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Washington, February 1, 1921.

SIR: There are submitted herewith, for your approval, Regulations for the Government of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.

These regulations supersede all previous regulations for the government of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, and they are published for the guidance of all officers and employees of this Bureau.



Approved, to take effect March 1, 1921.



J. W. ALEXANDER, Secretary of Commerce.



1. The Director.-The Director shall direct and superintend the work, be responsible for its correctness and fidelity, for the proper and economical expenditure of the appropriations made therefor, and for the efficient carrying out of the work in every part. To this end he is hereby authorized to issue such instructions, not in contravention of law or of these regulations, as he may deem necessary, and to enter into and approve all contracts and agreements, not otherwise provided for by law or regulation, which are necessary for the proper carrying on of the work.

2. The Assistant Director.-A hydrographic and geodetic engineer of the Survey, who shall have been recommended by the Director and designated by the Secretary of Commerce as Assistant Director, shall perform such duties as may be prescribed by the Director, and in the absence of the latter shall perform the duties of the Director and sign as Acting Director.

(a) He shall be in charge of the office and shall execute a bond in the sum of $4,000 conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties and the accounting for and paying over of all public money coming into his hands, which bond shall be approved by the Secretary of Commerce.

(b) He shall have charge of the office buildings and be the custodian of the public property in such buildings.

(c) He shall be responsible for the safety and arrangement of the archives and property.

(d) He shall have control of expenditures on account of the office and the purchase of office supplies and of such supplies as are purchased at the office for use in the field, and shall receive all moneys obtained from the sale of copies of records or charts, publications, and public property, and shall forward the same to the Secretary of Commerce in accordance with Department Regulations. (See par. 562.)

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(e) He shall have custody of all records of field work sent to the office, and be responsible for the proper preparation of all replies to such correspondence as may be referred to him or to the sections under his charge.

3. Chief Clerk. He shall perform such duties as shall be assigned to him by the Director and the Assistant Director.

4. Chief of the division of geodesy. The chief of division of geodesy is charged with the duty of preparing plans for field operations of triangulation, astronomical determinations, precise leveling, and other geodetic operations, and shall have direction of the office computations and discussion of the results in connection therewith.

(a) He will make inspections of the parties in the field under his direction and of the records and correspondence received at the office from chiefs of field parties, for the purpose of insuring that the field operations are in accordance with the instructions issued by the Director, that the work is of the desired degree of accuracy, and that the proper regard for economy is maintained.

(b) He will make reports of fitness of all chiefs of parties working under his direction at the close of each field season, and perform such other duties as may be assigned to him from time to time.

(c) He shall act as Assistant Director in the absence of the Director and the Assistant Director.

5. Chief of the division of hydrography and topography.— The chief of division of hydrography and topography is charged with the duty of preparing plans for the hydrographic and topographic work of the Survey.

(a) He will make inspection of the parties in the field under his direction and of the records and correspondence received at the office from the chiefs of field parties for the purpose of insuring that the field operations are in accordance with the Director's instructions, that the work is of the desired degree of accuracy, and that proper regard for economy is maintained.

(b) He will make reports of fitness of all chiefs of parties working under his direction at the close of each field season and perform such other duties as may be assigned to him from time to time.

(c) He is especially charged with the immediate supervision of all matters relating to ships and their personnel.

(d) He shall have charge of the preparation of the Coast Pilot and Sailing Directions, the direction of the tidal and current work, and the preparation of the Tide Tables..

(e) He shall act as Assistant Director in the absence of the Director, the Assistant Director, and the chief of the division of geodesy.

6. Chief of the division of charts.-The chief of the division of charts shall have charge of the drafting and preparation of new charts from the results of the field work or from other sources, and of keeping existing charts up to date by the addition of new data.

(a) He shall maintain complete indexes and diagrams of all surveys, reports of dangers to navigation, harbor improvements, and changes in aids to navigation.

(b) He shall have charge of the engraving of the copper plates from which charts are printed and of the photographic work of the Bureau.

(c) He shall direct the preparation of the notes for Notices to Mariners and perform such other duties as the Director may require.

(d) He shall act as Assistant Director in the absence of the Director, the Assistant Director, the chief of the division of geodesy, and the chief of the division of hydrography and topography.

7. Chief of the division of terrestrial magnetism.-The chief of the division of terrestrial magnetism is charged with the duty of preparing plans for the field operations covering the magnetic survey and shall have direction of the office computations and discussion of the results of the magnetic work.

(a) He will make inspection of the parties in the field under his direction and of the records and correspondence received at the office from the chiefs of field parties for the purpose of insuring that the field operations are in accordance with the instructions issued by the Director, that the work is of the desired degree of accuracy, and that proper regard for economy is maintained.

(b) He will make reports of fitness of all chiefs of parties working under his direction at the close of each field season and perform such other duties as may be assigned to him from time to time.

8. Chief of the division of accounts.-The disbursing agent shall be the chief of the division of accounts and, under the direction of the Director, shall make all disbursements of money on account of the Survey, upon requisitions, vouchers, or abstracts, duly approved by the Director and shall render such accounts and submit such statements of expenditures to the Director as may be required.

(a) He shall prepare annually a statement for transmission to the Secretary of Comemrce for his report to Congress, as required by section 264, Revised Statutes, giving the number and names of the persons employed during the last preceding fiscal year upon the Coast and Geodetic Survey and business connected therewith, the amount of compensation of every kind, respectively, paid them, for what purpose, and the length of time employed, and shall report a full statement of all other expenditures made under the orders of the Director of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. (b) He shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him from time to time.

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