PART II. Supplication for grace rightly to hear the word of God. ( HYMN 45. C. M.-Clarendon. 1 FATHER of mercies, in thy word 2 Here, may the wretched sons of want Exhaustless riches find ; Riches above what earth can grant, And lasting as the mind. 3 Here, the fair tree of knowledge grows, And yields a free repast ; 4 Here, springs of consolation rise 5 Here the Redeemer's welcome voice Spreads heavenly peace around, And life, and everlasting joys Attend the blissful sound. 6 Oh, may these heavenly pages be 7 Divine instructor, gracious Lord, "Search the scriptures ; for in them ye think ye have eternal life; and they are they which testify of me."-John 5. 39. O ever blessed God and Father! my soul would rejoice, and my heart would exult with gladness within me, when I reflect on thy exuberant goodness towards me, in permitting me to enjoy thy word, through which I may learn thy works and will to my comfort, in all tribulations and adversities. But especially would I thank Thee, that while the precious volume of thy word, is to multitudes who profess the Christian name, a sealed book, and they are fed with the mere husks of the traditions of men, from which they cannot derive the least true comfort or instructions, Thou hast granted me the gracious privilege of reading and contemplating these sacred oracles. Grant, therefore, O Father ! that I may ever make a due improvement of these invaluable blessings, by attentively reading and inwardly digesting the precious truths and doctrines contained in thy holy word. And, inasmuch as I cannot, in consequence of my natural depravity, read and understand thy word without the blessed influences of thy Holy Spirit, O be pleased to pour out thy Spirit into my heart, to the enlightening of my mind, in order that I may comprehend and understand it, and incline Thou my will to exercise a true faith and yield a cheerful and unwavering obedience to all thy will and commandments. Forbid that thy word should ever prove a dead letter, or become a savour of death unto death to me, but grant that it may be a savour of life unto life, and a seed of regeneration. Grant that this seed may take deep root within me, and bring forth much fruit unto everlasting life; that I may be thereby constrained to make progress in the amendment of my whole life-be greatly consoled and borne up in all trials and temptations-be strengthened in faith and patience, and confirmed in all manner of good works, and thus be edified unto life eternal. May it not only sound in my ears, but also penetrate my heart, so that I may continue faithful in the confession of the truth unto the end, and finally receive the end of my faith, even the salvation of my soul, through Jesus Christ my Mediator and Redeemer.-Amen. Instructions how to hear God's holy word with profit. HYMN 46.878777.-Treasure. 1 PRECIOUS Bible! what a treasure Does the word of God afford! All I want for life or pleasure, Food and medicine, shield and Let the world account me poor, 2 Food to which the world's a stranger, 3 When my faith is faint and sickly, 4 In the hour of dark temptation 5 Vain his threats to overcome me, 6 Shall I envy then the miser, INSTRUCTIONS. "Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it,"-Luke 4. 22. The humble and pious Christian who would desire to hear the word of God with profit, must: In the first place, enter into a suitable preparation for it, so that he may set under the preaching of the gospel with a holy reverence, and a sincere spiritual hunger for this manna from heaven, as the only true nourishment of his soul. Hence says the preacher Solomon, "Keep thy foot when thou goest to the house of God, and be ready to hear."-Eccl. 5. 1. Now we remark : 1. That the church is the house of God, in which he displays his gracious presence among his people, according |