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60. The young ones cannot use their wings for flight until many months after they are hatched, being covered, during that time, with only a blackish down1, like that of a gosling.

61. Their food consists of the carcases of deerd, cattle, and other animals.



I always had the fault of not being able to keep silent when I saw an injustice.d

2. Solon did not a flatter b Croesus at all, but told the truth.

3. Man is not a being a belonging to this or that country, but one belonging to the whole earth; and he is not a being merely comprehending the earth, but one embracing the whole universe.f



4. As often as you feel yourself more powerful in your perceptions than in the faculty of expressing them, then boldly d believe that your mind is lazy, and will not produce all it possesses.

60. &


nachdem. fausFlaumfeder, f., in pl. gleich.

* Flügel, m. bzu. das Fliegen. dbis. brüten. bedecken. hschwärzlich).

61. a bestehen. bin. cLeichnam, m. (pl.—e). aReh, n. (pl.—e).

e Rind, n. (pl.-et), in plural.

1. a say, that it was impossible for me. b schweigen. meaning whenever, is wenn. d Unrecht.

2. a keinesweges. b schmeicheln, Dat. preceding negative expression, is sondern.

3. a Wesen.


c when,

c but, when denying a

bangehören, say, which belongs. c say, a being. dumfassen. e begreifen, and treat the Participles as Adjectives to being. Weltall.


4. aso oft. bmächtig. Empfindung. dkühn. efaul.


5. The prophets existed in a spiritual atmosphere d as their peculiar element of life, to which others raisei themselves only in hours of exaltation.j



6. The refined taste of man has, at all times, acknowledged the rose to be one of the most beautiful productions of nature.


7. Sir Francis Bacon has finely a described some advantages, or asd he calls them, fruits of friendship. 8. The whole appearance of Blücher had the impress of a hero, who could command as well asf fight.

9. Men even bear the hard yokeb of bondage and slavery before they leave the paternalf soil.g



10. In the same way as they say that economy is the greatest revenued in reference to our fortune, thus one can also say, that humility is the sames to the tranquillity of our mind.i

11. Widely different asa were Arnold's juvenile compositions in many points from those of his afterd life®, yet it is interesting to observe in them the materials for his future1 great historical works.



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5. a Prophet. bwandeln. geistig. Wether, m. e as, implying identity is als. feigenthümlich. & Lebenselement, n. zu. erheben. j Weihe, f.


6. a Schönheitssinn, m. bin. canerkennen. d say, as. eNaturerzeugniß, n.

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8. a Ansehen. b say, bore. Gepråge, n.

das, implying likeness,

d Kriegsheld (G.-en). e gebieten. fwie, and treat who (could) command and fight as Participles of to command and fight, and make them agree with hero.

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10. eben fo. bwie. Sparsamkeit.


Vermögen. & say, it. h für. i say, our mind-tranquillity.

11. a so verschieden auch), and mark, this is a relative expression, as if it were said, of whatever difference, etc. Jugendarbeit, f. c Hinsicht, sing. dvorgerückt. Alter, n. fdoch), this must stand after Verb and Nominative, which must lead. & unterhaltend. sing. ispåter.


Stoff, m.,

12. The example of those who are born deaf and dumb proves, in how small a degreed man can acquire reasonable' notions, even in the midst of men, without the assistance of speech, and in what brutishi savagenessk all his impulses1 remain.m


13. These solemnities & seemed so much more dignified, as they lively called back the olden time, and what from thence had yet come to us.


14. The more humility reminds us who we are, and how much we still want, the more she encourages us to apply ourselves to our improvement.h


15. However much the proud man is pleased with his arrogance, stille he hates it in others.


16. However necessary a it is that he who wishes impressively to inculcate a great truth should ponder overe itf, should well arranges his materialsh, and treat his subjectj with all zeal possible, still this is not yet1 the realm method by which one can arrive at a vigorous1 repre

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sentations of one's ideas.

17. The misera can return to the golden middle

12. a Beispeil, n. b say, of the deaf and dumb borp. d wie wenig. e gelangen zu. fvernünftig. 8 Begriff. i unter. Ithierisch. Wildheit. Trieb. m bleiben.

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d als.

c say,

e lebhaft. fvergegenwärtigen. daher. hauf. 14. a je mehr quanto magis, therefore relative. berinnern. is wanting to us fehlen. desto mehr es magis, therefore demonstrative. e ermuntern. farbeiten. 8 an.

15. a so sehr auch;


say, pleases himself.


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16. b nöthig, cf. 15 a. b måchtig. cvortragen.

d express by the

Subjunctive Present of the Verbs following. e überdenken. f say, the same. gordnen. h Stoff, m, sing, i behandeln.

stand. kårme. noch nicht. m eigentlich. "Weg, m.

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j Gegen

° worauf.

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wayd as soon as he likes; but for the spendthrift it becomes more and more difficult, the farther he recedesh from it.i 18. Many a rule is the oftener neglected thed oftener one hears it repeated.


19. I am not the less a determined to separate, because I clearlyd know what I separate from.f

20. On a Christmas eve my mother crowned all her favours by d having a puppet-show exhibited to us.



21. This transition a from ab domestic educationd to e the instruction at a public school was connected with some unpleasantnessi, for by throwing1 children hithertom kept by themselves" carefully at home, among a rude mass of young urchins, they had, quite unexpectedly, to suffer everything from vulgarity, malicet, nay baseness", because they lacked every weapon and every capacity of defending themselves against them."




22. After the Bible, the catechism, and books of edification of every kind, the works of classical literature were multiplied by printing, so that every man now was able to attain to a higher cultivation of the mind."

d Mittelstraße, f. esobald. entfernen. davon.

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18. a Regel, f. bdesto. cvernachläßigen. dje.


19. a say, on that account not less darum minder nicht. schlossen. escheiden. deutlich. e say, know it. fwovon. 20. a Weihnachtsabend. die Krone aufsegen. Wohlthat. din= 8 vorstellen.

dem. e lassen.


Puppenspiel, n.

21. Uebergang.

f Unterricht, m. g



say, the.


b mand).


e zu.

c häuslich. d Erziehung. i take the neuter of the Adj. unangenehm. Idenn. kindem. hinunterstoßen. m bisher. "ab= gesondert. • sorgfältig. P unter. 9 Geschöpf, n. runerwartet. das Gemeine. das Schlechte. "das Niederträchtige. ▾ermangeln, with Gen. wall. Fähigkeit. sich schüßen.. take an Adverb. 22. anächst. b Catechismus, m. Erbauungsbuch. d vervielfål= tigen. e Druck, m. ftheilhaftig werden, with Gen. bildung.


8 Geistes



Would not too great a heat or cold hurt or kill© us, if the sensation of pain did not, as it weref, inform us of it.h

24. Whencea could we know b if in the interior of us c a dangerous inflammationd was forming, unless pain revealed it to us?


He will not guess it unless he be more shrewd c than all other men.


26. Since we must associate with human beings, it is our duty not to give them, knowingly d, even the slightest cause of forming a bad opinions concerning us.

27. Humility elevates us by humbling us, and pride humbles us by elevating us.



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New enjoyments with which the barbarianb gets acquainted, created in him new wants, which he can only satisfy by abandoningi his manner of living.j



29. The kindness of the proud man towards the humble one is a sure proofd that humility must be something excellent, since it is even sought after by her own enemy; and that pride must be something unnatural1, since its owner1 can bear in others nothing less than his own self.j 23. a allzu. bschädlich werden. tödtlich werden. d wenn or wofern. Empfindung. £gleichsam. & benachrichtigen von. an Adverb.


24. a woher. b say, know it.



h take

csay, in our interior das Innere.

a Entzündung. entstehen, take the Subjunctive. wofern nicht, and place pain between them. & offenbaren.

25. a errathen. b say, he be then; and be express by the Subjunctive of must, with the Infinitive. Elug.





26. the moral and logical reason can be expressed either by weil or da. bumgehen. sollen. wissentlich. entfernt. Gelegenheit. schlecht denken. hvon.

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27. erhöhen. bby implying means, is indem. erniedrigen. 28. Genuß. b Barbar. kennen lernen. dschaffen.

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e say, to befriedigen. h comp. 27 b. aufgeben. Demüthig.

d Beweis. e Vortrefflich. fcf. 26. 8 suchen. ↳ Unnatürlich. Besizer. I say it, namely pride.

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