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as I am?-one who has so often despised thy mercy-so frequently excited thy displeasure-given the world and its sinful lusts, the preference, and have thereby richly merited thy wrath and the flames of hell. Thanks! everlasting thanks be unto Thee, O Father in heaven! for this unmerited mercy and loving kindness towards me, in calling me, unworthy as I am, to participate of this sacred feast. In dependence upon thy call, I will draw nigh with joy:-0 may thy will be done; render me, O Lord, by thy grace, (through which I am so affectionately invited to draw nigh unto Thee, in the way of thine own appointment,) acceptable in thy sight, and preserve me continually in thy love.

O Lord, be merciful unto me a poor sinner, for I stand in much need of thy mercy. As I am nothing without Thee, so I am unable to do any thing good without thine aid, for, O my Lord and my God, it is only through thy grace strengthening me, that I can do all things. Inasmuch, then, as it is necessary, on this day of help, that I enjoy much grace, to sincerely repent-to exercise a godly sorrow for my sins, and to receive this soul-nourishing and refreshing sacrament, at thy table, in the exercise of true devotion-fervent love -and a living and saving faith in thy

blood, O be pleased to perfect thy Almighty power in my weakness, and work in me, O Lord, both to will and to do, according to thine own good pleasure, for Jesus Christ my Saviour's sake-Amen.

Devotions when receiving the Lord's Supper.

HYMN 60. P. M.-Calvary.

1 Hark! the voice of love and mercy Sounds aloud from Calvary; See! it rends the rocks asunder, Shakes the earth, and veils the sky! "It is finish'd!"

Hear the dying Saviour cry.

2 It is finish'd! O what pleasure

Do these precious words afford ! Heav'nly blessings, without measure, Flow to us from Christ the Lord: It is finish'd!

Saints, the dying words record.

3 Finish'd, all the types and shadows Of the ceremonial law!

Finish'd, all that God had promis'd ; Death and hell no more shall awe: It is finish'd!


Saints, from hence your comforts

4 Happy souls, approach the table, Taste the soul-reviving food!

Nothing's half so sweet and pleasant,
As the Saviour's flesh and blood.
It is finished !

Christ has borne our heavy load.

5 Tune your harps anew, ye seraphs, Join to sing the pleasing theme ; All on earth, and all in heav'n, Join to praise Immanuel's name? Hallelujah!

Glory to the bleeding Lamb!


"He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him," says the Redeemer.-John 6. 56.

O great God! Gracious and merciful Father in Christ Jesus! Thou in vitest me once more to the communion of the treasures of thy grace, as Thou hast prepared the table before mine eyes, and callest me to participate of the pledges of thy love, and the seals of thy covenant, which Thou hast established in Christ Jesus the Son of thy love.

When I, however, remember that Thou art a holy God, nay, that Thou art holiness itself, and that Thou wilt be sanctified by all them, who would approach unto Thee; but that I am entirely impure and polluted, as to soul and body, in my whole life and

actions. I am cast down and am afraid to appear at this sacred feast; for I know, O God, that no one can appear acceptably in thy presence; but in the beauty of holiness, clothed in a precious wedding garment; consisting of the most excellent of heavenly gifts and graces-penitence for sin-true knowledge of a saving faith-fervent love towards Thee and my neighbours -new obedience-undissembled holiness-love and zeal in doing all manner of good works.

My heart, therefore, sinks under discouragement, as I can scarcely venture to approach unto Thee, inasmuch as I am poor and naked, being not clothed with any of these divine virtues. For, on examining myself, I find so much blindness of mind, that I am so often lead off from the narrow way of holiness; that my faith is so weak and wavering, that it scarcely deserves the name-that my obedience is so imperfect, that I more frequently oppose, than do thy holy will—that my love is so faint, that it almost expires-that my repentance is so transient, that I daily fall into errors and sin. How often am I, in the midst of my devotional exercises without zeal, and unfruitful in good works ? All my righteousness and holiness is like unto a filthy garment; and above all, my heart is frequently so hard and impenitent, that I feel no concern about those things which belong to my peace; and my desires after Thee, O blessed Jesus, are cold, although Thou art my only Saviour and Redeemer. Alas! alas! how great is the depravity of my hard and stony heart?

Now, O Lord my God, shall I approach? Ah! how shall I stand before Thee? Shall I flee ?-but whither? 0 Lord! two things press sorely upon my conscience; on the one hand, my conscience accuses me of many great and grievous sins-thy holy law thunders the sentence of condemnation and death, in mine ears-thy justice and holiness fill me with terror, and thy wrath threatens me with eternal perdition. On the other hand, thy grace affords me a pleasing hope-my Saviour exclaims: come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden with sin, and I will give you rest; and these holy signs and seals before me, are pledges of thy grace and loving-kind


0! then for counsel! Shall I remain at a distance, because I am a sinner ? Shall I refuse to approach a throne of grace, because I am wretched and heavy laden? Shall I not go to this all-sufficient fulness of thy grace, because I am so indigent ? Ah, no! I

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