ACTS. CHAPTER 1.-An Act to alter the terms of the Circuit Courts in the Tenth Circuit. Passed January 20, 1870. Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia : The commencement of the terms of the circuit courts in Terms of court in the several counties of the tenth circuit, instead of being as heretofore prescribed by law, shall be as follows: For the county of Jackson, on the first day of March, Jackson. August, and November. For the county of Roane, on the first day of April, and on Roane. the tenth day of August and November. For the county of Gilmer, on the eighth day of April, and Gilmer. the eighteenth of August and November. For the county of Calhoun, on the fifteenth day of April, Calhoun, and the twenty-fifth day of August and November. CHAPTER 2.-An ACT to incorporate the Shenandoah Bridge Company. Passed January 26, 1870, Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia: 1. That John Neer, Lewis Washington, James T. Reed, Corporators. Thomas A. Kirwan, James Watson, and Charles L. Hopwood, of Harper's Ferry, in the county of Jefferson, or any three of them respectively, at the place and in the county aforesaid, are hereby appointed and authorized to open books of subscription to the capital stock of a company to be called "The Shenandoah Bridge Company," which is authorized to con- Style of company struct a toll bridge over the Shenandoah river, at Harper's Ferry aforesaid, in the county aforesaid; said bridge to be constructed sufficiently high so as not to interfere with the navigation of said river. Construction of bridge, |