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Africa (Northern Central) review of,


Ahyonwaeghs, the Mohawk chief, letter
to, 97.

AirFly not yet," 496.
Albergati, his character, 234.
Alfieri's Filippo and Schiller's Don Car-
los, 56-reflections upon, 57, 58, 59.
Algarotti, his works, 174.
All-Hallows Eve in Ireland, 254-mode
of enjoying, 255 to 260.
Anacreon, lines from, 300.
Angelo di Costanzo, sonnet of, 266.
(Michel), his poetry, 339.
Angling: with remarks on I. Walton,491.
Antipathies, 68.

Apelles, gallery of, 1.

Arabic and Persian literature, 262.
Arts, Fine, state and improvement of, in
England, 17-new buildings in Lon-
don, ib. 18-monuments, ib. 19-in-
congruities in English art, 20, 21.
Aschen-puttel, 293.

Assassin, the obliging, 140.
Astrology, on a lady professing her be-
lief in, 356.


Ballad from the Spanish, 154.

Beauley Abbey, stanzas on some skulls
in, 47.

Bertram, remarks on Shakspeare's cha-
racter of, 481.

Birth-day, the, 337.

Chantrey, stanzas on a monument by,

Chess, on the game of, in Europe, dur-

ing the thirteenth century, 316, 497.
Clairon, (M.) account of, 311.
Como, sketch of, 568.
Concealment, a song, 348.
Confessional, the, 349. No. I.—Love,
450, II.

Courtship, modern, 71.
Craniology and physiology, 121.
Crecy, lines on the field of, 261.

Doblado's Letters from Spain, 113, 321.
Drama, on the German, 145-The Rob-

bers, ib.-Cabal and Love, ib.-of
Kotzebue, 146-Iffland, 147-Schil-
ler's Don Carlos, 149.
Dublin in 1822, 503.
Dumesnil, the actor, account of, 311.
Dwarfs, 49-Count Boruwlaski, 50—
his history, 51, 52, 53, 54.


Easter, on the origin and celebration of,

England, Letters on, by M. De. St. Foix,

English architecture, incongruities in,
20, 21.

English landscape, 535.
Epigram, 55.


Fables, on the old, 373.

Boruwlaski, Count, his history, 51 to 54. Fair, Brook Green, 554.

Bottle, the Spirit in the, 292.
Brook Green Fair, 554.
Brother, the younger, 65.

Bull, John, travelling opinions and pro-
pensities of, 13-errors of English tra-
vellers in description, 14, 15-mis-
takes as to French women, 15-French
Sunday, ib.

Burleigh House, 444.

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Farmer's wife and Gascon, the, 396.
Festival of May morning in Warwick-
shire, 433.

Fight, the, 102-journey to Hungerford,

103, 104, 105-the combat between
Neate and Hickman, 109 to 111-ad-
ventures home, 112.

Filicaja, sonnets of, 320.

Fox (Mr.) his introduction to Voltaire,


Francisco Redi, sonnet of, 231.
Frederick II. and Pietro delle Vigne, 455.
Gallery of Apelles, 1.

Game of Chess during the thirteenth
century, 320, 497.

Garden, an old English, 224-Pope and
Bacon's love of, 224, 225-a gardener
a happy man, 227.

Garrick's delivery of a passage in Shaks-
peare, on, 551.


George II., Memoirs of, by Lord Wal-
pole, 357.

German drama, on the, 145-popular
and traditionary literature, 289-the
King of the Golden Mountain, 290—
the Spirit in the Bottle, 292-Aschen-
puttel, 293-coincidences in songs of
Germany and England, 296.
Going a journey, on, 73.
Goldoni, remarks on, 234.
Green-room of the French theatre, on
the, 309-Le Kain, 310-Clairon, 311
-Dumesnil, ib.-Preville, Molé, 312
-Talma, 313.

Grimm's Ghost, 63, 160-Capt. Thack-
eray, ib.-his dress described, 64-
London under water, 160-continued,
285-the dinner, ib. to 287-continu-
ed, 398-carving, 399.
Guy's Cliff, account of, 537.


Haller, Casanova's visit to and conversa-
tion with, 171 to 173.

Haunch of Venison, the, 126.
Highlands, state of religion in, 329.


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Journey, on going a, 73.

Julia, lines to, 96.


392, 393-the singing at Greek en-
tertainments, 394.

Letter from India, 90-to the Mohawk
chief Ahyonwaeghs, by T. Campbell,


Letters from Spain, by Leucadio Do-
blado, 113-the friars and preachers,
114, 115-murder of a young lady,
116-the Carthusians, 118-hermits,
119,120-continued, 321-nunneries,
322, 323 to 328.

on England, by St. Foix, 164-
appearance of England, 165, 166, 167
-description of Brighton, 168, 169—
continued, 278 to 284-continued,439
to 443-573 to 576.

from Switzerland, 22, 200.
Lips and Kissing, on, 414.
Literature, Arabic and Persian, 262-

German popular and traditionary, 289.
London, literary recollections of, 29-
associations in, 30-Fleet-street, ib.—
St. Dunstan's, 31-Temple-bar, 32,
33-Strand, 33-Mr. P.'s visit to, 401.

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Memoirs of George II. by Lord Walpole,
review of, 357.

Kemble (John), his residence near Lau- Milk and Honey, or the Land of Pro-

sanne described, 26.

King of the Golden Mountain, 290.


Landscape, English, 535.
Lausanne, description of, 25-residence
of Kemble at, 26.
Lawyer and Chimney-sweeper, the,406.
Lectures on Poetry, by T. Campbell, V.

p. II. Greek poetry, 193-epic poetry,
ib.-the Iliad and Odyssey, 194-He-
siod, ib.-the Cyclic poets, 195-Pi-
sander, ib.-Antimachus, 196-bad
taste of Hesiod, ib.-mock-heroic po-
etry, 197-Matron's description of an
Athenian supper, ib.-didactic poe-
try, 198-the Gnomic poets, ib.-So-
lon, Theognis, Phocylides, and Pytha-
goras,ib. oracular poetry, 385-Del-
phic inspiration and prophecies, 385,
386-Cassandra's predictions, 387-
the Sibylline verses, 387-elegiac and
lyric poetry of Greece, 388, 389-of
the Scolia, or convivial songs of the
Greeks, 390-Terpander, 391-Calli-
nus, 392-structure of the elegy, ib.
-translation of an elegy of Tyrtæus,

mise, letter III. 35—IV. 37-V. 179
-VI. 243-VII. 245-VIII. 376-IX.
435-X. 437.

Milkmaid and Banker, the, 395.
Milton, essay on the sonnets of, 238.
Mohawk chief, letter to, by T. Camp-
bell, 97.

Mountain scenery, 247-the Highlands,
248-character of mountaineers, 249
-singular boy, traveller in, 250-po-
em of Keats, 252.


Neate and Hickman, fight between, at
Hungerford, 102.
Nightmare, the, 520.
Northern Central Africa, M'Queen's,
review of, 476.

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