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tion of farm in

in the county of Wayne; and whereas, the said farm stands charged on the assessor's books of the county of Logan, at the value of thirteen thousand four hundred and forty dollars Excessive valua- and seventy-five cents, which is greatly in excess of the real value of said farm; and whereas, the said farm is now owned by F. A. Donohower, and has been placed on the land books of the county of Wayne, by the board for the correction of the land books, and valued at five dollars and fifty-five cents per acre, as provided by section eight of chapter twenty-nine of the code of West Virginia. Therefore,


Valuation in

Taxes above valuation in Wayne released.

Unpaid taxes to be corrected.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

That all taxes now charged on the said tract of land mentioned in the preamble to this act, above and beyond the value of five dollars and fifty-five cents per acre, be and the same are hereby released; and the sheriff or collector of Logan county, in whose hands the taxes on said tract of land may be for collection, is hereby required and authorized to correct the amount of taxes now charged on said tract of land, so as to charge the same at the said sum of five dollars and fifty-five cents per acre, so far as they may remain unpaid, upon that valuation.

$85.20 appropriated to refund taxes erroneously collected.

CHAPTER 105.—An ACT for the relief of Alstorpheus Wer


Passed March 3, 1870.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia :

The sum of eighty-five dollars and twenty cents, with interest thereon from the thirteenth day of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Alstorpheus Werninger, being the amount of taxes for county purposes on twenty thousand acres of land, lying on the waters of Waters Bond's Creek, in the county of Ritchie, and paid by said Werninger both to the auditor of state and the recorder of Ritchie county.

CHAPTER 106.-An ACT appropriating the public revenue for the fiscal year 1870.

Passed March 3, 1870.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

ments legalized.

1. All payments heretofore made by the treasurer of this Certain paystate, in excess of appropriations authorized by law, and all payments made since the thirtieth day of September, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, by virtue of appropriations made by the act passed March fourth, eighteen hundred and sixtynine, entitled "An Act appropriating the public revenue for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and sixty-nine," or under the provisions or by virtue of any general or special law requiring such payments, if made upon warrants legally issued by the auditor, are hereby legalized. And all money remaining in the treasury on the first day of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, or that may have since been thereinto paid, the surplus of all appropriations made prior to the General fund. nineteenth day of January, eighteen hundred and seventy, and all money that may come into the treasury before the first day of October, eighteen hundred and seventy, subject to appropriation for state purposes, shall constitute a general Appropriations. fund, and be appropriated as follows:

For expenses of the legislature of eighteen hundred and Legislature. seventy, twenty thousand dollars.

For rent and repair of Linsley Institute, one thousand one Rent of Linsley hundred dollars.


judges, clerk and

For salaries of the judges of the supreme court of appeals, Salaries of and the circuit courts, thirty thousand dollars; for salary of reporter. the clerk of the supreme court of appeals, one thousand dollars; and for salary of the reporter of the supreme court of appeals, one thousand dollars.

For contingent expenses of courts, four thousand two hun- Contingent exdred dollars.

penses of courts.


For criminal charges, the arrest, conveyance and support of Criminal charcriminals in jails, conveying to jails and penitentiary, pay of witnesses, jurors, etc., twenty-seven thousand dollars.

For support of convicts in the penitentiary, sixteen thou- Support of consand dollars.


For pay of guards at the penitentiary, eight thousand five Guards at penihundred dollars.


For current expenses proper of the hospital for the insane, Current expenses thirty-one thousand two hundred dollars.

hospital for the insane.

Transportation of patients.

Laundry of hos


Lunatics in jails.

Salaries and

house rent of ex

For transportation of patients to hospital for the insane, two thousand five hundred dollars.

For enlarging the laundry of the hospital for the insane, eight hundred dollars.

For expenses of lunatics in jails and elsewhere than in the hospital for the insane, fifteen thousand dollars.

For salary of the governor, two thousand dollars; for rent ecutive officers. of mansion for the governor, seven hundred and fifty dollars; for house rent for the auditor, four hundred dollars; for house rent for the secretary of the state, four hundred dollars; for house rent for the treasurer, four hundred dollars; for house rent for the adjutant general, four hundred dollars; for salary of the auditor, fifteen hundred dollars; for salary of the secretary of the state, thirteen hundred dollars; for salary of the treasurer, fourteen hundred dollars; for salary of the adjutant general, fifteen hundred dollars; for salary of the attorney general, one thousand dollars; for office rent and contingent expenses for the attorney general, three hundred dollars.


Contingent penses of executive offices.

Vaccine agent.

Janitor and guard.

Public printing.

Printing W. Va. reports.

Clerk house of delegates.

For the civil contingent fund, six thousand dollars; for contingent expenses of the office of the secretary of the state, six hundred dollars; for salary of clerk in the office of the secretary of the state, one thousand dollars; for contingent expenses of treasurer's office, two hundred dollars; for salary of clerk in the treasurer's office, eight hundred dollars; for contingent expenses of adjutant general's office, seventyfive dollars; for salary of clerk in the adjutant general's office, one thousand dollars; for contingent expenses of the auditor's office, one thousand six hundred dollars; for salary of first clerk in auditor's office, one thousand two hundred dollars; for salary of second clerk in auditor's office, one thousand dollars; for salary of third clerk in auditor's office, eight hundred dollars.

For half year's salary of vaccine agent, up to March thirty-first, eighteen hundred and seventy, seventy-five dollars.

For pay of janitor and guard of executive offices and capitol buildings, one thousand dollars.

For public printing, eight thousand dollars.

For printing the third volume of West Virginia reports, one thousand nine hundred and seventy-two dollars.

For clerk of the house of delegates, as keeper of the rolls, three hundred dollars.

mal school.

For salary of the clerk of the board of regents of the state Regents of nornormal school, two hundred and fifty dollars; for expenses of the board of regents of the state normal school, two hundred dollars.

births, deaths, and marriages.

For expenses of registration of births, deaths, and mar- Registration of riages, two hundred dollars. For refunding capitation taxes under the act of February Refunding capi fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, two thousand five hundred dollars.

tation taxes.

For refunding overpaid taxes, commissions, etc., six thous- Refunding overand dollars.

paid taxes.

For refunding taxes erroneously assessed, five hundred Refunding errodollars.

neous taxes.


For expenses of registering voters, nine thousand dollars; Registering vofor serving notices, printing, and defending suits under registration act, six hundred dollars.

ers at normal

For salary of teachers at Marshall college, state normal Salaries of teachschool, two thousand five hundred dollars; for salary of schools. teachers at the Fairmont branch, state normal school, two thousand five hundred dollars; for salary of teachers at the West Liberty branch, state normal school, two thousand dollars; for current expenses of the West Virginia university, West Virginia two thousand eight hundred and fifty-five dollars; for expenses of the board of regents of the West Virginia university, two hundred and fifty dollars; for amount necessary to meet contract for new building at Marshall college, five New building at thousand eight hundred and fifty-six dollars and eighty-two



Marshall college.

For salary of librarian, six hundred dollars; for insurance State law library. of state library, two hundred dollars; for the purchase of books for the state law library, to be expended under the direction of the supreme court of appeals, five hundred dollars; for insurance of state school buildings, five hundred Insurance of dollars.


For salary of superintendent of weights and measures, Superintendent, three hundred dollars.

of weights and




For pay of commissioners appointed to value railroad Railroad property, five hundred dollars; for expenses of civil suits, Civil suits. including pay to state agents, two thousand dollars; for expenses of completing the code, one thousand dollars. But Code. no part of said one thousand dollars shall be paid until the Proviso as to apcode, with a full and complete index thereto, has been com- Po pleted and placed in the hands of the public printer.

propriation for

Balance on ap

propriations already made.

Z. D. Ramsdell.

Printing code.

Furniture for

Marshall college.

For balance on appropriations already made, twenty-seven thousand three hundred and eighty-three dollars and thirty cents, to be applied as follows:

For relief of Z. D. Ramsdell, chapter one hundred and thirty-four of the acts of eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, one thousand eight hundred dollars and fifty-seven cents; for Military claims. military claims, audited by the board of claims, act of March fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, five thousand two hundred and ninety-six dollars and forty-two cents; for public printing, which includes printing of the code, act of March fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, seven thousand and eighty-two dollars and eighty-two cents; for purchasing furniture and apparatus for Marshall College, act of February seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, one thousand seven hundred and forty-one dollars and five cents; Clerk of court of for salary of clerk of supreme court of appeals, act of March fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, two hundred and fifty dollars; for salary of reporter of supreme court of appeals, act of March fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, two hundred and fifty dollars; for salary of attorney general, act of March fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, two Witnesses in in- hundred and fifty dollars; for pay of witnesses before comhospital for the mittee of investigation of affairs of hospital for the insane,



Attorney general.

vestigation of


Ground and buildings at Marshall college.

Building penitentiary.

Buildings at university.

Deaf, dumb and

blind at Staunton.

Militia claims.

Safe in auditor's office.

Coal and gas.

chapter seven, acts of eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, one hundred and fifteen dollars; for purchase of ground and erecting of buildings at Marshall College, act of February twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, twelve thousand one hundred and eighteen dollars and eighteen


For the penitentiary, to be applied to building purposes, twenty thousand dollars.

For the West Virginia University, to be applied to building purposes, twenty thousand dollars.

For expenses of the deaf, dumb, and blind, in the asylum at Staunton, Virginia, one thousand five hundred and seventy-two dollars and seventy-five cents.

For payment of militia claims, six thousand one hundred and thirty-five dollars and nine cents.

For the purchase of a fire-proof safe for certain valuable books in the auditor's office, four hundred dollars.

For coal and gas used in the legislative halls and executive offices, two hundred and seventy-five dollars.

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