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Tracts of first and third quarters of the ninth township land appro- in the seventh range, and the fourth quarter of the ninth township in the eighth range.

priated for

the use of schools.

Thirdly-So much of that tract, commonly called the "Virginia military reservation," as will amount to one thirty-sixth part of the whole tract, for the use of schools within the same, and to be selected by the legislature of the state of Ohio, out of the unlocated lands in that tract after the warrants issued from the state of Virginia shall have been satisfied; it being however understood, that the donation is not to exceed the whole amount of the above mentioned residue of such unlocated lands, even if it shall fall short of one thirty-sixth part of the said tract.

Fourthly-One thirty-sixth part of all the lands of the United States lying in the state of Ohio, to which the Indian title has not been extinguished, which may hereafter be purchased of the Indian tribes by the United States, which thirty-sixth part shall consist of the section No. sixteen, in each township, if the said land shall be surveyed into townships of six miles square, and shall, if the lands be surveyed in a different manner, be designated by lots.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Appropria- Secretary of the Treasury shall, from time to tion for pub- time, and whenever the quarterly accounts of lic roads in the receivers of public monies of the several the state of land offices shall be settled, pay three per cent


of the nett proceeds of the lands of the United States, lying within the state of Ohio, which since the thirtieth day of June last have been, or hereafter may be sold by the United States, after. deducting all expenses incidental to the same, to such person or persons as may be

authorized by the legislature of the said state to receive the same, which sums thus paid, shall be applied to the laying out, opening and making roads within the said state, and to no other purpose whatever; and an annual account of the application of the same shall be transmitted to the Secretary of the Treasury, by such officer of the state as the legislature thereof shall direct :a nd it is hereby declared, that the payments thus to be made, as well as the several appropriations for schools made by the preceding section, are in conformity with, and in consideration of the conditions agreed Conditions. on by the state of Ohio, by the ordinance of the convention of the said state, bearing date the twenty-ninth day of November last.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Sections for sections of land heretofore promised for the schools; seuse of schools, in lieu of such of the sections, lections of. No. 16, as have been otherwise disposed of, shall be selected by the Secretary of the Treasury, out of the unappropriated reserved sections in the most contiguous townships.

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That Appropriaone compleat township in the state of Ohio, tion for establishing and district of Cincinnati, or so much of any an acadeone compleat township within the same, as mymay then remain unsold, together with as many adjoining sections as shall have been sold in the said township, so as to make in the whole thirty-six sections, to be located under the direction of the legislature of the said state, on or before the first day of October next, with the register of the land office of Cincinnati, be, and the same is hereby vested in the legisla. ture of the state of Ohio, for the purpose of establishing an academy, in lieu of the township already granted for the same purpose, Vol. VI.

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by virtue of the act entitled, "An act authorising the grant and conveyance of certain lands to John Cleves Symmes, and his associates: Provided, however, that the same shall revert to the United States, if within five years after the passing of this act, a township shall have been secured for the said purpose, within the boundary of the patent granted by virtue of the above mentioned act, to John Cleves Symmes, and his associates.

Further pro- Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the vision for an attorney general for the time being, be directed and authorised to locate and accept from the said John Cleves Symmes, and his associates, any one complete township within the boundaries of the said patent, so as to secure the same for the purpose of establishing an academy, in conformity to the provisions of the said patent, and in case of non-compliance, to take, or direct to be taken, such measures as will compel an execution of the trust: Provided, however, That John Cleves Symmes and his associates, shall be released from the said trust, and the said township shall vest in them, or any of them, in fee simple, upon payment into the Treasury of the United States, of fifteen thousand three hundred and sixty dollars, with interest from the date of the above - mentioned patent, to the day of such payment.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

President of the Senate, pro tempore.

March 3, 1803.




An ACT for the relief of Moses White.


it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting officers adjust and settle the claim of Moses White, for his additional pay and emoluments as aid-de-camp to briga. dier general Moses Hazen, from the first day of August, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-one, to the third day of November, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, upon the same principles which have heretofore prevailed in the settlement of the accounts of aids-de-camp to brigadier generals in the line of the revolutionary army; and that they liquidate the same in like manner as though a final settlement certificate, in the customary form, had been issued therefor, when due.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Vice-President of the United States, and

President of the Senate.

March 2, 1803.




An ACT concerning the insurance of buildings, goods and furniture, in the county of Alexandria, in the territory of Columbia.

E it enacted, by the Senate and House of America, in Congress assembled, That the two incorporated bodies of the state of Virginia, the one known by the name of "The mutual insurance society against fire on buildings, in the state of Virginia;" the other called " a mutual insurance company against fire, on goods and furniture in the state of Virginia," or either of them hereafter making insurances on buildings, goods or furniture, situated in the county of Alexandria, in the district of Columbia, according to the laws, rules and regulations, by which the said societies are or may be respectively governed in their insurances in that state, may have the same right and mode of recovery, in the circuit court of the county of Alexandria, in the district of Columbia, against any person so insuring his building, furniture, or property, as the case may be, situated in the county aforesaid, with either of the said societies, which might have been had against him or her, if the person so insuring was resident, and the building, furniture, or property so insured, was situated in the state of Virginia.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


President of the Senate, pro tempore.

March 3, 1803.



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