| John Debritt - 1801 - 528 pages
...both fides, or which may be taken before the exchange of the ratifications, fhall be reftored. IV. The property captured and not yet definitively condemned, or which may be captured before the exchange of the ratifications, except contraband merchandife deftined for an enemy's port, lhall be mutually reftored,... | |
 | William Cobbett - 1801 - 358 pages
...side, or which may be taken before the exchange of ratifications, shall be given up. IV. The properties captured and not yet definitively condemned, or which...be captured before the exchange of ratifications, except contraband merchandise destined for an enemy's port, shall be mutually restored upon the following... | |
 | 1801 - 862 pages
...which may be taken before the exchange of ratifications, (hall be given up. IV. The properties cap:ured and not yet definitively condemned, or which may be captured before the exchange of ratifications, except contraband merchandife deftined for an enemy's port, fliall be mutually reftored upon the following... | |
 | Edmund Burke - 1801 - 824 pages
...taken before the exchange of the ratifications, (hall be reftored. 4th. The property captured and cot yet definitively condemned, or which may be captured before the exchange of the ratifications, except contraband merchandife deftined^for an enemy's port, (hall be mutually reilored... | |
 | 1801 - 764 pages
...taken before the exchange of the ratifications, fliall be reiiored. 4th. The property captured and rot yet definitively condemned, or which may be captured before the exchange of the ratifications, except contraband merchandile dertined for an enemy's port, diall be mutually reftored... | |
 | John Wood - 1802 - 560 pages
...or which may be taken before the exchange of ratifications, shall be given up. " IV. The properties captured and not yet definitively condemned, or which...be captured before the exchange of ratifications, except contraband merchandize destined for an enemy's port, Ooo shall be mutually restored upon the... | |
 | United States. Supreme Court, William Cranch - 1804 - 514 pages
...article of which convention has thefe words : " Property captured, and not yet definitively condemn" ed, or which may be captured before the exchange of " ratifications, (contraband goods deftined to an enemy's " port excepted) fhall be mutually reft ired." " This ar" tide fhall take effo£l... | |
 | United States. Supreme Court, William Cranch - 1812 - 486 pages
...was finally ratified by the president; the fourth article of which convention, has these words : " Property captured, and not yet definitively condemned,...enemy's port excepted,) shall be mutually restored." " This article shall take effect from the date of the signature of the present convention. And if,... | |
 | A. G. Gebhardt - 1816 - 548 pages
...which may be taken before the exchange of ratifications, shall be restored. Art. IV. Property'captured, and not yet definitively condemned, or which may be...exchange of ratifications (contraband goods destined to a* publlquc Franchise i Rome, et conseiller d'&at ; CharlesPierre Claret-Fleurieu, membre de 1'institut... | |
 | 1827 - 516 pages
...free, and debts shall be recoverable in the same marner as if no misunderstanding had intervened. ' 3. Property captured, and not yet definitively condemned,...be captured before the exchange of ratifications, shall be mutually restored. Proofs of ownership to be specified in the convention. x . '4. Some provisional... | |
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