Archelaus of the Chersonese cited, 645, 888.
Archemachus cited, 414.
Archestratus the soothsayer, weighed only one obol, 884.
Archestratus the Syracusan cited, 7, (poetic version, 1123,) 48, 92, 105, 154, (1130,) 168, 169, 174, 185, 193, 196, 260, 262, 437, 447, 449, 450, 452, 460, 461, 462, 468, 471, 473, 476, 477, 479, 480, 482, 487, 489, 491, 494, 496, 501, 502, 503, 505, 506, 507, 510, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 520, 604, 630, 1013. Archidamas, king, fined for marrying a rich instead of a beautiful wife, 905. Archilochus the Parian poet, cited, 11, (poetic version, 1123,) 51, 86, 128, 143, 184, 201, 296, 468, 612, 654, 685, 706, 771, (1186,) 838, 839, 841, 1000, 1002, 1021, 1045, 1099. Archimelus cited, 333. Archippus cited, 144, 151, 159, 359, 436, 482, 489, 495, 506, 517, 519, 524, 541, 668, 671, 798, 1024, 1049, 1683. Archonides the Argive, never thirsty,
Archytas, his kindness to his slaves,
832; cited, 137, 286, 828.
Arctinus the Corinthian cited, 36, 436. Areopagus, persons cited before the, for extravagant living, 268. Arethusa, fountain of, 69. Argas, a parodist, 1024.
Argyraspides, or Macedonian body guard, 863.
Argyris, a drinking cup, 742.
Ariphron cited, 1122, (poetic version, 1222.)
Aristagoras cited, 913.
Aristarchus the grammarian, 65, 86, 295, 297, 301, 797, 801, 1012. Aristarchus the tragic poet cited, 978. Aristeas cited, 994.
Aristias cited, 99, 1095. Aristides cited, 1024.
Aristippus, his retort on Plato, 541; given to luxury, 870; bears the prac- tical jokes of Dionysius, 871; justifies his conduct, 871, 939. Aristobulus of Cassandra cited, 71, 394, 686, 849.
Aristocles cited, 227, 278, 989. Aristocrates cited, 138.
Aristodemus cited, 384, 387, 534, 544,
Aristogeiton cited, 944.
Aristomenes cited, 17, 190, 451, 605, 1040, 1052.
Ariston the Chian cited, 63, 660, 902. Aristonicus cited, 33.
Aristonicus the ball-player, statue to,
Aristonymus the harp-player, 715; his
riddles, 715; cited, 145, 447, 448, 451. Aristophanes cited, 35, 50, 68, 79, 81, 83, 86, 92, 93, 94, 103, 107, 109, 111, 126,
(poetic version, 1129,) 129, 130, 134 144, 145, (1130,) 149, 150, 151, 157, 159, 160, 173, 178, 181, 182, 183, 184, 186, 189, 193, 195, 197, 209, 214, 218, 226, 249, 251, 255, 260, 271, 273, 274, 276, 277, 285, 286, 293, 362, 434, 448, 450, 452, 469, 471, 472, 474, 483, 485, 488, 489, 494, 495, 497, 505, 509, 510, 512, 518, 519, 541, 545, 575, 577, 578, 579, 585, 586, 587, 589, 590, 591, 599, 606, 607, 608, 610, 611, 619, 623, 624, 627, 628, 629, 630, 645, 646, 659, 666, 668, 669, 702, 705, 726, 727, 742, 744, 762, 763, 764, 771, 773, 774, 778, 789, 790, 792, 803, 841, 845, 882, 907, 911, 945, 987, 1003, 1004, 1017, 1025, 1031, 1032, 1033, 1040, 1044, 1045, 1066, 1081, 1086, 1102, 1103, 1104, 1108, 1118, 1119, 1121. Aristophanes the grammarian cited, 138, 143, 361, 451, 591, 604, 644, 797, 930, 987, 1054. Aristophon cited, 104. 375, 376, (poetic version, 1151,) 475, 752, 884, 895, (1190,) 901, (1193,) 902.
Aristos the Salaminan cited, 689. Aristotle wrote drinking songs, 5; criti- cisms on his Natural History, 555; cited, 40, 52, 56, 66, 72, 104, 107, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 154, 174, 277, 288, 293, 372, 428, 436, 442, 443, 447, 449, 450, 461, 464, 467, 469, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 487, 490, 491, 492, 494, 495, 496, 497, 499, 500, 501, 502, 503, 506, 509, 510, 513, 514, 516, 517, 518, 520, 524, 581, 548, 609, 611, 612, 615, 616, 617, 618, 620, 621, 622, 626, 679, 686, 687, 706, 732, 794, 798, 808, 813, 834, 838, 839, 849, 865, 889, 890, 891, 902, 920, 987, 1024, 1025, 1042, 1045, 1046, 1049, 1076, 1077, 1106, 1113, 1114, (poetic version, 1221.)
Aristoxenus, a luxurious philosopher, 11; cited, 76, 278, 279, 283, 286, 660, 744, 872, 889, 988, 989, 991, 995, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1019, 1037.
Armenidas cited, 51.
Arnexias cited, 85.
Aroclum, a kind of drinking cup, 740. Artaxerxes, his favour for Timagoras,
Artemidorus, (the false Aristophanes,) collected sayings on cookery, 7; cited, 184, 609.
Artemidorus the Aristophanian, 283, 609, 775, 1058, 1059, 1060.
Artemidorus of Ephesus cited, 184, 527. Artemon becomes suddenly rich, 854; Anacreonic verses on him, 854. Artemon cited, 826, 1017, 1018, 1109. Artichokes, 116.
Artus, king of the Messapians, 180. Aryasian wine, 54.
Aryballus, a drinking cup, 741.
Arycandians involved in debt through their extravagance, 845. Arystichus, a drinking cup, 742. Asclepiades of Myrlea cited, 82, 740, 756, 760, 778, 779, 780, 797, 801, 802, 806, 908, 1084.
Asclepiades and Menedemus, 269. Asclepiades Tragilenses cited, 720. Asius of Samos cited, 206, 842. Asopodorus, his remark on popular ap- plause, 1008; cited, 1021. Asparagus, 103.
Aspasia, the mistress of Pericles, 854;
fills Greece with courtesans, 911; ac- cused of impiety, and defended by Pericles, 940; cited, 348, 349. Astaci, 174.
Asteropæus, Laurentius likened to, 4. Astydamas the athlete, strength and vo- racity of, 651.
Astydamas, the tragic poet, 56; cited, 65, 648, 793.
Astypalea, island of, overrun with hares, 631.
Atergatis, her love of fish, 546. Athanis cited, 164.
Athenæus, author of the Deipnosophists, 1; cited, 335.
Athenian flattery, 397; loaves, 186; law for the protection of slaves, 419; ban- quets, 733; courtesans, 916, 930. Athenion cited, 1056, (poetic version, 1212.)
Athenion becomes tyrant of Athens, 336. Athenocles the artist, 738.
Athenocles the Cyzicene cited, 291. Athenodorus cited, 832.
Athens, large number of slaves in, 428. Athletes, censure of, 651.
Attic banquet, description of an, 220; form of certain words, 627. Attitudes of guests, 307.
Aurelius, Marcus, the emperor, 3. Autoclees wastes his fortune, and com-
Balani, or sea-acorns, 151.
Ball-play said to be invented by the Lacedæmonians, 23; various kinds, 24. Ball-player, statue erected to a, 31. Bambradon, a fish, 451.
Banishment and death of philosophers, 875, 975.
Banquets, posture at, 29; dancing at, 219; an Attic banquet, 220; Lacedæ- monian, 224; Cretan, 231; Persian, 233; Cleopatra's, 239; Phigalean, 240; Arca- dian, 241; at Naucratis, 241; Egyptian, 242; Thracian, 243; Celtic, 245; Par- thian, 246; Roman, 247; philosophic banquets, 288; described by Homer, 289, 300; by Epicurus, 298; by Xeno- phon, 299; dole-basket, 575; public, on occasion of victory, 853.
Bards, the old Grecian, modest and or- derly, 22.
Barley cakes, 189. Basilus cited, 614.
Bathanati, gold proscribed by the, 369. Baths, their injurious character, 29; various kinds, 40; recommended by Homer, 292.
Bathyllus of Alexandria, the introducer of tragic dancing, 33.
Batiacium, a drinking cup, 742. Baton cited, 171, (poetic version, 1132,) 262, 395, 689, 1022, 1058, (1216,) 1084. Baucalis, a drinking cup, 742. Beans, the Egyptian, 121. Bean-soup, 643.
Beauty, prizes for, 905, 972. Beef, the Greek chiefs fed on, 13. Beer, an Egyptian drink, 56. Beet-root, 584.
Belone, the, a fish, 502.
Bembras, a kind of anchovy, 451. Berosus cited, 1021.
Bessa, a drinking cup, 742. Bibline wine, 51.
Bicus, a drinking cup, 743.
Bill of fare at entertainments, 81. Bion cited, 74.
Bion the Borysthenite cited, 261, 664. Bion of Soli cited, 906.
Birds, traps and nets for catching, 41. Bisaltæ, their device for conquering the Cardians, 834.
Bithynians enslaved by the Byzantines, 426.
Biton cited, 1012. Blackbirds eaten, 108. Blackcap, the, 107. Blæsus cited, 184, 777.
Blema, a kind of bread, 189. Blennus, a fish, 452. Blepsias cited, 188. Boar, the wild, 632.
Boaxes, or boeces, 450, 491; origin of the name, 550.
Boeotian, reply of a, 466.
Boeotians, gluttony of the, 657.
Cæcilius the orator, cited, 429, 735. Cæcilius of Argos, a writer on fishing, 20. Caius Caligula called young Bacchus, 239.
Cakes, various, 1037.
Calamaules. a musical instrument, 281. Calanus the Indian philosopher, death of, 690. Calenian wine, 44. Calliades cited, 632.
Callias, his extravagance, 859. Callias, his Grammatical Tragedy, 433;
cited, 93, 143, 227, 282, 433, 448, 449, 480. 543, 707, 715, 777, 840, 841, 867, 1066.
Callicrates the artist, 738.
Callicthys, or anthias, 442; perhaps dif- ferent fish, 444.
Callimachus cited, 3, 92, 114, 121, 159, 383, 396, 446, 500, 513, 518, 519, 611, 612, 621, 624, 699, 760, 793, 918, 933, 1028, 1067, 1068, 1069.
Callimedon, surnamed the Crab, 173; a fish-eater, 536,537.
Calliphanes, his store of quotations, 6. Callippus, death of, 814; cited, 1067, Callipyge, Venus, 887.
Callisthenes the historian, cited, 120,
Callistion, a drunken woman, 775. Callistium, a courtesan, 933.
Callistratus censures slovenliness of dress, 34; cited, 206, 413, 791, 944, 1111; (poetic version, 1217.) Callixene, a Thessalian courtesan, 687. Callixenus the Rhodian cited, 313, 324, 333, 334, 609, 756, 772, 1081.
Calpinum, or scaphinum, a kind of drinking cup, 757.
Calyca, song so called, 988.
Calydonian boar, questions regarding the, 632.
Camasenes, a generic name for fish, 528. Cambles, king of Lydia, a great glutton, 654; eats his wife, 654.
Cambyses induced to invade Egypt by a woman, 896.
Candaulus, a Lydian dish, 828. Candles and candlesticks, 1118. Cantharus cited, 17, 113, 136, 490, 493. Cantharus, a kind of drinking cup, 754; also a boat, 755; other meanings, 755, 756.
Cantibaris the Persian, his voracity, 655. Capito cited, 552, 670. Cappadocian loaves, 187. Capping verses, 723.
Capua, luxury and fate of, 846; wine of,
Cephalus cited, 945. Cephari, a kind of fish, 481. Cephisodorus cited, 100, 197, 201, 545, 725, 878, 885, 1004, 1065, 1101. Ceraon, a hero honoured in Sparta, 64. Cercidas of Megalopolis cited, 547, 880. Cercops of Miletus cited, 806. Cernus, an earthenware vessel, 760. Ceryx, a shell-fish, 144.
Cestreus, the, 481; why called the Faster, 483.
Chabrias the Athenian, his intemper- ance, 852.
Chæremon cited, 58, 70, 900, 970, (poetic version, 1207,) 971, 1085. Chærephon, a dinner hunter, 264. Chærephon cited, 383, 1080. Chærippus, a great eater, 654.
Chalcedonians, luxury of the, 844. Chalcidic goblets, 803. Chalcis, the, a fish, 517. Chalydonian wine, 46.
Chamæleon cited, 35, 36, 286, 429, 534, 548, 589, 592, 614, 641, 673, 677, 679, 727, 854, 916, 955, 958, 974, 989, 994, 1003, 1049.
Channa, the, a fish, 516.
Char, the, 503; said never to sleep, 503; two kinds, 503.
Chares of Athens, his intemperate life, 852.
Chares of Mitylene cited, 45, 155, 205, 274, 435, 686, 690, 825, 861, 919. Charicleides cited, 512. Charicles cited, 551.
Charidemus of Oreum, his intemper- ance, 689.
Charilas said to be a great eater, 654. Chariton and Melanippus, 960. Charmus cited, 972.
Charmus the Syracusan, his dinner wit, 6. Charon the Chalcidian, 962.
Charon of Lampsacus cited, 622, 757, 834. Cheese, 1052; various kinds, 1052. Cheesecakes, 207; Apician, 10; Phi- loxenian, 8; treatises on the art of making, 1028; various kinds of, 1029. Chelidonium, not the same as the ane- mone, 1093.
Chelidonizein, institution of the, 567; (poetical version, 1166.) Chellones, a kind of fish, 481. Chemæ, shell-fish, 150.
Chenalopex, a bird, 623.
Cherries, 82; brought to Italy by Lucul- lus, 83.
Chestnuts, 89.
Chian wine, 54, 55.
Chians, the first planters of the vine, 43; their tyrants, 407; the first slave pur- chasers, 416.
Chionides cited, 197, 223, 1020. Chios, tyrants of, 407.
Chœrilus, a great fish-eater, 544; cited, 732, 848.
Chonni, drinking cups, 803. Chromis, the, a fish, 517. Chrysippus, 961.
Chrysippus the Solensian cited, 8, 12, 29, 111, 148, 172, 223, 255, 256, 370, 419, 437, 448, 530, 531, 532, 587, 732, 904, 982, 983, 1054, 1097. Chrysippus of Tyana cited, 186, 1034. Chrysocolla, 183.
Chrysogonus cited, 1037. Chrysophrys, the, a fish, 446, 517. Chutrides, drinking cups, 804. Ciboria, or Egyptian beans, 121. Ciborium, a drinking cup, 761. Cilician loaves, 183; wine, 54. Cimon, his liberality, 853. Cindon, a fish-eater, 544.
Cinesias, a very tall and thin man, 882; accused of impiety, 883.
Cissybium, a drinking cup, 760, 768. Citron, 139; an antidote, 141. Clarotæ, the, Cretan slaves, 414. Cleanthes the Tarentine, spoke in metres, 6.
Clearchus the Peripatetic cited, 47, 71, 81, 95, 258, 401, 433, 448, 494, 498, 499, 525, 526, 532, 543, 545, 548, 551, 613, 619, 625, 629, 655, 707, 714, 715, 718, 719, 722, 723, 745, 750, 775, 824, 826, 830, 837, 839, 840, 848, 849, 854, 862, 865, 866, 869, 877, 878, 886, 889, 902, 916, 940, 942, 952, 966, 967, 975, 987, 989, 1021, 1037, 1088, 1097, 1115, 1121.
Clearchus the comic poet, 6, 7, 9; cited, 671, 978, 993, 1026.
Clearchus of Solensium cited, 192. Cleidemus cited, 646, 671, 972, 1055, 1056.
Cleisophus, the parasite, 390.
Cleo, a drunken woman, 96.
Cleobulina of Lindus cited, 707.
Cleobulus the Lindian institutes the chelidonizein, 567.
Cleomenes cited, 619.
Cleomenes of Rhegium cited, 634.
Cleomenes I. of Sparta, goes mad through drunkenness, 673, 689.
Cleomenes III. of Sparta, his entertain- ments, 230.
Cleon, surnamed Mimaulus, 715. Cleon the singer, statue and inscription to, 31.
Cleonymus accused of gluttony, 654. Cleopatra, her sumptuous banquets, 239.
Clepsiambus, a musical instrument,
Collix, 186.
Collyra, 184.
Comedy, invention of, 65. Commodus, the emperor, 860.
Concubines tolerated by wives, 890. Condu, an Asiatic cup, 761. Congers, 453.
Cononius, a drinking cup, 762. Cookery, writers on, 827.
Cooks prepare sham anchovies,11; praises
of their art, 170; their apparatus, 271; their conceit and arrogance, 453, 455; some celebrated ones, 459; cleverness of, 593, 1058; learned cooks, 597, 601; boasts of cooks, 637, 1056; highly honoured by the Sybarites, 832; for- merly freemen, 1053, 1057; jesters, 1054; experienced in sacrifices, 1054; their profession respectable, 1055; a tribe entitled to public honours, 1056. Cook-shops, frequenting, reckoned dis- creditable, 907.
Copis, a Lacedæmonian entertainment,
Coptos, wine of, 155.
Coracini, Coracinus, a kind of fish, 484. Corcyrean wine, 54.
Cordax, a lascivious dance, 635.
Cordistæ, a tribe of Gauls, gold pro-
scribed by the, 369. Cordylis and cordylus, fish, 480.
Corinth, vast number of slaves in, 428. Corinthian wine, 51.
Corœbus, the victor at the Olympic games, a cook, 601. Coronistæ, and coronismata, 567. Coryphæna, a kind of fish, 477. Cothon, a kind of fish, 485; a drinking cup, 770.
Cottabus, throwing the, 674, 739, 764, 1063.
Cotyle, a drinking cup, 763.
Cotylisca or cotylus, a drinking cup,
Cotys, king of Thrace, his luxury and madness, 851.
Couches, kinds of, 78; scented, 79. Courides. See Carides.
Courtesans, rapacity of, 893;
907; plays named from, 907; their artifices, 908; list of, 912; the Abydene, 915; the Athenian, 916; the Corinthian, 916; courtesans of kings, 921, 924; witty sayings of, 923; literature cul- tivated by, 931.
Coverlets, 79; mentioned by Homer, 79. Crabs, 173.
Cranes, fable of their origin, 620. Craneums, a kind of drinking cup, 765. Crates, the artist, 738.
Crates cited, 83, 186, 193, 197, 254, 371, 390, 421, 581, 619, 625, 659, 763, 783, 791, 795, 987, 1044, 1103. Cratanium, a drinking cup, 765. Cratinus cited, 11, 37, 48, 76, 80, 93, 103, 111, 112, 113, 114, 144, 154, 157, 166, 185, 196, 224, 264, 274, 282, 420, 469, 476, 478, 495, 513, 543, 588, 589, 590, 591, 604, 606, 624, 647, 668, 672, 704, 739, 789, 802, 803, 886, 907, 951, 1004, 1020, 1021, 1023, 1033, 1050, 1059, 1064, 1080, 1082, 1087, 1088, 1089, 1094, 1095, 1116.
Cratinus, epigram on, 64.
Cratinus the younger cited, 379, 727, 748, 1057, 1068.
Cratinus the Athenian, 960. Crawfish, 537.
Cremys, a kind of fish, 479. Creophylus cited, 569, (poetic version, 1216.)
Cretan banquets, 231; dances, 296; mu- sic, 1001.
Cribanites, a kind of loaf, 181. Crissæan war, caused by women, 896. Critias cited, 46, 683, 684, 731, 770, 776, 792, 844, 957, 1063.
Criton cited, 277, 828.
Crobylus cited, 89, 178, 181, 390, 405, 575, 604, 701.
Cromylus the comic writer cited, 8.
Crotonians overcome the Sybarites, 834;
dress of their chief magistrate, 836. Crounea, a drinking cup, 765. Crowns, 1072.
Crumbs of bread used to wipe the hands,
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