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rich; but that which thou askest of me I cannot tell thee before I have first learned that thou hast happily reached the end of thy life."

21. King Conrad the Second established a peaceb in Germany, such as wasd unknowne tof this extent since immemorableh times.

22. That is the most openb, instructive, and unreservedd discourse which passes between two persons who are familiars and intimate friends.

23. The best a father is heb who teaches his children what is good and just.

24. The lark, in the corn-fields, raises and with it she rises high in the air clouds.


her song,

up tof the

25. The cultivation of one's own ground creates and strengthens the attachment towards it".


b which is, according to note 18%, das or was; now, to ask is fragen um, and it is to be observed, that when a relative neuter is combined with a Preposition, the Pronoun is changed into the relative Adverbs da or mo, and put before the Preposition, as durch was, wodurch, dadurch. When the Preposition begins with a vowel, an r is inserted, as aus was, woraus; however, before um it is not wo, but wa, and um was is warum or darum. fragen, with Accusative of the person d say, not. e erfahren, n. Ende, n.



21. befestigen. Friede, m. wie er, wie sie, wie es. the Perfect. unbekannt. fin. sausdehnung.



d take

22. a that when an indefinite subject is das. boffenherzig. clehrreich. zutraulich. Unterhaltung. Statt finden.


bosom friends.

23. a best.



24. * erheben.


5 say, hearty

turn it so, that is the best father, and cf. Note 22 *. b Lied, n. derselbe, for it is to be remarked, that the cases of es it are not used when a Preposition precedes, and the compound Pronoun demonstrative derselbe is used instead.

selbst erheben. e take the plural. fbis an, Acc.




a sich)

25. Unbau, m. say, the. Boden, m. derzeugen. everstärken. Liebe, f. say, towards the same.


26. People can lessen many an evil, when a numberd of them, with united' energy", struggle against it1.

27. Each untractable a man, at variance with fortune, wreaks here injuriesf ong his own heart.

28. I am more afraid of my virtues than of my errors; the first easily misleade me to pride, the latter teach me humility.


29. The object of an idyllic poem is always the situation, that of an epic, the actions of a man; the first is always descriptive", the latter throughly1 narrating).

30. St.a Odilo, abbot of Clugny, contributed during-d the great famine, which raged through Italy, France, and Germany, from the year 1028 to 1030, everything his church possessed in gold and silver, even the imperial crown of Henryk II., which the latter1 had presented as a giftm to the convent.

31. With the art of weaving that of dying is in indissoluble connection.


26. a plural of der Mensch. b vermindern. c mancher, e, es, many a. say, many of them, and put of them before many. fvereinigt. Kraft, f., and take the plural. harbeiten. cf. Note 6, f.

27. astdrrisch. bzerfallen. Glück, n. dråchen. e her would be in German sein, because Glück is neuter; this would be equivocal, since it might be referred to man. In such cases, the Pronouns Possessive his, her, its, their, are changed for the genitive of the Demonstrative Pronoun der, die, das. Unbilde, f. gan, Dat.


28. a sich fürchten. bvor, Dat. Fehler, m. d the Pronouns dieser and jener are used to express the latter and the first. e verleiten.

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ija. ¡kaiserlich. * Heinrich. 1cf. Note 28, d. mschenken. "Kloster, n.


Kunst, f. b Weberei.

Fårberei. dunauflöslich.


32. The manufacturers of Italy, Germany, and the Netherlands soon found their way just as well to the Oriente, as those of the Orient to the first countries.

33. They were reading Göthe's epic poem that I had seen proceeding from its origina, and which stirred up, in our discoursed, all ideas on epic and dramatic




34. The portraits of Guttenberg and Faust are still to be seen on a cannon, which the Swedes took with themb to Magdeburg during the thirty years' war, but which has been returned to the people of Mayenced by Napoleon after the battle of Jena.

35. He who loves money more than mankinda is not able to gain a true friend.



36. He mentioned first some passages drawn from d ancient authors, by means of which the reader might the easier enters into the spirith of this history.


37. In common with all other foxes, those of Africa are great enemies to birds which lay their eggs upon the ground.


Kunsterzeugniß, n. b Niederlande.

ceben so gut. d


e Orient, m.


33. entstehen. b when a Substantive is explained by two adjective sentences, the first of these is introduced by der, die, das, and the second by welcher, e, es. ein Bewegung bringen.

and take the plural. e Idee, f. füber, Acc.


Gespräch, n.,


34. a Bildniß, n. b to take with (one) mitnehmen.

schenken. a die Mainzer.

35. a take the plural of Mensch. bim Stande. 36. vorausschicken. Stelle, f. fum so leichter. 8 sich hineindenken.

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cziehen. daus. evermittelst. h Geist, m.

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1. Be prudenta stands in the Scriptures, but be without guilec.

2. Let nothing be more sacred to thee than the fulfilling of a given promise.



3. Commercea and the thereby effected prosperity d became the pillars of civil liberty; for one had the means, by which she could be defended3, when necessityk required it.1

4. What will become of me? A good for nothing, if you are lazyc.


5. The blossoma of the vine is lost among the larger leaves, and is only betrayed by the delicates lovely flavour.i 6. The lion roars, the wolves are howling, and the bears are growling.

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The spring enlivens nature, and gladdens mankind. 9. Tyranny earns bad reward".

10. There are several examples b known of the speedyd and unremitting flightsf of falcons".

1. a klug.



Schrift, f., take the singular. Falsch.



heilig. Erfüllung. Versprechen, n.

3. a Handel, m. b dadurch. eschaffen. a Wohlstand, m.


Stütze, f.

j vertheidigen.

4. a aus.

[ocr errors]

fbürgerlich. Freiheit.

k Noth, f.

h Mittel, n.


1 say, forced to it dazu zwingen.

b Taugenichts, m. 5. a Blüthe, f. b Weinstock, m.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Blatt, n. (pl. Blåtter).

h lieblich.

e zart.
b heulen.

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i Duft, m. brummen.

[blocks in formation]

b Beispiel, n. (pl. -e).

Flug, m., take the singular.

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a schnell.

8 Falke, m.



11. A falcon of Henry II., which had been losta during the chase neard Fontainebleau, was caught next day in Malta, atf a distances of a thousand miles, and recognised by i its collar.


12. In the year 1307, the Swiss formed their first league.

13. There was a king of Greece; he was called a Athamas, and his wife b was called Nephele. They had two children, a son and a daughter; the first was called Phrixus, and the latter Helle.


14. The characteristic feature a of an animal is often so decided, that all nations from the oldest times thought they could not shorterd express their opinion about a man, than by pointing him outh by means of the name of an animal. Thus Nero was called a tiger, Herodes a fox.

15. In their forests, their sandy deserts, and in © their heaths, the Teutonice, the Arab, and Mongols nations h would have constantly i remained what they were.

16. The hand of industrya has imperceptibly extinguished all the destructive vestiges of the great war; but the salutaryf effects by which it was accompanied h have remained.

17. What a weaknessa in reasonable creatures, that they should loved to astonish and terrify one another.

11. a take the reflective form. bauf, Dat. © Jagd, f. a bei. efangen. fin. & Entfernung. herkennen. ian, Dat. J Halsband,n.

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15. a Wald, m. (pl. Wälder). Sandwüste, f. cauf, d. a Heide,f.

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[blocks in formation]

16. Fleiß, m. (Gen.-es). bunvermerkt. causlöschen. derblich. Spur, f. fwohlthätig.




17. Schwachheit. vernünftig.

Völkerschaft. ewig. bleiben.

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Folge, f. h begleiten.

Geschöpf, n. (pl. —e). a



that they should love it; should express by follen. terrify in Staunen und Furcht sehen.

e to astonish and

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