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thoughts, words and deeds, to honour, praise and glorify thy holy name; but instead of doing this, I have taken thy holy name in vain-visited thy house more from custom than from a spirit of zeal and engagedness in thy service, and have sought to please man more than God. And although I have set under the preaching of the gospel, yet I have received but little benefit from the enjoyment of these sacred and precious privileges, inasmuch as I have suffered my attention to be diverted from thy word, by vain and foolish thoughts, or suffered myself to be overtaken by untimely sleep. And although I have confessed thy gospel, yet I have not led a life corresponding with the holy doctrines which I profess, but have often received the grace of God in vain.

4. According to thy fourth commandment, Thou hast made it my solemn duty, to remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy, as a monument of thy great work of creation, and which I am bound to dedicate wholly to thy service in the exercise of all the duties of religion, to the praise and honour of thy holy name; and for this purpose, to abstain from all manner of unnecessary work, so that I may commence an eternal sabbath, already in this world, and in due time, spend a never-ending rest with Thee in hea

ven, but I humbly confess, that instead of doing this, I have let too many sabbaths run to waste, and have at best, come far short of sanctifying the sabbath as enjoined upon me in this commandment, for after spending an hour or two, in thy service, I have, alas! ofttimes spent the remainder of the day in an idle and unprofitable manner, and instead of improving these, precious seasons, by reading, hearing and meditating on thy word, how often have I either neglected these duties altogether or attended to them, at best, in an indifferent and drowsy frame of mind!


5. In the fifth commandment Thou hast made it obligatory on me, to love, honour and obey my parents and superiors ; but how often, O God, have I been stubborn and disobedient towards them, and although I have not entirely cast off the yoke of obedience, yet I have frequently manifested great indisposition and impatience as to performing their just and reasonable commands, and thus, instead of honouring my spiritual and temporal superiors, I have often heaped indignity upon their persons and standing.

6. The sixth commandment prohibits me, not only from injuring my neighbour, as to his body, but also to be ever watchful, according to my best abili

ties, to protect and promote his interests and welfare, as well as mine own, both as to body and soul, in this, and for a coming world. But how often have I by the intemperate use and abuse of thy benefits, through envy, hatred and strife-through bad counsel and example, jeoparded the life and well-being of both myself and my neighbour ; and when I have at times, been offended by him, have I indulged a spirit of anger and revenge, so as to let the sun go down, not only once, but ofttimes over my anger, before I was reconciled with him again; and so far was I from loving mine enemies, and doing good unto them which hate me and despitefully use me, that I even rejoiced over their misfortunes, and wished all manner of evil to befall them.

7. In the seventh commandment, Thou hast commanded me to avoid and flee from every opportunity and temptation to uncleanness, and to use all possible means to live a virtuous, pure and holy life ; in order to the performance of which, I should have been daily on my guard, and by watching, fasting and prayer, crucified the lusts of the flesh, and have preserved my heart and mind from all impurity, and my body which should be a temple for the Holy Ghost, pure and holy ; but instead of doing this, Thou knowest, O God, how often I have, by unclean thoughts, light and trifling words, and vain and foolish actions, rendered my soul utterly impure and abominable in thy pure and holy eyes.

8. In the eighth commandment the duty is made obligatory upon me, to practice righteousness-to give unto each one of my fellow creatures his due-to be satisfied with my situation and circumstances, and to eat my bread in the sweat of my brow, and to give unto the poor and needy according to my ability, and to use the good things of this life, which Thou bestowest upon me, so as not to abuse them. But I confess with humility before Thee, that I have been an unfaithful servant-that I have performed but few deeds of charity, and have thereby sinned against the poor; but I have moreover, been rather engaged in laying up treasures on earth, than in longing after heaven, and have been often tempted to employ unjust means, for the accomplishment of these objects.

9. According to thy ninth commandment, I am bound at all times, to speak the truth without dissimulation-to judge of all things with charity, and to protect my neighbour's honour and character, to the utmost of my power. But instead of doing this, I have not only often envied him his good fortune, but have also, ofttimes spoken evil of him, and whereas, I should have covered the nakedness and imperfections of my superiors, with the mantle of love, I have followed too closely the example of Ham, and have sported with them, and have published them to others. I should also have endeavoured to live in strict conformity to all thy holy commandments, and to keep myself unspotted from the world; but I have indulged in many sins, and have polluted my conscience and injured my good name by my transgressions, nay, my whole life has been a tissue of falsehood, inasmuch as although I professed the form of godliness, yet I have denied the power thereof.

10. In the tenth commandment Thou, O God! hast enjoined upon me to be content with whatever Thou in thy inscrutable wisdom mayest see proper to bestow upon me, especially as Thou art wont to bestow much more good than I deserve, and much more than many of thy dear children in the world enjoy; but alas! I have often murmured when Thou hast given others more than I possess, and have indulged a sinful covetousness for forbidden objects, and have thus been tempted to neglect rendering Thee suitable thanks for the favours which I receive at thy munificent hands.

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