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Reading now from Exhibit No. 1007:





District Offices, 2527 Broad St., Memphis, Tennessee

[blocks in formation]

DEAR MISS LEVY: I am enclosing receipt for the contribution of $5.00. Please express our deep gratitude to the members of the Board for this assistance. Fraternally yours,

HLM: es. encl.

H. L. MITCHELL, Secretary.

Mr. SHAUGHNESSY. Mr. Condon, did your union at any time make any contributions to any affiliate of the American Federation of Labor, to your knowledge?

Mr. CONDON. Not to my knowledge.

Mr. SHAUGHNESSY. Miss Levy, I ask you the same question.
Miss LEVY. I really don't know offhand.

Mr. TOLAND. That is all.

Mr. CONDON. I wonder, before we are excused, if I may make just one comment; that is, prior to May 1938 the union contributing funds to the Southern Tenant Farmers Union was the old Lodge 301 of the Labor Board to which the attorneys belonged. In fact, all these union cases or the organizations involved were affiliated with the Women's Trade Union League, and the union which contributed to the Laundry Workers Organizing Committee and the Southern Tenant Farmers Union was the old N. L. R. B. union which was affiliated with the A. F. of L. up until May 1938.

I would also like to point out that the Women's Trade Union League, to which they affiliated, delegated members of the A. F. of L. organization as well as the C. I. O. organization.

Mr. SHAUGHNESSY. Members of the employees of the economics division, however, were members of the old union?

Mr. CONDON. Yes; employees of the economics division were eligible to membership in the old N. L. R. B.

Mr. TOLAND. It is true, is it not, that you do not have any record of any contribution being made to any A. F. of L. affilated union? Mr. CONDON. No; I don't recall any such contributions. I would like to point out, however, Mr. Toland, that at the time these two organizations, the Laundry Workers Organizing Committee and the Southern Tenant Farmers Union were the only organizations in that field, to my knowledge. There wasn't a possibility of making contribution to the other side.

Mr. TOLAND. That is all. You are excused.

Mr. CONDON. We are excused?

The CHAIRMAN. Wait a minute. The committee might want to ask some questions.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. There are a few questions I would like to ask.
Where did you hold the meetings of your union?

Mr. CONDON. Well, most of the meetings have been held, I believe, for the two predecessor organizations, and the present organization, in the hearing room at the Shoreham Building. We have held meetings in the Department of the Interior auditorium. So far as I know, I think those are the only places.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. Well, the principal meeting place was in the Shoreham Building?

Mr. CONDON. Yes.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. And the Shoreham Building is also the building that is occupied by the National Labor Relations Board?

Mr. CONDON. That is right.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. And the auditorium in which you held your meetings was under the control and management of the Board?

Mr. CONDON. No; the Department of the Interior controls the auditorium. That is under the Department of the Interior.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. But the hearing room?

Mr. CONDON. Yes?

Mr. ROUTZOHN. That is the Board's hearing room?

Mr. CONDON. Yes; that is right.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. In other words, that is where the Board conducts its own hearings?

Mr. CONDON. That is right.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. So, in the absence of the Board conducting hearings then you had a meeting in the same room in which the Board conducted hearings, but of course, I presume, the Board was not present. Mr. CONDON. That is true.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. Was there any time when you had meetings that any members of the Board were present?

Mr. CONDON. Not to my knowledge; no.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. Were any officers of the Board present, supervisory officers of the Board?

Mr. CONDON. No; supervisory employees are not eligible to membership in any of these unions.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. You say they are not eligible to membership, but were they present, was my question.

Mr. CONDON. No; not to my knowledge.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. At any time?

Mr. CONDON. Not at any time. We have had, of course, so-called educational meetings at which we have been addressed, on one occasion I recall, by Dr. Saposs, and I believe Mr. Madden gave a talk to us once also.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. Yes. How many times did Mr. Madden appear before the union and address the union?

Mr. CONDON. I was just informed by Miss Levy that Mr. Madden once had. I didn't see him.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. Perhaps I should be asking Miss Levy these questions.

Miss LEVY. To my knowledge, Mr. Madden addressed the meeting


Mr. ROUTZOHN. Do you know when that was-about?

Miss LEVY. Perhaps a year and a half ago. The minutes will show that, though.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. Dr. Saposs was there on how many occasions? Miss LEVY. I never was present when Mr. Saposs addressed the meeting.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. Do you recall, Mr. Condon?

Mr. CONDON. Yes. We had special meetings. The education committee of the Lawyers' Union called not a meeting, but scheduled an address by Dr. Saposs, and then I recall another occasion in which the education committee had Board directors present to discuss before the lawyers certain problems. As far as I know, those were the only meetings at which Board members were present. We have had meetings when the general counsel of the R. E. A. was a speaker. Mr. ROUTZOHN. Who is the general counsel of the R. E. A.? Mr. CONDON. I am not familiar with his name.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. Was Mr. Fahy, general counsel of the Board, ever before you?

Mr. CONDON. Not to my knowledge.
Mr. ROUTZOHN. Was Mr. Emerson?
Mr. CONDON. Not to my knowledge.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. All right. Who else that might have been in a supervisory capacity attended your meetings at any time?

Mr. CONDON. I think that there is a distinction that should be made. These were not regular meetings, the ones that I have been referring to. These were lectures to be given by these people, which the union education committee scheduled. They weren't meetings in the sense that there was union business transacted.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. But the meetings were sponsored by the union? Mr. CONDON. Yes.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. And as I understand it, the upstairs portion of the Shoreham Building is completely occupied by the Board.

Mr. CONDON. No; I believe there are quite a few private offices in the Shoreham Building.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. Now, where the union, however, held its meetings was in that portion of the Shoreham Building that is occupied by the


Mr. CONDON. Oh, yes.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. Did you use any of the bulletin boards in announcing your meetings?

Mr. CONDON. Oh, yes; we have our own bulletin boards.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. And where are those bulletin boards stationed, in that portion of the building that is occupied by the Board?

Mr. CONDON. That is right.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. And you put notices of your meetings on these bulletin boards?

Mr. CONDON. That is right.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. As I understand it, the bulletin boards that you use are bulletin boards belonging to the union?

Mr. CONDON. That is right; they are our boards.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. Did the union buy them and pay for them?

Mr. CONDON. Yes.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. But they are in the same offices that the Board occupies?

Mr. CONDON. That is right.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. What about notices, and so forth, that go out? Do you have your own stationery?

Mr. CONDON. Yes: we do.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. And does the union pay for its own stationery?
Mr. CONDON. Yes; we do.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. Do you mimeograph at any time?

Mr. CONDON. Yes; we do quite a bit of mimeographing.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. Does the union own its own mimeographing machines?

Mr. CONDON. No; it doesn't.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. Who owns those mimeographing machines that are used by the union?

Mr. CONDON. A man named Nathanson.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. Are they the same ones the Board uses?


Mr. ROUTZOHN. What about the typewriters, and so forth, when you write letters?

Mr. CONDON. I don't type, so I don't know.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. When do you hold these meetings?

Mr. CONDON. The union meetings are in the evening, usually at 8:15 or 8:30. Sometimes the divisions hold meetings in the afternoons. Mr. ROUTZOHN. Do you ever have any meetings on the Board's time? Mr. CONDON. Not to my knowledge.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. You are not sure of that?

Mr. CONDON. I can state that as far as I know I can not recall any being held on the Board's time.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. Is this literature got out at any time on the Board's time?

Mr. CONDON. Yes; we have distributed literature, I believe, on occasion on the Board's time.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. And have you dictated letters, and so forth, to stenographers on the Board's time?

Mr. CONDON. I haven't. I don't believe anyone else has.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. You don't know whether that is a fact or not.

Mr. CONDON. I can't speak for anyone

Mr. ROUTZOHN (interposing). Ask Miss Levy whether or not she worked on the Board's time at any time in getting out notices and literature.

Mr. MURDOCK. As I understand it, Mr. Chairman, the witnesses are there in synchronism or unison, and all questions addressed, I assume, are addressed to both of them.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. All right. Do you recall, Miss Levy, of any work that you did while you were working for the Board, on the Board's time?

Miss LEVY. No; I don't. Usually I did it after working hours, but if I did, perhaps on occasion, do it during a working day, it might be considered that I was using my overtime.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. That is, you were entitled to a certain amount of overtime, so that if you did work during the day you would consider

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that as using up some of the time that was allowed to you for overtime.

Miss LEVY. Yes.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. What are the dues, Miss Levy, of the organization for the members? What do they pay?

Miss LEVY. When the union was affiliated with the A. F. G. E. I think the dues were 50 cents a month, and at the present time they are 25 cents a month.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. Yes. Well, it has not been an affiliated union since when?

Miss LEVY. Since I believe May of 1938.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. Of '38? And since that time the dues are 25 cents a month for each member?

Miss LEVY. No; I don't think that is accurate. The dues were 25 cents a month after the Lawyers' Union and the old N. L. R. B. Union affiliated.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. Do you have dues now at all?

Miss LEVY. Yes; 25 cents a month.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. Twenty-five cents a month? All right. Are your officers paid?

Miss LEVY. No; they are not.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. They receive no compensation whatsoever?
Miss LEVY. That is right.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. Other than the compensation they receive as, of course, members of the Board or employees of the Board. That is correct, isn't it?

Miss LEVY. Yes.

Mr. ROUTZOHN. The reason I ask these questions, I took occasion to look up a few things that the Board has considered as characteristics of company unions, and I have before me a printed pamphlet, Bulletin No. 634. It is quite illuminating. It is entitled, "Characteristics of Company Unions, 1935," prepared by the Division of Industrial Relations, Florence Peterson, chief, and so forth, of the Department of


I also have the third annual report of the National Labor Relations Board for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1938. Both of them are quite similar in what they state are characteristics of a company union, and in the latter pamphlet, under the title "Elements of Employer Domination and Interference," at page 113, I find this statement (reading):

The Board has also considered the effects of employers' activities in permitting the conduct of organization activities on the employer's premises during working hours with the consent of the employer, and in furnishing financial aid. Did you ever get any financial aid from the Board in anyway, other than what we have mentioned?


Mr. TOLAND. Isn't it a fact right there that you have used Board stationery?

Mr. CONDON. I don't know about the old N. L. R. B. unions.
Mr. TOLAND. I am talking about the present union.

Mr. CONDON. We have never used Board stationery.

Mr. TOLAND. Have you ever used interoffice communications?
Mr. CONDON. I don't believe so. We have our own stationery.

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