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7 Come, O Come, all glorious Lord!
No longer now delay,
With the Spirit's two-edged sword,
The crooked serpent slay!
Bare thine arm, and give the blow,
Root out the hellish seed :

O, avenge us of our foe,

And bruise the serpent's head !

8 Jesus, hear thy Spirit's call,

Thy Bride, who bids Thee come: Come, Thou righteous Judge of all, Pronounce the tempter's doom : Doom him to eternal wo,

For all his angels made ; Now avenge us of our foe, Forever bruise his head!

"Wherefore receive with meekness the ingrafted word, which is able to save your souls; and be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your ownselves."-James 1. 21, 22.

O most merciful God and Father in heaven! I would present unto Thee, in deepest humility of soul, the fruits of heart and tongue, even the warmest gratitude and praise, for all the blessings Thou hast bestowed upon me, as well for the body, as more especially for the light of thy truth, which Thou hast presented to me so plainly and pointedly in the preaching of thy word, by which Thou makest known thy mind and will in relation to my duties towards Thee, and to work out my soul's salvation, in Christ Jesus. O Lord! awaken me to a true and living knowledge of this exceeding grace and compassion towards me, notwithstanding { have often neglected paying that attention to thy word, which is necessary to enable it to bring forth fruit, and by which I have richly deserved to be given over to a reprobate sense, so as to cause thy word to prove a savour of death unto me, but still Thou hast permitted me once more to hear thy mind and will proclaimed unto me, in a preached gospel. Grant me, blessed God, a broken and penitent heart, to weep over my inattention and base ingratitude towards Thee. Nay, be pleased to water the seed which has just been sowed into mine heart, with the early and latter rains of thy grace, that it may take deep root, spring up, and bring forth much fruit meet unto repentance and salvation. May my darkened understanding be thereby enlightened-my stubborn will be bowed into obedience of faith-my troubled heart be comforted-my weak faith, love, hope and patience all be strengthened, and my sinful life be amended, and I be enabled to make continual progress in the narrow way which leads unto everlasting life. Strengthen, O Lord, for this purpose, my memory, so that I may be enabled to retain the precious truths which I hear, to sincerely love them, and continually meditate on Thee, and earnestly resolve to live according to all thy commandments, and thus work out my soul's salvation with fear and trembling, so that I may not belong to the number of those who have the form of godliness, but deny its power, or those who hear much, but do little, and thereby treasure up unto themselves the wrath of God against the day of wrath, and the revelation of the righteous judgment of God.

But O may I be like a tree planted by the water course, which brings its fruit in due season, and whose leaves do not wither-that I may not bring fruit of the flesh but of the Spirit-such as love, peace, joy, patience, friendship, benevolence, faith, meekness and vir


But, O Lord, as Thou knowest full well, that in consequence of my flesh lusting against the Spirit, and the law in my members warring against the law in my mind, it is with great difficulty that I accomplish any good, nay, that I often grow weary in well-doing -that I am moreover scoffed at by the people of the world, and that satan goes about continually, as a roaring lion, seeking how he may render my progress in the way to heaven difficult. O God! I entreat Thee to replenish my soul with grace and power from on high, to remain steadfast in the fulfilment of my good resolution, and increase in the knowledge and grace of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and to remain faithful unto the end, so that I may at last, through the riches of thy free grace, receive the end of my faith, even the eternal salvation of my neverdying soul !-Amen.


HYMN 51. C. M.-Whiting.

1 MY Saviour God, my Sov'reign


Reigns far above the skies ;
But brings his graces down to sense,
And helps my faith to rise.

2 My eyes and ears shall bless his name:
They read and hear his word ;
My touch and taste shall do the same,
When they receive the Lord.

3 Baptismal water is design'd
To seal his cleansing grace;
While at his feast of bread and wine
He gives his saints a place;

4 But not the waters of a flood
Can make my flesh so clean ;
As by his Spirit and his blood
He'll wash my soul from sin.

5 Not choicest meats, nor noblest wines,
So much my heart refresh ;
As when my faith goes thro' the sign's,
And feeds upon his flesh.

6 I love the Lord, that stoops so low,
To give his word a seal :
But the rich grace his hands bestow,
Exceeds the figures still.


As to the nature and objects of the Sacraments of the Christian Church, we remark, that our gracious God, on account of our weakness and infirmities, hath ordained the sacraments for us, thereby to seal unto us his promises, and to be pledges of the good-will and grace of God toward us, and also to nourish and strengthen our faith; which he hath joined to the word of the gospel, the better to present to our senses, both that, which he signifies to us by his word, and that which he works inwardly in our hearts, thereby assuring and confirming in us, the salvation which he imparts to us. For they are visible signs and seals of an inward and invisible thing, by means whereof, God worketh in us by the

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