Supplication for grace, rightly to hear and improve the word of God. HYMN 48. 7. 6. -Supplication. 1 FATHER of our dying Lord, Remember us for good ; O fulfil his faithful word, And hear his speaking blood ! 2 True and faithful Witness Thou, 3 Holy Ghost, the Comforter, Come, O come, and in us be ! "How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth." "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Ps. 119. 103, 105. 4 O eternal God and gracious Father in Christ Jesus! Thou hast said in thy word if any man lack wisdom let him ask it of Thee, with the promise that all which we ask of Thee, in the name of thy beloved Son, Thou wilt grant unto us. Relying, therefore, on this promise, I would prostrate myself in the profoundest humility before Thee, and confess that I am unworthy to hear thy holy word, as I have, alas! in times and ways without number, transgressed against it, and lived in opposition to its holy precepts ; and I, therefore, of myself am incapable to hear thy word in a profitable manner, as my mind is spiritually blind and ignorant, and my affections and desires are averse to all that is spiritually good. I am ignorant in hearing, drowsy in attending, and forgetful as to retaining thy word ; I therefore beseech Thee, O heavenly Parent! to not only in mercy, permit me to hear thy word, but also to grant me grace, that I may hear thy word to the edification and salvation of my soul. Make me, O Father, like unto a new born babe, desiring the pure milk of thy soul sanctifying word. May it ever prove sweeter to me than honey, and the honey-comb ; open Thou my heart, as Thou didst that of Lydia, so that I may attentively hearken unto thy messages, which I receive. Anoint mine eyes with the influences of thy Holy Spirit, that the scales of ignorance and unbelief may fall off, and I may behold wonders out of thy law. Banish from mine eyes all unseasonable sleep, from mine ears all supineness and indifference, and eradicate out of my body and soul, all which would prove detrimental to the hearing, receiving and preserving of thy word and will. Grant unto thy ministering servant grace, rightly to understand the mysteries of thy gospel, and to open his mouth with boldness, in declaring the whole counsel of God, and to apply it with power to all those who hear. May his words be clothed with divine power from on high, so that they may rouse my conscience, and that all my sinful affections and desires may be entirely eradicated. And grant that I may hear and receive the preached word, not as the word of man, but (as it is indeed and truth) thine own word-that I may not only rejoice in its blessed consolations, but also, readily submit to its faitful rebukes and warnings. May I not take offence at thy servant, the preacher when he, in the discharge of his duty, corrects me; but may I continue to love him more for his fidelity, in endeavouring to promote my eternal welfare, as one who has, in due time, to give an account for my soul. And as I am by nature, prone to forgetfulness, and satan is ever on the alert, to remove the impressions made by thy word on my heart, O be pleased o ingraft it deeply in my soul, so that I may never forget it, but preserve and practice it to my soul's salvation. And as the knowledge of the truth, is of the greatest injury to us, when we neglect carrying out this knowledge in a practical and holy obedience, I beseech Thee to bestow upon me the gracious dews of thy Holy Spirit, that I may thereby, be made abundantly fruitful in holy desires-that my mind may abound in heavenly contemplationsmy tongue dwell on the wonders of thy love-my hands be diligent in all good works, and may I thus continually exhibit myself as a faithful doer of thy word, in the discharge of all Christian duties, to the honour of thy holy name, and to the salvation of my soul in the day of the Lord Jesus Christ, to whom, with Thee and the Holy Spirit, be all the glory forever and ever. -Amen. A Prayer of an humble believer, under dejection of spirit, in consequence of not being able to hear the word of God with that attention and interest which he desires. HYMN 49. C. M.-Irish. 1 My soul lies cleaving to the dust; 2 I need th' influence of thy grace 3 When sore afflictions press me down, 4 Are not thy mercies sov'reign still, 5 Does not my heart thy precepts love, And long to see thy face? And yet how slow my spirits move, 6 Then shall I love thy gospel more, |