the pure air, without which I could not for a moment live, move or even breathe. O then be pleased, gracious God, to breathe forth upon me, the influences of thy grace and Spirit, without which all my prayers, sighs and devotion, must immeditely expire, and my soul must soon loose all necessary power and disposition to engage in thy service. Grant me, O heavenly Father, that so long as I draw breath, I may also experience the life-giving and saving effects of thy grace, to enable me to live unto Thee and in thy service, and to laud, magnify and adore thy holy name to all eternity.-Amen. HYMN 29. L. M.-Park-Street. 1 BEHOLD, the sun adorns the sky, And darts his cheering rays on high; From east to west, in glorious march, He gilds the wide expansive arch. 2 The warbling larks, in triumph mount, And all the scenes of morn recount; While sounding groves and vallies ring, With praise to heav'n's eternal King. 3 Begin, my soul the morning song ; Let thankfulness inspire thy tongue: The kindness of thy God proclaim, And tell the wonders of his name. 4 Sing how his hand thy life defends, And for thy guard his angel sends : In grateful praise his name adore, When fleeting days shall be no more. 5 [Yes, O my God! thy glorious name, My soul shall thro' the day proclaim; I'll bear thy kindness on my heart, While ev'ry pow'r performs its part.] Evening Devotions for Monday. HYMN 30. 8. 8. 6.-Willowby. 1 NO farther go to night, but stay, 2 Now, Lord, be with us on our way; Unveil thy face, thine arm display, Thy glory let us prove : [walk, Do Thou, dear Saviour, with us That while with Thee we sweetly talk, Our hearts may burn with love. 3 May we in faith still journey on, 1 "But as for me, my prayer is unto Thee, O Lord, in an acceptable time: 0 God, in the multitude of thy mercy, hear me, in the truth of thy salvation." Ps. 69. 13. O eternal and holy God, and most merciful Father in Christ Jesus the Redeemer! I thine unworthy and unprofitable servant (or hand-maid) acknowledge, with unfeigned humility, that I am a great and grievous sinner, that I have transgressed all thy holy commandments, and alas! have this day, by sins, committed in thoughts, words and deeds, increased the mountain of mine iniquities. To the riches of thy goodness, forbearance and longsuffering, am I entirely indebted, for being spared in the land of the living, and that I have not been, long since, cut down, and cast into that lake, which burneth with fire and brimstone, there to receive the just rewards of my demerits. Thou, O Lord, knowest all ty sins, and mine iniquities are all open before Thee. My heart condemns me on account of them, but Thou, O Lord, art much greater than my heart, and knowest all things, and yet Thou exercisest much forbearance and longsuffering towards me, and hast even condescended to promise me the par don of all my sins, for Christ's sake, on condition of my repentance and true faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, would I take my flight unto Thee, and appeal from the throne of thy justice, righteousness and spotless holiness, to the throne of thy mercy and grace, which are infinitely greater than all my sins, and I beseech Thee, most fervently, to look down upon me, in the face of thine anointed Son, Jesus Christ, in whom Thou art ever well pleased. I would moreover render Thee special praises and thanksgiving O God! for the many instances of thy favour towards me through the day which has just come to a close. Thou hast spread over me the banners of thy protecting love, and hast guarded me from evil and danger, and hast granted me many visitations of mercy and grace, and I beseech Thee, Parent in heaven, to take me into thy holy care and keeping, through the coming night, so that I may be preserved from all the power of the devil. Permit me in thy name, to both lay me down and sleep ; let no ill dreams disturb my repose, no unnecessary cares oppress my mind, nor sinful thoughts trouble my soul. Preserve my body from pain and sickness, my food from every thing injurious to health; and those who are near and dear unto me from trouble and distress, and keep us all as the apple of thine eye. And if it be consistent with thy holy will, permit me to arise on the coming morning, in health and strength, fitted for the duties of the day, to the praise of thy most worthy name, to the promotion of the welfare of my fellow creatures, and mine own best interests in Christ Jesus our Redeemer to everlasting salvation. Thou, O blessed Saviour, didst, on the last Monday of thy sojourning on earth, curse the barren fig tree, because it brought forth leaves, without fruit, and afterwards purified the temple at Jerusalem, and didst teach and perform miracles therein. I acknowledge, with humility, that I have also been too unfruitful in good works and that I have brought forth more leaves than fruit. My heart, which should ever be a holy temple and dwelling place for Thee, through a lively faith in thy blood, is, alas! too full of all manner of simple thoughts, lusts and desires. I am, alas! more blind in mind in divine things, and more lame in the faculties of my soul, in obeying thy precepts, than those blind and lame, which Thou didst heal in the temple, and therefore, deserve to be cursed like unto the barren fig-tree, and to be excluded from the fellowship of thy peo |