five years after the fourth day of March next. NATHL. MACON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. STEPHEN R. BRADLEY, President of the Senate, pro tempore. March 3, 1803. APPROVED. TH: JEFFERSON. CHAPTER XC. An ACT to make provision for persons that have been disabled by known wounds received in the actual service of the United States, during the revolutionary war. B E it enacted, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Persons encommissioned officer, non-commissioned of- titled to be ficer, soldier, or seaman, disabled in the ac- placed on the pension tual service of the United States, by wounds list. received during the revolutionary war, and who did not desert the said service, shall be intitled to be placed on the pension list of the United States during life: Provided, Proviso. that in substantiating the claims thereto, the rules and regulations following, shall be complied with: First. All evidence shall be taken on oath Evidence; or affirmation before the judge of the dis before trict in which such invalid reside, or before whom to be some person specially authorised by com taken. Nature of the evidence. Nature of mission from the said judge. Secondly. The evidence relative to any claimant, must prove decisive disability to have been the effect of known wounds received while in the actual line of his duty, in the service of the United States, during the revolutionary war: that this evidence must be the affidavits of the commanding officer or surgeon of the ship, regiment, corps, or company in which such claimant served, or two other credible witnesses to the same effect, setting forth the time and place of such known wound. Thirdly. Every claimant shall be examined the disabil- on oath or affirmation, by some respectable ity. physician or surgeon, to be authorised by commission from the said judge, who shall report in writing his opinion, upon oath or affirmation, of the nature of said disability, and in what degree it prevents the claimant from obtaining his livelihood. time of service. Fourthly. Every claimant must produce Requisite evidence of his having continued in the service of the United States, to the conclusion of the war in seventeen hundred and eighty-three, or being left out of the service in consequence of his disability, or in consequence of some derangement of the army, and of the mode of life or employment he has since followed, and of the original existence and continuance of his disability. Cause of de Fifthly. Every claimant must shew saferring the tisfactory cause to the said judge of the application district, why he did not apply for a pension to be stated. in conformity to laws heretofore passed, } 1 ! before the expiration of the limitation there of. claimants. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That Copies of the said judge of the district or person by the evidence him commissioned as aforesaid, shall give to &c. to be each claimant a transcript of the evidence given to the and proceedings had, respecting his claim; and shall also transmit a list of such claims, accompanied by the evidence herein directed, to the secretary of the department of war, in order that the same may be examined, and if correct, agreeably to the intent Who are to and meaning of this act, the said applicants be placed on are thenceforth to be placed on the pension the pension list of the United States: Provided that in list. Proviso. no case a pension shall commence before the first day of January, eighteen hundred and three, except so far as to offset the commutation of half pay received by such officer, in which case the proper officer is to calculate the pension from the first day of January, seventeen hundred and eighty-four. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That Estimation the pensions allowed by this act shall be esti- of the penmated in the manner following, that is to sions. say: a full pension to a commissioned officer shall be considered the one half of his monthly pay as by law established, and the proportions less than a full pension shall be the like proportions of half pay. And a full pension to a non-commissioned officer, private soldier, or seamen, shall be five dollars per month, and the proportions less than a full pension, shall be the like proportions of five dollars per month, but no pension of a commissioned officer shall be calculated at a higher rate than the half pay of a lieutenant colonel. Pensioners the manner of former ones. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That to be paid in the pensioners becoming such in virtue of this act, shall be paid in the same manner as invalid pensioners are paid, who have heretofore been placed on the pension list of the United States, under such restrictions and regulations, in all respects, as are prescribed by the laws of the United States, in such cases provided. NATHL. MACON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. STEPHEN R. BRADLEY, President of the Senate, pro tempore. March 3, 1803. APPROVED. TH: JEFFERSON. CHAPTER XCI. AN ACT for the relief of Joshua Harvey, and others. E it enacted by the Senate and House of BE That America, in Congress assembled, committing of the several acts of bankruptcy, upon which they were respectively declared bankrupts: Provided that nothing herein contained shall be construed in any manner to impair the right of the United States, to satisfaction of any debt due from either of the above named persons, out of any property which they may hereafter respectively acquire, or out of the effects of the said bankrupts, which are now in, or may hereafter come to the hands of the respective assignees, nor to affect any security which may have been given by the said bankrupts : And provided also, that in case it shall at any time appear, that either of the said bankrupts has been guilty of any concealment of property, or of any manner of fraud, in violation of the provisions of the act intitled "An act to establish an uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States," such person against whom such fraud or concealment shall be so proved, shall forfeit and lose the whole benefit of this act. NATHL. MACON, Speaker of the House of Representatives. STEPHEN R. BRADLEY, President of the Senate pro tempore. |