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An addition

( 172 )

office is not actually increased by the distributing system, then no additional allowance shall be made to the postmaster.

Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That alcompensa- there shall be allowed to the deputy posttion to the master at the city of Washington, for his D. P. M. at extraordinary expenses incurred in the disthe city of Washington charge of the duties of his office, an addi. tional compensation, at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum, to be computed from the first day of January last.

This act not to affect existing contracts.

Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That this act shall not be so construed as to affect any existing contracts for carrying the mail. NATHL. MACON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ABRAHAM BALDWIN,

President of the Senate, pro tempore.

APPROVED, MAY 3, 1802.



AN ACT making an appropriation for carrying into effect the convention between the United States of America and his Britannic Majesty.


E it_enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That (173)

for carrying into effect the convention of the Specific ap-
eighth day of January, one thousand eight propriation.
hundred and two, between the United States
of America and his Britannic Majesty, the
sum of two millions six hundred and sixty-
four thousand dollars be, and the same here-
by is appropriated.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That
the aforesaid sum shall be paid in such in- How to be
stalments, and at such times, as are fixed applied.
by the said convention, out of any monies
in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

[blocks in formation]



E it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That there be paid unto Fulwar Skipwith, out of any money in the public treasury, not other- propriation. wise appropriated, the sum of four thousand five hundred and fifty dollars, advanced by

Specific ap


him for the use of the United States, with an interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, from the first day of November one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, at which time the advance was made.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.
President of the Senate, pro tempore.

APPROVED, MAY 3, 1802.



AN ACT to amend an act, entituled " An act for the relief of sick and disabled seamen" and for other purposes.


E it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the Fund provi- monies heretofore collected in pursuance relief of sick of the several acts "for the relief of sick and disabled and disabled seamen," and at present unex

ded for


Sum appropriated.

pended, together with the monies hereafter to be collected by authority of the beforementioned acts, shall constitute a general fund, which the President of the United States shall use and employ as circumstances shall require for the benefit and convenience of sick and disabled American seamen : Provided, that the sum of fifteen thousand


dollars be, and the same is hereby appro- for an hospipriated for the erection of an hospital in the tal in Massadistrict of Massachusetts.


Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the President of the President

United States to cause such measures to be

may cause

ed for the

withthe con

taken as, in his opinion, may be expedient accommofor providing convenient accommodations, dations, &c. medical assistance, necessary attendance, to be providand supplies for the relief of sick or disa- relief of the bled seamen of the United States who may U. S. seabe at or near the port of New Orleans, in men at N. case the same can be done with the assent of Orleans, the government having jurisdiction over the sent of the port; and for this purpose, to establish localgovernsuch regulations, and to authorize the em- ment. ployment of such persons as he may judge proper; and that for defraying the expense thereof, a sum not exceeding three thousand dollars be paid out of any monies arising from the said fund not otherwise appropriated.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That from and after the thirtieth day of June next, Masters of the master of every boat, raft or flat, belong- boats, rafts, ing to

&c. go ng to

number of

any citizen of the United States N. Orleans, which shall go down the Mississippi with down the intention to proceed to New Orleans shall, Mississippi, on his arrival at fort Adams, render to the to make recollector or naval officer thereof, a true ac- ports of the count of the number of persons employed hands, &c. on board such boat, raft or flat, and the time that each person has been so employed, and shall pay to the said collector or naval officer at the rate of twenty cents per month, for every person so employed, which sum, he is hereby authorized to retain out of the



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Penalty for
rendering a
false ac-


wages of such person : and the said collector or naval officer shall not give a clearance for such boat, raft or flat, to proceed on her voyage to New Orleans, until an account be rendered to him of the number of persons employed on board such boat, raft or flat, and the money paid to him by the master or owner thereof: and if any such master shall render a false account of the number of persons, and the length of time they have severally been employed, as is herein required, he shall forfeit and pay fifty dollars, which shall be applied to, and shall make a part of,

the said general fund for the purposes of this Persons na- act: Provided, that all persons employed in vigating such boats, navigating any such boat, raft or flat, shall to be consi- be considered as seamen of the United States, dered as sea- and entitled to the relief extended by law to men of the sick and disabled seamen. U. S.

President to

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States be, and appoint a di- he is, hereby authorized to nominate and rector of the appoint for the port of New Orleans, a fit marine hos- person to be director of the marine hospital pital at New of the United States, whose duties shall be


in all instances the same as the directors of the marine hospital of the United States, as directed and required by the act, entituled " an act for the relief of sick and disabled seamen."

Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That each and every director of the marine hospi

Sick foreign
tals within the United States, shall, if it can
seamen may
be admitted with convenience be done, admit into the
in certain


hospital of which he is director, sick foreign seamen, on the application of the master or commander of any foreign vessel to which

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