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-Affembly of divines, Tract of divorce addreffed to them, i. 332.
Athanafius, his notion concerning kings, iii. 181.

Athelftan, the fon of king Edward the elder, by a concubine, fo lemnly crowned at Kingston upon Thames, iv. 190. The confpiracy of one Alfred and his accomplices against him discovered, ibid. He gives his fifter Edgith to Sitric the Dane, but drives Anlaf and Guthfred out of their kingdom, ibid. The story of his dealing with his brother Edwin queftioned as improbable, 191. He overthrows a vast army of Scotch and Irish, under Anlaf and Conftantine, king of Scotland, ibid. 192. He dies at Gloucester, and is buried at Malmsbury, 194. His character, ibid.

Athens, their magiftrates took notice only of two forts of writings, i. 290.

Atticots invade the fouth coast of Britain, iv. 74.

Auguftus, Libels burnt, and the authors punifhed by him, i. 292. Aulus Plautius fent against Britain by the emperor Claudius, iv. 41. He overthrows Caractacus and Togodumnus, 42. Is very much put to it by the Britons, ibid. Sends to Claudius to come over, and joins with him, 43. Leaves the country quiet, and returns triumphant to Rome, 44.

Aurelius Conanus, a British king, one of the five that is faid to have reigned toward the beginning of the Saxon heptarchy, iv. 114. Austin, what he accounted a becoming folace for Adam, ii. 128. Allows fornication a fufficient caufe for divorce, 223. His opinion why God created a wife for Adam, 255. A maintainer of the clergy's right to tithes, iii. 365. Sent with others from Rome, to preach the gospel to the Saxons, iv. 119. Is received by king Ethelbert, who hears him in a great affembly, 120. Is ordained archbishop of the English, 121. Hath his feat at Canterbury, 122. Summons together the British bishops, requiring them to conform with him in points wherein they differed, 123. Upon their refusal, he ftirs up Ethelfrid against them, to the flaughter of 1200 monks, 124.

Auftria, archduke of, fee Leopold.

Autarchy, mentioned by Marcus Aurelius, what it is, iii. 149. Authorities, for the difference of bishops and prefbyters, not to be depended on, i. 64,

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BACON, fir Francis, his complaint of the bifhops" partiality in licenfing pamphlets, i. 157.

Badiaus, John, letter to, i. xxxviii.

Badon-bill, the ill improvement the British made of their fuccefs there, iv. 111.

Bangor, monks of, live by their own labour, iv. 123. Go to a

conference with Austin, ibid.

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Baptifm, facrament of, feems cancelled by the fign added thereto,
i. 128.

Barclay, traduces the English as to their religious tenets, i. 110.
Bardus, one of the first race of kings, fabled to have reigned in this
ifland, iv. 3. Defcended from Samothes, ibid.

Bafil, his opinion as to divorce, ii. 222. Calls the bishops flaves of
flaves, iii. 46.

Bath, by whom built, iv. 13. Its medicinal waters dedicated to
Minerva, ibid.

Bees, the government among them quoted to prove the pope's fu-
premacy, iii. 137.

Belfast, reprefentation and exhortation of the prefbytery there, ii.
355, &c. Remarks on them, 370, &c.

Belgia, Helvetia, and Geneva, their churchmen remarkable for
learning, i. 198.

Belinus fucceeds his father Dunwallo, iv. 18. His contentions
with his brother Brennus, ibid. Their reconciliation, 19. Built
the tower of London, ibid.

Beorn, precedes Ethelred in the kingdom of the East-angles, iv. 160.
Bericus, fleeing to Rome, perfuades the emperor Claudius to invade
this island, iv. 41.

Berinus, a bishop fent by pope Honorius, converts the Welt-Saxons
and their kings to chriftianity, iv. 133.

Bernicia, kingdom of, in Northumberland, begun by Ida, the Saxon,
iv. 110.

Bernulf, ufurping the kingdom of Mercia from Keolwulf, is over-
thrown by Echert at Ellandune, iv. 160. Fleeing to the Eaft-
angles, is by them flain, ibid.

Beza, his interpretation of the word wper Bulégian, i. 185. His opi-
non, of regulating fin by apoftolic laws, not found, ii. 33. His
teftimony concerning Martin Bucer, 64. His notion concerning
divorce, 234.

Bible, put by the papifts in the first rank of prohibited books, i. 300.
Bigot, Emeric, letter to, i. xxx.

Birthric, king of the Weft Saxons after Kinwulf, iv. 153. Secretly
feeks the life of Echert, 157. Is poifoned by a cup which his
wife had prepared for another, 158.

Bishop and deacon, the only ecclefiaftical orders mentioned in the
gofpel, i. 76.

Bishop and prefbyter, two names to fignify the fame order, i. 75.
Equally tyrants over learning, if licenfing be brought in, 315.
Bishopric, the author's opinion of it, i. 253.

Bishops, have been as the Canaanites and Philistines to this king-
dom, i. 34. By their oppofition to king John, Normandy loft,
he depofed, and the kingdom made over to the pope, ibid. No
bishop, no king, an abfurd position, 35. Sometimes we read of
two in one place, 71. Not an order above prefbyters, ibid.


Elected with contention and blood-fhed, 101. St. Paul's de-
scription of and exhortation to them, 179. Not to be compared
with Timothy, 187. If made by God, yet the bishopric is the
king's gift, 198. Moft potent, when princes happen to be most
weak, iii.42.

Bladud, the fon of Rudhuddibras, builds Caerbadus, or Bath, iv. 13.
Bleduno, one in the number of the ancient British kings, iv. 22.
Blegabredus, his excellency in mufic, iv. 22.

Blindness, inftances of men of worth afflicted with, vi. 382.
Boadicia, the wife of Prafutagus, together with her daughters,
abused by the Roman foldiers, iv. 50. Commands in chief in
the British army against the Romans, 52. Vanquished by Sue-
tonius, fuppofed to have poifoned herself, 54.

Bodin, though a papist, affirms prefbyterian church-discipline to be
beft, i. 132.

Bonomattai, Benedict, letters to, i. xi.

Bonofus, endeavouring to make himself emperor, but vanquished by
Probus, hangs himself, iv. 69. A farcafm on his drunkenness,

Books, the heinous crime of killing good ones, i. 290. Some good,
fome bad; left to each man's difcretion, 296. Those of papists
fuffered to be fold and read, iv. 269.

Bordelloes, author's defence from the accufation of frequenting them,
i. 220-222.

Boris procures the death of the emperor of Ruffia, and then af-
cends the throne, iv. 292, 293. His method to procure the
peoples' love, 293.

Bowes, fir Jerom, ambaffador from queen Elifabeth to Ruffia, his
reception and negotiations at that court, iv. 307-310.

Bracton, the power of kings limited, according to him. iii. 282.
Bradshaw, John, character of, vi. 413.

Bradshaw, Richard, fent as agent from the English commonwealth,
to Hamborough, iv. 333.

Brandenburgh, Frederic William marquis of, Oliver's letters to
him, iv. 432. 436.

Bras, Lord Henry de, letters to, i. xxxiii, xxxvii.

Breme, the protector's letters to the confuls and fenators of that city,
iv. 376. 433.

Brennus and Belinus, the fons of Dunwallo Mulmutius, contend
about the kingdom, iv, 18. After various conflicts, reconciled ·
by their mother Conuvenna, 19. They turn their united forces
into foreign parts, but Belinus returns and reigns long in peace,
Britain, hiftory of the affairs thereof altogether obfcure and uncer-
tain, until the coming of Julius Cæfar, iv. 2. Inhabited before
the flood probably, 3. By whom firft peopled, ibid. Named
firft Samothea from Samothes, ibid. Next Albion, and whence,
ibid. Fruitful of courageous men, but not of able governors, 86.

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Britomarus, mentioned by Florus, a Briton, iv. 19.
Britons, about forty years without a king, after the Romans quitted
the ifland, iii. 272. Stoutly oppofe Cæfar at his landing, iv. 28.
Offer him terms of peace, 30. Their manner of fighting, 31.
35. A fharp difpute between the Britons and the Romans near
the Stour in Kent, 33. Defeated by Cæfar, and brought anew
to terms of peace, 37. Their nature and customs, 38, 39. Their
maffacre of the Romans, 52. This revenged by the Romans, 53.
Lived formerly promifcuoufly and incestuously, 67, 68. They
are acquitted of the Roman jurifdiction by the emperor Honorius,
not able to defend them against their enemies, 79. Again fup-
plicate Honorius for aid, who spares them a Roman legion, 88.
And again a new fupply, ibid. Their fubmiffive letters to Ætius
the Roman conful, 92. Their luxury and wickednefs, and cor-
ruptions of their clergy, 93. 111. 112. Their embaffy to the
Saxons for their aid against the Scots and Picts, with the Saxons
anfwer, 96. Miferably harraffed by the Saxons whom they called
in, 98. Routed by Kerdic, 104.106. By Kenric and Keaulin,
110. 115. By Cuthulf, 115. Totally vanquish Keaulin, 116.
Are put to flight by Kenwalk, 139.

Brittenburgh, near Leyden, built or feized on by the Britons in their
escape from Hengift, iv. 99.

Britto, named among the four fons of Hiftion, fprung of Japhet,
and from him the Britons faid to be derived,, iv. 4.

Brook, Lord, for toleration, i. 326.

Brownifis, who are fo, according to Salmafius, iii. 238.
Brutus, faid to be defcended from Eneas a Trojan prince, iv. 5.
Retiring into Greece after having unfortunately killed his father,
he delivers his countrymen from the bondage of Pandrafus, 6, 7.
Marries Innogen, the eldest daughter of Pandrafus, 8. Lands
upon a defert ifland called Leogecia, ibid. Where he confults
the oracle of Diana, 9. Meets with Corineus, 10. Overcomes
Goffarius Pictus, ibid. Arrives in this ifland, ibid. Builds
Troja Nova, now London, 11. Dies and is buried there, ibid..
Brutus furnamed Greenfhield, fucceeds Ebranc, and gives battle to
Brunchildis, iv. 13.

Bucer, Martin, teftimonies of learned men concerning him, ii. 64,
&c. His opinion concerning divorce, embraced by the church
of Strafburgh, 70, 71. His treatife of divorce dedicated to Ed-
ward VI, 79. Remarkable conclufion of his treatise of divorce,

Buchanan, cenfured as an hiftorian, iv. 77. 109. 122. 189.
Buckingham, duke of, accused of poisoning king James the first,
ii. 401.
Burhed, reduces the north Welsh to obedience, iv. 167. Marries
Ethelfwida the daughter of king Ethelwolf, ibid. Driven out of
his kingdom by the Danes, he flees to Rome, where dying, he is

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buried in the English school, 175. His kingdom let out by the
Danes to Kelwulf, ibid.

Burials, reasons against taking of fees for them, iii. 369.

CADWALLON, fee Kedwalla.


Cæfar, the killing him commended as a glorious action by M.Tul-
fius, iii. 231, 253. See Julius Cæfar.

Caius Sidius Geta, behaves himself valiantly against the Britons,
iv. 42.

Caius Volufenus, fent into Britain by Cæfar, to make discovery of
the country and people, iv. 27.

Caligula, a Roman emperor, his expedition against Britain, iv. 41.
Calvin, and Beza, the diffolvers of epifcopacy at Geneva, i. 68.
Calvinifts, taxed with making God the author of fin, iv. 262.
Camalodunum, or Maldon, the chief feat of Cymbeline, iv. 41.
Made a Roman colony, 45. 50.

Camber, one of the fons of Brutus, has allotted to him Cambria
or Wales, iv. II.

Cambridge, burnt by the Danes, iv. 215.

Cambridge univerfity, thought to be founded by Sigebert king of
the Eaft angles, iv. 134.

Cameron, his explanation of St. Paul's manner of speaking, ii.210.
Canterbury, by whom built, iv. 13. Partly taken and burnt by

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the Danes, 216.

Canute, fon of Swane, chosen king after his father's death by the
Danifh army and fleet, iv. 218. Driven back to his ships by
Ethelred, ibid. Returns with a great army from Denmark, ac-
companied with Lachman king of Sweden, and Olav of Norway,
219. Attacks London, but is repulfed, 222. Divides the king-
dom with Edmund by agreement, 223. After Edmund's death
reigns fole king, 225. Endeavours the extirpation of the Saxon
Jine, ibid. Settles his kingdom, and makes peace with the
neighbouring princes,, 226. Caufes Edric, whofe treafon he
had made ufe of, to be flain, and his body to be thrown over the
city-wall, ibid. Subdues Norway, 227. Goes to Rome, and
offering there rich gifts, vows amendment of life, 228. Dies at
Shaftsbury, and buried at Winchester, ibid. His cenfure, ibid.
His remarkable instance of the weakness of kings, 230.
Capis, one in the catalogue of the ancient British kings, iv. 22.
Capoirus, another of the fame number, iv. 23.

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Caractacus, the youngest son of Cunobeline, fucceeds in the kingdom,
iv. 41. Is overthrown by Aulus Plautius, 42. Heads the Silures
against the Romans, 45. Betrayed by Cartifmandua, to whom
he fled for refuge, 46. Sent to Rome, ibid. His Speech to the
emperor, ibid. By the braveness of his carriage, he obtains par-
don for himself and all his company, 47.


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