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30. I once read a remark a which contains the reason b why most men are proud and the fewest humble.


31. We are perfectly content with the feeling that we love humility in others, as if we, in consequence of this", were possessed of this virtue ourselves; and because we hate pride in others, we behaved as if we hated it also in us. 32. He was silent, althougha he ought to have spoken. 33. The iron a must be struck b while it is hot.d


34. Although the art of printing books cannot render b literary productions imperishable, still the destruction of a whole work is no more easily imaginable.f

35. Although our future is as gloomya as the dark night, still our just cause is brightly shining.b

36. Although the old books are not at handa, still they are inscribed in our hearts.



37. That this wholesome invention has also had injurious, nay, terrible consequences, whom could this escaped, and who would conceale it?

30. a Bemerkung.


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31. aals. deßhalb. to be possessed of besißen. dsich gehaben. a da doc), and the Nominative must be placed between them. 33. a Eisen, n. b schmieden. während, or weil, which latter is used only in proverbial and antiquated phrases. d glühend.

34. a although is either a) wenn gleich, b) wenn auch, c) wenn schon, d) wie wohl, or e) obwohl, ƒ) obgleich, g) obschon, h) obzwar, i) ob aud); and mark, those not compounded with wohl can be separated in the sentence by a Pronoun, or some other small phrase, on which a stress lies: it is to be observed, besides, that wenn and ob can be altogether omitted, but then the Verb must lead. b to render imperishable Unvergånglichkeit geben. Schrift. d the chief sentence preceded by the adverbial sentence, must be headed by a Verb. e Untergang. denkbar.

35. adüfter. b to shine brightly scheinen.

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38. Where there are high mountains, there large rivers are usually found.



The flyinga enemy often sets fire to a city that the pursuers may be detained.

40. Since the Turks have conquered Constantinople, civilisation disappeared more and moref in the Orient.h 41. Since the art of printing has been invented, one can get a a books for a much smaller sumb than formerly, when, in consequence of the great trouble which copying caused, books were excessively dear.




42. When one ropeb is torn another will bed ready.* 43. When once the historian b arises who understands philosophically to demonstrated the influence which the propagation of some plants have had on the fate of nations and states; what place will, in his work, the history of the sugar canej obtain1?



1. The hare is aware that the dog pursues him. 2. In order better to find the game, the huntsman takes the houndb with him.

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39. aflüchtig. banzünden. damit. Verfolger. e aufhalten. 40. aseitdem. berobern. Constantinopel. d Bildung. schwinden. fimmer mehr. s aus. h Morgenland, n.


41. a kommen zu. b say, much cheaper. da or wo. Folge, f.

e abschreiben. fkosten. g überaus.


42. a when, if referring to the future, is wenn; it can be omitted, but then the Verb must lead. b Strick, m. c reißen. d by the Present with schon. ein Bereitschaft.


a omit when. b Geschichtschreiber. caufstehen. say, which influence.

express this

d entwickeln.

Verbreitung. & einzeln.

h Schicksal, n.

i Raum, m. Zuckerrohr, n. keinnehmen.

1. a hase, m. bwissen, and mark, at the end of every sentence a

comma is put in German; therefore, a comma must stand before

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3. Is that gamea which is the largest also the most dangerous?

4. The skin of the otterb which lives near rivers is much esteemed.d


5. This is the boy whoa, when I asked him the name of the street, was so unkind as to refused telling it to me. 6. He has always recommendeda us to be truthful"; however, I cannot say that we always tried to tell the wholef truth.



7. Incredulous a is heb who, in spite of sufficient reasons, still does not believe; credulousf he who, without sufficient reasons, is inclined to believe; superstitious who believes things which can impossibly be true.

8. To whom the world does not immediately reveala in what a relation it stands to him, who is not told by his own heart what he owes to himself and others, he will

3. a every relative sentence is included by commas in German; so that they must be placed before which, and after largest. 4. a Fell, n. Otter, f. can. dschåßen.



a after boy must stand a comma, because who begins a relative sentence; as however when begins another inserted relative sentence, a comma must also stand after who. b fragen nach. unkind finishes the relative sentence, headed by who, and must have a comma after it. d sich weigern, after which, as a shortened sentence, a comma must follow.

6. a empfehlen, and put a comma after us. b die Wahrheit lieben, and mark, before adversative sentences, headed by aber, indessen, sondern, a semicolon is put in German: after however, which is followed in English by a comma, none is put in German. d cf. 1 b.

e sich bestreben. fvöllig.



7. aungläubig. b before who stands a comma; and mark, adverbial expressions, such as in spite of sufficient reasons, are not included in commas. ctro. hinreichend. dennoch. fleichtgläubig. & geneigt. habergläubig. unmöglich, and mark, when co-ordinate sentences form a period, they are divided by a semicolon; therefore, one must stand here before credulous, and another before superstitious.


8. a offenbaren. Verhältniß, n. cput a semicolon. dschuldig fein. e here must stand a colon, which announces the beginning

hardly learn it from books", which, indeed1, are only fitj for giving names to our errors.*


9. As our energies are daily exhausted by work and bodily exercised; besides, as food alone is not sufficient to replace them, resti must accomplish3 what food leaves k half done.1

10. It is sweet to take revengea, but it is far sweeter to pardon.c

11. I confess I should have liked to travel with them; however, business b precedes pleasure.


12. In parting he said, farewell, write often, and believe that I shall often and often think of you.


13. The proverb says, the apple does not fall far from the tree.



14. The most important a domestic animals are the dog, the cat, the horse, the goat, etc.d


of the chief sentence in German. fschwerlich. & aus. h put a comma before which, but none before and after indeed. i eigentlich. schickt. Irrthum, m.

[ocr errors]

9. a Kraft, f. berschöpfen. Arbeit, f. d Bewegung, and here must stand a semicolon. eüberdieß. Nahrung. & zureichen to be sufficient. heriegen, and after then must stand the colon, because rest begins the chief sentence. i Ruhe, f. J vollenden.



10. a sich råchen, and before but must the semicolon be placed. b bei weitem.



11. a indessen, before which must stand the semicolon, but no comma must follow. Geschåft, n. (pl.—e), take the pl. gehen vor. 12. a scheiden, introduced by indem. blebewohl, before which must stand a colon, which is always used when the following words of another speaker are directly quoted. an.


bcf. 12 b. cweit.

chere must stand a

13. Epridwort, n. 14. a wichtig. b Hausthier, n. (pl.—e). comma, which is put before things enumerated. German, und so weiter, or, abbreviated, u. s. m.

d this means in







THE Khaleefeh3 Abd El-Melik, was, in the beginning of his reign, an unjust monarch. Being one night" unable to sleep, he called for a person to tell him a story for 10 his amusement. "O Prince of the faithful"," said the man thus bidden 12, "there was 13 an owl 14 in El-Mósil, and an owl in El-Basrah; and the owl of El-Mósil demanded in marriage 15, for her son, the daughter of the owl of ElBasrah; but the owl of El-Basrah said, 'I will not, unless 16

1 Verwüstung. 2 Tyrannei.



3 Kalif. Anfang, which must be masculine, because it is derived from a Verb, fangen, without addition to the root. Regierung. in imitation of eines Tages, eines Morgens, eines Abends, it is also said, eines Nachts, although Nacht is feminine. " jemand. 7 rufen lassen. 9 say, who was to tell, and express I am to by sollen. "1 glåutig. 12 to bid is heißen or befehlen, but both are construed with the Dative of the




person; there

fore, a man is bidden is einem Manne wird geheißen or befohlen; and bidden geheißen or befohlen can be an Adjective to a thing, but not to a person you must then translate the man to whom such (soldes) was bidden. 13 there is is es giebt, when implying there is always existing, but when meaning is living, it is es ist. 14 Eule, f. 15 zur Ehe verlangen. 16 denn, which must be placed must stand in the Subjunctive.

after me, and give

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