firmed the same unto us by holy baptism: we beseech Thee, through the same Son of thy love, that Thou wilt be pleased always to govern these baptized children, by thy Holy Spirit, that they may be piously and religiously educated, increased and grow up in the Lord Jesus Christ, that they then may acknowledge thy fatherly goodness and mercy, which Thou hast shown to them and us, and live in all righteousness, under our only Teacher, King and High Priest, Jesus Christ; and manfully fight against, and overcome sin, the devil and his whole dominion, to the end that they may eternally praise and magnify Thee, and thy Son Jesus Christ, together with the Holy Ghost, the only true God.-Amen. Adult Baptism. HYMN 54. L. M..-Old Hundred. 1 'TWAS the commission of our Lord, “ Go teach the nations and baptize:” The nations have receiv'd thy word, Since he ascended to the skies. 2 He sits upon th' eternal hills 3" Repent and be baptized," he saith, 4 Our souls he washes in his blood, 5 Thus we engage ourselves to Thee, And seal our cov'nant with the Lord; O may the great eternal Three In heav'n our solemn vows, record ! However children of Christian parents, (although they understand not this mystery,) must be baptized by virtue of the covenant; yet, it is not lawful to baptize those who are come to the years of discretion, except they first be sensible of their sins, and make confession both of their repentance and faith in Christ: for this cause did not only John the Baptist preach (according to the command of God,) the baptism of repentance, and baptized for the remission of sins, those who confessed their sins. Mark 1. and Luke 3. But our Lord Jesus Christ also commanded his disciples to teach all nations, and then to baptize them, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Matthew 28. Mark 16. Adding this promise: "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved." According to which rule, the Apostles, as appeareth from Acts 2. 10, and 16, baptized none who were of years of discretion, but such who made confession of their faith and repentance; therefore it is not lawful nowa-days, to baptize any other adult persons, than such as have been taught the mysteries of holy baptism, by the preaching of the gospel, and are able to give an account of their faith by the confession of the mouth. Since therefore you N. are also desirous of holy baptism, to the end, it may be to you a seal of your ingrafting into the church of God, that it may appear that you do not only receive the christian religion, in which you have been privately instructed by us, and of which also you have made confession before us: but that you (through the grace of God) intend and purpose to lead a life according to the same; you are sincerely to give answer before God and his church: First: Dost Thou believe in the only true God, distinct in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, who hath made heaven and earth, and all that in them is, of nothing, and still maintains and governs them, insomuch that nothing comes to pass, either in heaven or on earth without his divine will? Answer-Yes. Secondly: Dost thou believe that thou art conceived and born in sin, and therefore art a child of wrath by nature, wholly incapable of doing any good, and prone to all evil; and that thou hast frequently, both in thought, word and deed, transgressed the commandments of the Lord : and whether thou art heartily sorry for these sins ? Answer-Yes. Thirdly: Dost thou believe that Christ, who is the true and eternal God, and very man, who took his human nature on him out of the flesh and blood of the Virgin Mary, is given thee of God, to be thy Saviour, and that thou dost receive by this faith, remission of sins in his blood, and that thou art made by the power of the Holy Ghost, a member of Jesus Christ and his church? Answer-Yes. Fourthly: Dost thou assent to all the articles of the Christian religion, as they are taught here, in this Christian church, according to the word of God ; and purpose steadfastly to continue in the same doctrine to the end of thy life; and also, dost thou reject all heresies and schisms, repugnant to this doctrine, and promise to persevere in the communion of our Christian Church, not only in the hearing of the word, but also in the use of the Lord's Supper? Answer-Yes. Fifthly : Hast thou taken a firm resolution always to lead a Christian life ; to forsake the world and its evil lusts, as is becoming the members of Christ and his church; and to submit thyself to all Christian admonitions ? Answer-Yes. The good and great God mercifully grant his grace and blessing to this your purpose, through Jesus ChristAmen. COMMUNICANT'S COMPANION. The Lord's Supper. HYMN 55. L. M.-Alfreton. 1 'TWAS on that dark, that doleful night, When pow'rs of earth and hell arose, Against the Son of God's delight, And friends betrayed him to his foes : 2 Before the mournful scene began, He took the bread, and bless'd, and brake; What love thro' all his actions ran ! What wand'rous words of grace he spake! 3 "This is my body, broke for sin, Receive and eat the living food;" |