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to renew my heart, enlighten mine eyes, subdue my stubborn will, change my sinful purposes, and to ever present before mine eyes, the evil fruits and ruinous consequences of sin, that I may more carefully guard against the smallest deviation from the path of duty, and no longer continue in the services of satan, the world or the flesh ; but continue to serve Thee with fidelity, all the days of my life, in righteousness and true holiness, which is ever wellpleasing in thy sight.

And O God, Thou didst as the Almighty Maker of all things, on this day of the week, gather together the waters of the earth, so as to cause the dry land to appear, and bring forth grass, herbs and trees, and to be inhabited by both men and beasts; be pleased, therefore, likewise to remove all impure and unholy desires and propensities of natural depravity, from my soul, and render it an acceptable dwelling place for thy good and Holy Spirit.

Thou didst, moreover, on this day, command by thine Almighty power, the earth to bring forth all manner of herbage and vegetation, to adorn the earth, and for food and sustenance to both thy rational and irrational creatures. Ingraft, also, in my heart, I beseech Thee, O Lord, the immortal seed of thine incorruptible word, that I

may thereby be made fruitful in all good works, and be begotten anew unto a lively hope of eternal life.

Thou, O God, didst finally on this day, cause the earth to bring forth all manner of trees, to bear fruit according to their kind. Be pleased, O God, in like manner, to render my soul a tree of righteousness, planted by thine own hand, in the vineyard of thy church, that it may bring forth all the pleasant fruits of the Spirit, faith, love, hope, meekness, patience, friendship and holiness, so that I may in due time, be transplanted into the heavenly Paradise, to partake among all the redeemed from among men, of the soul-satisfying fruits of glory, which are ever found on the tree of life, Christ Jesus; to whom, with Thee, O heavenly Father, and the Holy Spirit, be all praise, honour and thanksgiving forever and ever.-Amen.

HYMN 33. S. M.-Kentucky.

1 A charge to keep I have,
A God to glorify;
A never-dying soul to save,
And fit it for the sky.

2 To serve the present age,
My calling to fulfil;

O may it all my powers engage,
To do my master's will.

3 Arm me with jealous care,
As in thy sight to live ;
And O, thy servant, Lord, prepare,
A strict account to give!

4. Help me to watch and pray,
And on thyself rely,
Assur'd if I my trust betray,
I shall forever die.

Evening devotions for Tuesday.

HYMN 34. С. М. -Mount Pleasant.

1 MY God the spring of all my joys,
The life of my delights,
The glory of my brightest days,
And comfort of my nights!

2 In darkest shades, if Thou appear,


My dawning is begun ;
Thou art my soul's bright morning
And Thou my rising sun.

3 The opening heavens around me


With beams of sacred bliss,

If Jesus shows his mercy's mine,
And whispers I am his.

4 My soul would leave this heavy clay,

At that transporting word,
Run up with joy the shining way,
To see and praise my Lord.

5 Fearless of hell and ghastly death,
I'd break through every foe;
The wings of love and arms of faith,
Would bear me conqueror through.

Our Father who art in heaven, this day is now past and gone, and numbered with those beyond the flood, but I am yet in the land of the living, and permitted by thy grace to appear once. more on praying ground and pleading terms before Thee. I would therefore, render unto Thee unfeigned thanksgiving and praise, for supplying all my returning wants, out of thy exhaustless fulness of mercy and grace, through the past day; although I have grievously offended against thy majesty, and therefore, rather deserve thy hottest displeasure, than the exhibitions of thy grace. But I most humbly beseech Thee, for the sake of the precious blood of Jesus Christ, my Saviour, forgive me all my sins, and may his blood cleanse me from every pollution, and be pleased to clothe me with the robe of his innocence, that my transgressions may no more come up in judgment against me forever.

Be pleased also, to take me into thy holy care and keeping, through the ensuing night. Watch over me, and all those who are near and dear unto me, and protect us from the common

enemy of mankind-satan, from all the fears and dangers of the night, from sinful dreams, from the breaking in of enemies, from all accidents of fire and water, and from all manner of evil, as to soul and body. Be unto us, as a wall of fire round about us, and preserve us as the apple of thine eye.

Watch Thou over us, O Thou Guardian of Israel, who neither sleeps nor slumbers, and give thine holy angels charge over us, to preserve us in safety; so that we may not only awake in the morning, and pursue the business of the day, with zeal and diligence; but be also careful to make it the first business of the day, to send forth our praises unto Thee, and fervently implore the presence and guidance of thy good and Holy Spirit.

And incline my heart, Heavenly Parent, to esteem nothing in this world so highly as thy favour, and to hate nothing so much as my sins, and to ever dread to excite thy wrath and displeasure against me.

Be pleased, also, graciously to preserve me from ever placing my happiness upon the transitory sands of vain glory, or the perishable objects of time and sense, and much less upon the fleeting gratifications of the sinful lusts of the flesh, which, as soon as the sunshine of prosperity goes down, are past

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