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council, by their adjournment, prevent its


Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That Powers of the corporation aforesaid shall have full the corporation prescripower and authority to pass all bye-laws bed. and ordinances; to prevent and remove nuisances; to prevent the introduction of contagious diseases within the city; to establish night-watches or patroles, and erect lamps; to regulate the stationing, anchorage and mooring of vessels; to provide for licensing and regulating auctions, retailers of liquors, hackney-carriages, waggons, carts and drays, and pawn-brokers within the city; to restrain or prohibit gambling, and to provide for licensing, regulating or restraining theatrical or other public amusements within the city; to regulate and establish markets; to erect and repair bridges; to keep in repair, all necessary streets, avenues, drains and sewers, and to pass regulations necessary for the preservation of the same, agreeably to the plan of the said city; to provide for the safe keeping of the standard of weights and measures fixed by Congress, and for the regulation of all weights and measures used in the city; to provide for the licensing and regulating the sweeping of chimneys and fixing the rates thereof; to establish and regulate fire-wards and fire-companies; to regulate and establish the size of bricks that are to be made and used in the city; to sink wells, and erect and repair pumps in the streets; to impose and appropriate fines, penalties and forfeitures for breach of their ordinances; to lay and collect taxes; to en

Powers of act bye-laws for the prevention and extinthe corpora- guishment of fire; and to pass all ordinances I tion prescri- necessary to give effect and operation to all


the powers vested in the corporation of the Ordinances city of Washington: Provided, That the and bye-laws bye-laws or ordinances of the said corporanot to be ob- tion, shall be, in no wise, obligatory upon ligatory the persons of non-residents of the said city,

upon strangers but in certain ca


How fines,

&c. may be



Taxes may be collected

by distress



unless in cases of intentional violation of bye-laws or ordinances previously promulgated. All the fines, penalties and forfeitures, imposed by the corporation of the city of Washington, if not exceeding twenty dollars, shall be recovered before a single magistrate, as small debts are, by law, recoverable; and if such fines, penalties and forfeitures exceed the sum of twenty dollars, the same shall be recovered by action of debt in the district court of Columbia, for the county of Washington in the name of the corporation, and for the use of the city of Washington.

Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the person or persons appointed to collect

and sale of personal any tax imposed in virtue of the powers property in granted by this act, shall have authority to collect the same by distress and sale of the Nosale but goods and chattels of the person chargeable upon previ- therewith: no sale shall be made unless ten ous notice. days previous notice thereof be given; no No law to be law shall be passed by the city council subpassed sub- jecting vacant or unimproved city lots, or jecting vacant lots parts of lots, to be sold for taxes.

to sale.

Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That City council the city council shall provide for the support of the poor, infirm and diseased of the to provide


for the support of the

Sec. 10. Provided always, and be it fur- poor. ther enacted, That no tax shall be imposed Limitation by the city council on real property in the of the rate said city, at any higher rate than three quar- on real proters of one per centum on the assessment perty. valuation of such property.

of taxation

act & how

Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That Commencethis act shall be in force for two years, from ment of this the passing thereof, and from thence to the long to be in end of the next session of Congress thereaf- force.

ter, and no longer.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

President of the Senate, pro tempore.

APPROVED, MAY 3, 1802.



Authorizing the Secretary of State to furnish the Members of both Houses with the laws of the Sixth Congress.


ESOLVED, By the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of State be directed to cause to be furnished to each member of the two

Houses of Congress, a copy of the laws of the sixth Congress.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Vice-President of the United States and
President of the Senate.



The sense

by Congress



Expressing the sense of Congress on the gallant conduct of Lieut. Sterret, -the officers and crew of the United States schooner Enterprize.

ESOLVED, By the Senate and House

entertained of America, in Congress assembled, That ofthegallant they entertain a high sense of the gallant conduct of conduct of Lieutenant Sterret, and the other officers, seamen and marines, on board the Sterret in schooner Enterprize, in the capture of a Triof a Tripoli- politan corsair, of fourteen guns and eightan corsair. ty men. President

the capture

RESOLVED, That the President of the requested to United States be requested to present to * lieutenant Sterret, a sword, commemorative of the aforesaid heroic action; and that one

present a sword to



ance of one

month's pay be allowed to all the other of- An allowficers, seamen and marines, who were on month's pay board the Enterprize, when the aforesaid made to the action took place.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Vice-President of the United States and
President of the Senate.



officers, &c.

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