre- ing any obligation heretofore created or existing of any indebtedness of the said board of education of Volcano.


ated not im


(Approved February 22, 1895.)

[NOTE BY THE CLERK OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES. The foregoing act takes effect at the expiration of ninety days after its passage.]

Independent school district


(House Bill No. 64.)


AN ACT providing for the establishment of "The Independent School District of Bridgeport."

[Passed February 11, 1895.]

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia :

1. That in the event a majority of the votes cast at of Bridgeport the election hereafter provided for, be in favor thereof, created; boun- the following described territory in the county of Harrison, including the town of Bridgeport, shall, after the result of such election is ascertained and declared, be an independent school district, and be known as the Independent School District of Bridgeport, and the territory adjacent, bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a corner of C. N. Johnson's land and what is known as the Morgan Ross land, on road leading from Bridgeport by Geo. Faris's house; thence, running with line of said Johnson and Ross land, to line of J. B. Sandusky; thence, with line of said Sandusky and Ross land, to corner of said Sandusky, Ross and Geo. T. Faris; thence, with line of said Sandusky and Faris, to line of Kelso Pell; thence, with line of said Sandusky and Pell, to the Baltimore and Ohio railroad; thence, east on said Baltimore and Ohio railroad, to mile-post; thence, with a direct line through lands of J. B. Sandusky and Kelso Pell, to corner of said Sandusky and J. F. Stuck, on line of Kelso Pell's land; thence, with a direct line, through lands of said Stuck, to corner lands belonging to Geo, W. Preston and Nancy Hawk


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