The Laws of the United States of America, Volume 3R. Folwell, 1796 |
Common terms and phrases
aforesaid alſo America appropriated APPROVED buſineſs cafe cauſe cents certificate CHAPTER clerks collector commiffioners commiſſioners compenfation Congreſs Congress affembled court Court-houſe debt diſtilled diſtrict dred duties eſtabliſhed exported faid fale fame fand feffion feven fifty dollars fion firſt day fix hundred FREDERICK AUGUSTUS MUHLENBERG fuch fugar fum not exceeding fupport further enacted GEORGE WASHINGTON half a penfion HENRY TAZEWELL hereby houſe House of Representatives hundred dollars Indian intereſt intitled iſſued JOHN ADAMS JONATHAN DAYTON laſt licenſe loan ment neceſſary paſſed payment penalties perſon port poſt Poſtmaſter-General Prefident preſent President Provided provifion purpoſe RALPH IZARD reſpectively river ſaid ſame ſhall SAMUEL LIVERMORE Secretary ſection Senate and House Senate pro tempore ſervice ſeveral ſhall be lawful ſhall be paid ſhip or veſſel ſnuff Speaker ſpirits ſtate ſtills ſtock ſuch ſum thence thereof thousand dollars thousand ſeven hundred tion Treasury United veffel Vice-President WILLIAM BINGHAM
Popular passages
Page 91 - That if any person shall, within the territory or jurisdiction of the United States, begin or set on foot, or provide or prepare the means for, any military expedition or enterprise...
Page 89 - ... within the United States, and shall, on board of any vessel of war, letter of marque or privateer, which, at the time of its arrival within the United States was fitted and equipped as such, enlist or enter himself, or hire or retain another subject or citizen of the same foreign prince...
Page 165 - In case the alien applying to be admitted to citizenship has borne any hereditary title, or been of any of the orders of nobility in the Kingdom or State from which he came...
Page 452 - Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in congress assembled, two-thirds of both houses concurring, that the following articles be proposed to the legislatures of the several States, as amendments to the constitution of the United States; all or any of which articles, when ratified by three-fourths of the said legislatures, to be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the said constitution...
Page 300 - Lawrence, thence westerly to a fork of that branch of the Great Miami river, running into the Ohio, at or near which fork stood Loromie's store, and where commences the portage between the Miami of the Ohio, and St. Mary's river, which is a branch of the Miami which runs into lake Erie...
Page 360 - Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the State of California shall be one, and is hereby declared to be one, of the United States of America, and admitted into the Union on an equal footing with the original States in all respects whatever.
Page 92 - People, in every such case it shall be lawful for the President of The United States, or such other Person as he shall have empowered for that purpose, to employ such part of the Land or Naval Forces of the United States...
Page 93 - SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That this act shall continue and be in force for and during the term of two years from the passing thereof. Approved June 25, 1798. AN ACT IN ADDITION TO THE ACT ENTITLED "AN ACT FOR THE PUNISHMENT OF CERTAIN CRIMES AGAINST THE UNITED STATES.
Page 93 - President of the United States, or such person as he shall empower for that purpose, to employ such part of the land or naval forces of the United States, or of the militia thereof, as shall be necessary to compel any foreign...
Page 190 - And that no officer, non-commissioned officer, or private of the militia, shall be compelled to serve more than three months, after his arrival at the place of rendezvous, in any one year, nor more than in due rotation with every other able-bodied man of the same rank in the battalion to which he belongs.