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(b) If the contents of the package as originally put up shall have been removed, in whole or in part, and other contents shall have been placed in such package, or if the package fails to bear a statement on the label of the quantity or proportion of any alcohol, morphine, opium, cocaine, heroin, chloroform, cannabis indica, chloral hydrate or acetanilid, or any derivative or preparation of any such substances contained therein.

Cattle, Horses, Etc.

Sec. 70. No cattle, swine or sheep shall be driven through any public street or avenue in the Borough of Brooklyn without a permit from the Board of Health in writing, and subject to the conditions thereof.

Sec. 71. No cattle shall be kept in any place where the ventilation is not adequate and the water and food are not of such quality and in such condition as to preserve their health, safe condition and wholesomeness for food.

Sec. 72. No cows shall be kept in The City of New York without a permit from the Board of Health. Every stable and place where any cows, horses, or other animals may be, shall be kept at all times in a cleanly and wholesome condition, and properly ventilated, and no person shall allow any animal to be therein, which is infected with any contagious or pestilential disease.

Sec. 73. No horses shall be yarded and no cattle, swine, or sheep, geese or goats, shall be kept or yarded within or adjacent to the built-up portions of The City of New York, without a permit from the Board of Health.

Sec. 74. No cattle, with or without their young calves, shall be led through or along any of the streets of The City of New York without a permit from the Board of Health, and in strict accordance with the routes, hours, and conditions prescribed thereby; and no person shall lead, attempt to lead, or cause to be led, any cattle otherwise than singly, one person with each, nor upon any sidewalks; provided, however, that sheep may be driven on routes prescribed for them, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the permits issued by the Board of Health.

Sec. 75. No cattle, sheep, swine or calves shall be driven in the streets or avenues of the Borough of Manhattan without a permit from the Department of Health, except in those cases where the said cattle,

sheep, swine or calves shall be landed at the foot of the street leading to the slaughterhouse to which they shall be destined, and where the streets shall be effectively barred or closed, so as to prevent the escape of such cattle, etc., during the transfer from the dock to the slaughterhouse. No cattle, sheep, swine or calves shall be landed in the Borough of Manhattan except in accordance with the provisions and restrictions. of this ordinance.

No cattle, calves, swine or sheep shall be driven in the Boroughs of The Bronx, Queens or Richmond, except in such streets, avenues or roads as shall be set apart and designated by the Board of Health.

Sec. 76. No cellar in The City of New York shall be occupied as a stable for horses, cattle or other animals, without a permit from the Board of Health.

Sec. 77. No cattle shall be placed or carried, while bound or tied by their legs, or bound down by their necks, in any vehicle in said city, but shall be allowed freely to stand in such vehicles when transported, and while being therein.

Sec. 78. No person shall take or drive or allow to go or be taken (having the right and ability to prevent the same), any horse or other animal, or any vehicle, upon any sidewalk or foot-path in front of any building, to the peril of any person; nor shall any person block up or obstruct any street or place, or contribute thereto.

Fowls and Small Animals.

SEC. 79. No live chickens, geese, ducks, or other fowls, shall be brought into, or kept, or held, or offered for sale, or killed, in any yard, area, cellar, coop, building, premises, or part thereof, or in any public market, or on any sidewalk, except upon premises used for farming in unimproved sections of the city, without a permit from the Board of Health and subject to the conditions thereof.

Sec. 80. No person shall sell or keep for sale at any place in The City of New York any dogs, cats, birds or other small animals, without a permit from the Board of Health.

Sec. 81. No live pigeons shall be kept within the built-up portion of The City of New York without a permit from the Board of Health and subject to the conditions thereof.

Slaughtering and Slaughter-Houses.

Sec. 82. No person shall kill or dress any animal or meat in any market, and the keeping and slaughtering of all cattle, and the preparation and keeping of all meat and fish, birds and fowl, shall be in that manner which is, or is generally reputed or known to be, best adapted to secure and continue their safety and wholesomeness as food.

Sec. 83. The business of slaughtering cattle, sheep, swine, pigs or calves shall not be conducted in The City of New York without a permit from the Board of Health. Nor shall such business be conducted unless the same shall be in buildings located on or near the water front, and all buildings shall be constructed so as to receive all stock deliverable thereat from boats, cars, or transports, and to secure the proper care and disposition of all parts of the slaughtered animals upon the premises, or the immediate removal thereof by means of boats. It shall not be unlawful, however, to slaughter cattle, sheep, swine, pigs or calves on the Borough of Brooklyn, at such places where such business was established and carried on on January 3, 1898.

Sec. 84. The business of slaughtering cattle, sheep, swine, pigs or calves in the Borough of Manhattan shall be conducted on the west side of the borough between the north of the middle line of the block between West Thirty-eighth and West Thirty-ninth streets and the south side of West Forty-first street, Eleventh avenue and North River, inclusive; and the slaughtering of cattle, sheep or calves on the east side of the borough shall be between the north of the middle line of the block between East Forty-second and East Forty-third streets and the south side of East Forty-seventh street, First avenue and East River, inclusive.

Sec. 85. No building shall be erected or converted into, or used as a slaughter-house in The City of New York until the plans thereof have been duly submitted to the Board of Health and approved in writing by said Board; and no building occuped as a slaughter-house or any part thereof, or any building on the same lot, shall be occupied at any time as a dwelling or lodging place; and every such building shall at all times be kept adequately and thoroughly ventilated.

All floors where any meat, refuse, offal, fertilizer or any other materials, derived directly or indirectly from slaughtering of animals, are

treated or handled must be made water tight, properly drained and sewer-connected, and the walls of the killing, meat dressing and cooling rooms must be covered to the height of six feet above the floor with some non-absorbent material.

The yards, other than where cattle are kept, must be cemented or paved so as not to absorb liquid filth, and be so graded as to permit the same to flow into the sewer opening.

All woodwork, except floors and counters, must be painted or whitewashed.

Blood from slaughtered animals must not be allowed to flow into the sewer or river, but while still fresh must be treated so as not to become offensive. All offensive odors arsing from the handling of meat and treating of and caring for offal, blood or any other material stored or manufactured, must be cared for by destruction or condensation, and not allowed to escape into the outside air.

Sec. 86. No horses shall be slaughtered in The City of New York without a permit from the Board of Health.

The bringing into The City of New York and the keeping and selling of horse flesh for food, and the slaughtering of horses for food in said city are prohibited.

Sec. 87. No offal or butcher's refuse shall be conveyed through any street or avenue or over any ferry in The City of New York without a permit from the Board of Health and when so conveyed must be in tight boxes, barrels or receptacles, and tightly covered so that no odor shall escape there from.

No offal or butcher's refuse shall be brought into The City of New York.

Offensive Trades.

Sec. 88. No person shall permit or have any offensive water or other liquid or substance on his premses or grounds, to the prejudice of life or health, whether for use in any trade or otherwise; and no establishment or place of business for tanning, skinning, or scouring, or for dressing hides or leather, or for carrying on any offensive or noisome trade or business, shall hereafter be opened, started, established or maintained in The City of New York, without a permit from the Board of Health. And every such establishment now existing shall

be kept cleanly and wholesome, and be so conducted in every particular as not to be offensive, or prejudicial to life or health.

Sec. 89. No person or corporation being a manufacturer of gas, or engaged about the manufacturere thereof, shall throw or deposit or allow to run, or shall permit to be thrown or deposited in any public waters, river or stream, or in any sewer therewith connected, or in any street, or public place, any gas, tar, or any refuse matter of or from any gas-house works, manufactory, mains or service pipes; or permit the escape of any offensive odors from their works, mains or pipes; nor shall any such person or corporation permit to escape from any of their works, mains, or pipes, any gas dangerous or prejudicial to life or health, or manufacture illuminating gas of such ingredients and quality that in the process of burning it any substance which may escape therefrom shall be dangerous or prejudicial to life or health; or fail to use the most approved or all reasonable means for preventing the escape of odors.

No buildings shall be erected or converted into, or used as a place for the manufacture of illuminating gas, until the plans of such buildings and the location thereof have been duly approved in writing by the Board of Health.

Sec. 90. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons, incorporated or unincorporated, to carry on, establish, prosecute, or continue, within the Borough of Manhattan, the occupation, or trade, or business of bone boiling, bone burning, bone grinding, horse skinning, cow skinnng, or skinning of dead animals, or the boiling of offal; and any such establishment or establishments, or place of such business existing within said borough, shall be forthwith removed out of sail borough, and such trade, occupation, or business shall be forthwith abated and discontinued, providing that nothing in this section contained shall apply to the slaughtering or dressing of animals for sale in said city.

Sec. 91. The business of bone crushing, bone boiling, bone grinding, bone or shell burning, lime making, horse skinning, cow skinning, glue making from any part of dead animals, gut cleaning, hide curing, fat rendering, boiling of fish, swill or offal, heating, drying, storing of blood, scrap, fat, grease or offensive animal or vegetable matter,

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