time to time to one hundred thousand dollars in all. The capital so subscribed is divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, which are held by the undersigned, respectively, as follows, that is to say: by A. C. Partridge, one hundred and sixty-six shares; Mary E. Plummer, ten shares; George W. Robinson, ten shares; A. J. Charnock, ten shares; A. M. Becker, two shares; Frew, Hagans & Hall, one share; Lewis Baker & Co., one share. And the capital to be hereafter sold is to be divided into shares of the like amount. Given under our hands this eighteenth day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine. [Signed,] A. C. PARTRIDGE, FREW, HAGANS & HALL, by A. C. Partridge, their att'y in fact. LEWIS BAKER & Co., by A. C. Partridge, their att'y in fact. GEO. W. ROBINSON, A. M. BECKER." Wherefore, the corporators named in the said agreement, and who have signed the same, are hereby declared to be, from this date until the twentieth day of December, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, a corporation by the name and for the purpose set forth in said agreement. Given under my hand and the great seal of the said state, at the city of Wheeling, this twentieth day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine. SEAL. JAMES M. PIPES, Secretary of the State. WORKINGMEN'S BUILDING ASSOCIATION. I, James M. Pipes, secretary of the state of West Virginia, hereby certify that an agreement, duly acknowledged and accompanied by the proper affidavits, has been this day delivered to me; which agreement is in the words and figures following: "The undersigned agree to become a corporation, by the name of 'Workingmen's Building Association,' for the purpose of raising money to be used among the members of such corporation, in buying lots or houses, or in building and repairing houses; which corporation shall keep its principal office or place of business at Wheeling, in the county of Ohio, and is to expire on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and eighty-five. And for the purpose of forming the said corporation, we have subscribed the sum of one thousand eight hundred dollars, and have paid in on said subscription the sum of two hundred dollars, and desire the privilege of increasing the said capital by sales of additional shares, from time to time, to five hundred thousand dollars in all. The capital so subscribed is divided into shares of one hundred and fifty dollars each, which are held by the undersigned respectively as follows: by John A. Ritz, residence in Wheeling, West Virginia, four shares; Robert Emblen, Wheeling, West Virginia, two shares; Patrick Burke, Wheeling, West Virginia, two shares; Peter Wendel, Wheeling, West Virginia, two shares; Thomas Pendergrast, Wheeling, West Virginia, two shares. And the capital to be hereafter sold is to be divided into shares of the like amount. Given under our hands this twenty-second day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine. [Signed,] JOHN A. RITZ, THOMAS PENDERGRAST, PATRICK BURKE, ROBERT EMBLEN." Wherefore, the corporators named in the said agreement, and who have signed the same, are hereby declared to be, from this date until the first day of January, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, a corporation by the name and for the purpose set forth in said agreement. Given under my hand and the great seal of the said state, at the city of Wheeling, this twenty-third day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine. JAMES M. PIPES, SEAL. Secretary of the State. FIRST MUTUAL STORE OF NEWBURG. I, James M. Pipes, secretary of the state of West Virginia, hereby certify that an agreement duly acknowledged and accompanied by the proper affidavits, has been this day delivered to me; which agreement is in the words and figures following: "The undersigned agree to become a corporation by the name of the First Mutual Store of Newburg,' for the purpose of carrying on the business of a retail dealer in dry goods, groceries, etc.; which corporation shall keep its principal office or place of business at Newburg, in the county of Preston, West Virginia, and is to expire on the first day cf January, eighteen hundred and eighty. And for the purpose of forming the said corporation, we have subscribed the sum of five hundred dolars to the capital stock thereof, and have paid in on said subscriptions the sum of fifty dollars; and desire the privilege of increasing the said capital by sales of additional shares, from time to time, to ten thousand dollars in all. The capital so subscribed is divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, which are held by the undersigned, respectively, as follows, that is to say: Wm. Hubbard, one share; John H. Henry, one share; Eli T. Nine, one share; B. F. Talbott, one share; and J. M. Allen, one share; all of Newburg, Preston county, West Virginia. And the capital hereafter to be sold is to be divided into shares of like amount. Given under our hands, this fifteenth day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine. [Signed,] WM. HUBBARD, JOHN H. HENRY, BENJ. F. TALBOTT, J. M. ALLEN." Wherefore, the corporators named in the said agreement, and who have signed the same, are hereby declared to be, from this date until the first day of January, eighteen hundred and eighty, a corporation by the name and for the purpose set forth in said agreement. Given under my hand and the great seal of the said state, at the city of Wheeling, this twenty-third day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty nine. SEAL. JAMES M. PIPES, LIST OF COMMISSIONERS In other States, appointed by the Executive of West Virginia, during the years 1869 and 1870, with the residence and date of appointment of each Commissioner; also, the date when evidence of their qualifications were filed. The term of office of Commissioners under said appointment is two years. States. Names of Commissioners. Residence, ment. Date of appoint-When evidence of qualification was filed. Franklin A. Wilcox New York....... Feb. 18, 1869 Feb. 24, 1869 Christ'n Von Hesse. Ohio.................. Wm. Henry Gorrill. Toledo............ Mar. 8, 1869 Mar. 12, 1869 Sam'l S. Carpenter Cincinnati. Mar. 13, 1869 Mar. 18, 1869 ...... New York.......... Judson Jarvis........ New York....... Apr. 6, 1869 April 22, 1869 Maryland... H. L. Emmons, Jr. Baltimore........ Apr. 12, 1869 April 16, 1869 ...... Apr. 13, 1869 April 17, 1869 New York.......... W. E. Osborn........ Brooklyn.. .... Matthew Lee......... Newark........... Apr. 13, 1869 April 27, 1869 New York.......... Horace Andrews.... New York....... Apr. 16, 1869 April 21, 1869 May 5, 1869.. Maryland........... Wm. B. Hill.......... Baltimore. Mar. 20, 1869 April 22, 1869 1869 Maryland... Henry R. Dulany.... Baltimore........ July 2, 1869 July 17, 1869 California........... Frank V. Scudder... San Francisco.. July 12, 1869 Pennsylvania...... Wm. F. Robb......... Pittsburg......... Aug. 7, 1869 Aug. 11, 1869 New York.......... Wm. F. Lett.......... New York. Aug. 10, 1869 Aug. 15, 1869 District Columbia Jos. T. K. Plant..... Washington..... Aug. 11, 1869 Aug. 18, 1869 New York.......... Jos. B. Nones........ New York.......Aug. 17, 1869 Aug. 19, 1869 |