CHARTERS-Continued. Pennsylvania and West Virginia Railroad.................... Philippi school district, amended.......... Pittsburg, Virginia and Charleston Railroad extended.. Point Pleasant Literary Society....... Ravenswood school district....... Roney's Point and West Union turnpike.......... Shenandoah Bridge Company........ Shenandoah Valley Railroad....... ..... Uniontown and West Virginia railroad, subscriptions to....... Washington and Ohio Railroad, 2.............. West Virginia Central Railway, amended............ West Virginia Historical Society..... Weston, act extending limits repealed..... 121 CHEAT RIVER BOOM AND LUMBER COMPANY. ......... ......... Privilege of constructing booms on Cheat river, 3........... .......................... .............. 122 122 122 Sale of unclaimed timber-disposition of proceeds, 6............... Penalty for converting timber-Cheat river a public highway—liability of 123 123 .......... Meaning of words "logs" and "timber," 10.. 123 Booms of Rowlesburg L. and I. company, 11.............. ................... Rowlesburg L. and I. company to pass timber marked for boom below- Contract under which company was formed confirmed, 1......... Principal office-service of process, 4.... Savings banks and fiduciaries authorized to invest in bonds of................ CHILDREN, ORPHANS AND DESTITUTE (See Orphans)...... CHURCH AUTHORIZED TO BORROW MONEY. Penny Chapel, United Brethren, Parkersburg... CHURCH PROPERTY, SALE OF, AUTHORIZED. M. E. church in Lincoln county. 13 18 23 74 103 105 ..................................... Third circuit.......... Eighth circuit....... 11 8 CIRCUIT JUDGES Ninth circuit. ........................................ Tenth circuit........... May dissolve injunctions in vacation............ Judge of first circuit may appoint short hand writer....... CIRCUITS, JUDICIAL, Cases to be arranged by, on docket of supreme court of appeals... CIVIL CONTINGENT FUND PAGE. 17 Copies to be distributed to members of the legislature.......... ....... CODE OF WEST VIRGINIA, AMENDMENTS TO, ... 64 17 35 9 17 .... 135 135 162 Chapter 3, section 119, amended... 16 Commencement of act, 4...... 136, sections 10, 11, 12, and 13 repealed.......................... 137, section 20, amended...... COLLECTION OF TAXES. Sheriffs to collect all public taxes, except municipal, ¿1.............................................. Inconsistent acts repealed, 3....................... Present township treasurers not affected, 5.............. COLLECTORS Allowed same commissions as when they entered office......... COLLINS, ANDREW J., Marriage of, with Sarahetta Cottrill, legalized........... COLSTEN, SARAH JANE, Taxes refunded to....... COMMISSIONERS, List of........... COMMISSIONS OF SHERIFFS AND COLLECTORS, COMMITTEES, JOINT, To investigate affairs of penitentiary....... CONGRESS, alleged illegal charges for freight and passengers on the B. Requested not to reduce duty on foreign coal........... 145 ....145, 157 ......... 135 to amend pension law so as to grant pensions to certain persons.. 142 150 apply proceeds of sale of Harper's Ferry property favorably 148 aid completion of water line from western states to Atlantic 156 Baltimore and Ohio Gas Coal Company, The.......... Baltimore and West Virginia Wool Growing, Mining, and Manufacturing Barnsville Manufacturing Company, The.................... Berkeley Savings Bank..... ....... Berkeley Springs Hotel Company, The......... Charleston Lumber and Manufacturing Company, The.......... 136 Cheat River Lumbering and Manufacturing Company, The.................... Concord Union...... ............................................. European Exchange office of B. Kammer.. Fairmont Gaslight Coal Company of West Virginia....... Fairview Woolen Manufacturing and Mining Company,. The............. 199 German Beneficial Society of the City of Wheeling, The. 174 German Printing and Publishing Association of Wheeling, The.......................... 169 Jefferson Savings Bank, The........ 189 Laurel Fork Oil and Coal Company... 204 Manhattan and West Virginia Wool Growing, Mining, and Manufacturing 186 Marion County Agricultural, Mechanical, and Mineral Association, The.. 210 176 Mercantile Fire Insurance Company 208 Moorefield Building Co-operative Association, The........... 171 New York and West Virginia Wool Growing, Mining, and Manufacturing New York Southern Land Company.. Odd Fellows Building Association, The......................... Philadelphia Cannel Coal Company....... 203 187 188 Philadelphia and West Virginia Wool Growing, Mining and Manufacturing Company.... Pioneer Packet Campany, The..... Point Pleasant Marine Railway Company, The......... St. Joseph's Catholic Beneficial Society............. ...... 173 194 ........................... 163 192 200 State Insurance Company of Parkersburg, West Virginia..... 165 217 167 Valley Fire Insurance Company of West Virginia........... 178 Valley City Salt Company...... Valley Fire Insurance Company of West Virginia, change of name of...... 211 Wood County Building Association, The.......... Workingmen's Building Association..... Workingmen's Mutual Building and Loan Association, The......... Style of corporation-president and secretary-meeting and quorum of regents, 1. 130 DEAF AND DUMB AND BLIND-Continued. Establishment of temporary institution-furniture-when school to be By-laws-reports of officers-report of board, 7.. PAGE. First meeting and its business, 2.. 130 Principal; his duties, 3..... 130 opened, 4... 131 Officers of institution-salaries-physician, 5.. 131 Bonds of principal and steward, 6.. 131 131 Fiscal year of the institution, 7.. 132 Institution to accommodate forty persons--transportation of youth from Who admitted as pupils-record of pupils-term of pupilage, 9. Course of instruction, 10.. Assessors to register deaf and dumb and blind, and to report to auditor— auditor's report, 11............ Assessors' compensation, 11....... $8,000 appropriated, 12........ DEATHS AND BIRTHS, Time of transmitting register of......................................... DEBT OF VIRGINIA, 74 .158, 159 Governor authorized to appoint commissioners to confer with them......... 161 Western Mining and Manufacturing Company to Philadelphia Cannel 126 DEEDS OF TRUST, SALES UNDER, Law respecting, amended........... 65 DEER, Law respecting running or killing of, amended-time for running limited.. 35 DELINQUENT LISTS, 100 101 ......... 149 Presented before April 1, 1870, to be allowed, 1................ DESTITUTE CHILDREN AND ORPHANS. (See "Orphans.")............... DISCIPLES' CHURCH, At West Liberty, sale of, authorized......... DISSOLUTION OF INJUNCTIONS By circuit judges in vacation........ DOCKET OF SUPREME COURT, Authorized to establish a ferry across the Little Kanawha river............... 54 DUCK CREEK M. P. CHURCH, Sale of parsonage lot authorized.. 103 |