| Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 pages
...commendeth his LOVE towards us, in that while we Were yet SINNERS, Cbrift died for us. 7. For fcarcely for a righteous Man will one die : yet peradventure for a good Man fome would even dare to die. 9. Much more then being now JUSTIFIED by his BLOOD, v.-c fhall be... | |
| Samuel Clarke - 1744 - 416 pages
...he could be underftood to be obliged to. Concerning This Cha»6fcer. it is, that St Paul declares, Rom. v. 7. Scarcely for a Righteous man will one die ; yet peradventure for a Good man, fo;ne ivcuid 'even, dare to . die. And in This fenfe, the chara&er of Good feems to be given to... | |
| James Foster - 1745 - 440 pages
...having particularly recommended private friendfhip, and the love of our country. ROM. v. 7. For fcarcely for a righteous man will one die, yet, peradventure^ for a good man fame would even dare to die. JAVING, in my laft difcourfe, SERM, fhewn the excellence of bene-... | |
| Benjamin Whichcote - 1751 - 462 pages
...in Egypt, Heb. xi. 25, 26. 1 6. It is the peradvenfure St. Pffa/fpeaks of, Ram. v. 7. For fcarcely for a righteous man will one die ; yet peradventure for a good man, fome will even dare to die. Laftly ; to fupperadd that great example to all the reft : the fever... | |
| John Witherspoon, William Shenstone - 1765 - 326 pages
...and of God in him, as having finners for its object. Thus the apoftle Paul reafons ; " For fcarcely for a righteous man will one die, •" yet, peradventure, for a good man fome would " even dare to die. But God commendeth his CI love towards us, in that while we were... | |
| Jonathan Edwards - 1766 - 508 pages
...latter Oppofition or Diftin&ion between Sinners and Righteous is here exprefied in plain Terms. Scarcely for a righteous Man will one die ; yet peradventure for a good Man fame would even dare to die; But Gad commended his, Love towards us, in that while we were- yet... | |
| John Leland - 1769 - 536 pages
...v. 6, 7, 8. When we were yet without Strength, in due Time Chrift died for the Ungodly. For fcarcely for a righteous Man will one die ; yet peradventure for a good Manfowe would even dare to die. But God commendeth his Love towards us, in that,, while we were yet... | |
| George Croft - 1786 - 240 pages
...of the love of God is increafed by the great event which he brought about in Bethlehem. \ Scarcely for a righteous man 'will one die, yet, peradventure, for a good man fame would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love towards us in that while we were yet Jinners,... | |
| Samuel Hopkins - 1793 - 642 pages
...infinite benevolence or goodnefs St. Paul fets it in this light, in the following words, " Scarcely for a righteous man will one die : Yet peradventure, for a good man fome would even dare to di .But God commendeth his love towards us, in that we were ycLfinnerst... | |
| Gulielmus Woollcombe - 1798 - 554 pages
...unjuft. What a condefcention is this? and how far beyond the power of words to defcribe ? Scarcely for a righteous man will one die, yet peradventure for a good man fome would even dare to die; but God commendeth his love to us, in that whilft we were yet finners,... | |
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