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kingdoms, why is this enviously upbraided to thofe of ours? who do gladly profefs, &c.

Anfw. Because your diffevered principles were but like the mangled pieces of a gafhed ferpent, that now begun to close, and grow together popish again. Whatfoever you now gladly profefs out of fear, we know what your drifts were when you thought yourselves fecure.

Remonft. It is a foul flander to charge the name of epifcopacy with a faction, for the fact imputed to fome


Anfw. The more foul your faction that hath brought a harmless name into obloquy, and the fact may juftly be imputed to all of ye that ought to have withstood it, and did not.

Remonft. Fie brethren! are ye the prefbyters of the church of England, and dare challenge epifcopacy of faction?

Anfw. Yes, as oft as epifcopacy dares be factious.

Remonft. Had you spoken fuch a word in the time of holy Cyprian, what had become of you?

Anfw. They had neither been haled into your Gehenna at Lambeth, nor ftrapadoed with an oath ex officio by your bowmen of the arches: and as for Cyprian's time the cause was far unlike, he indeed fucceeded into an episcopacy that began then to prelatize; but his perfonal excellence like an antidote overcame the malignity of that breeding corruption, which was then a disease that lay hid for a while under fhow of a full and healthy conftitution, as those hydropic humours not difcernible at first from a fair and juicy flefhiness of body, or that unwonted ruddy colour, which feems graceful to a cheek otherwife pale; and yet arifes from evil causes, either of fome inward obftruction or inflammation, and might deceive the first phyficians till they had learned the fequel, which Cyprian's days did not bring forth; and the prelatifm of epifcopacy, which began then to burgeon and spread, had as yet, efpecially in famous men, a fair, though a falfe imitation of flourishing.

Remonft. Neither is the wrong lefs to make application of that which was moft juftly charged upon the VOL. I. practices



Animadverfions upon the

practices and combinations of libelling feparatifts, whoi defervedly cenfured, &c.

Anfw. To conclude this fection, our Remonftrant we fee is refolved to make good that which was formerly faid of his book, that it was neither humble nor a remonftrance, and this his defence is of the fame complexion. When he is conftrained to mention the notorious violence of his clergy attempted on the church of Scotland, he flightly terms it a fact imputed to fome few; but when he fpeaks of that which the parliament vouchsafes to name the city petition," which I," faith he, (as if the ftate had made him public cenfor) "defervedly cenfured." And how? As before for a tumultuary and underhand way of procured fubfcriptions, fo now in his defence more bitterly, as the practices and combinations of libelling feparatifts, and the mifzealous advocates thereof, juftly to be branded for incendiaries. Whether this be for the honour of our chief city to be noted with fuch an infamy for a petition, which not without fome of the magiftrates, and great numbers of fober and confiderable men, was orderly and meekly prefented, although our great clerks think that thefe men, because' they have a trade, (as Chrift himself and St. Paul had). cannot therefore attain to fome good measure of knowledge, and to a reafon of their actions, as well as they that fpend their youth in loitering, bezzling, and harlotting, their studies in unprofitable questions and barbarous fophiftry, their middle age in ambition and idleness, their old age in avarice, dotage, and difeafes. And whether this reflect not with a contumely upon the parliament itfelf, which thought this petition worthy, not only of receiving, but of voting to a commitment, after it had been advocated, and moved for by fome honourable and learned gentlemen of the house, to be called a combination of libelling feparatifts, and the advocates thereof to be branded for incendiaries; whether this appeach not the judgment and approbation of the parliament I leave to equal arbiters.



Remonft. After the overflowing of your gall, you defcend to liturgy and epifcopacy.

Anfw. The overdow being paft, you cannot now in your own judgment impute any bitterness to their following difcourfes.

Remonft. Dr. Hall, whom you name I dare fay for honour's fake.

Anfw. You are a merry man, fir, and dare fay much.. Remonft. And why fhould not I fpeak of martyrs, as the authors and users of this holy liturgy?

Anfw. As the authors! the tranflators, you might perhaps have faid: for Edward the fixth, as Hayward hath written in his ftory, will tell you upon the word of a king, that the order of the service, and the use thereof in the English tongue, is no other than the old fervice was, and the same words in English which were in Latin, except a few things omitted, fo fond, that it had been a fhame to have heard them in English; these are his words: whereby we are left uncertain who the author was, but certain that part of the work was esteemed fo abfurd by the tranflators thereof, as was to be ashamed of in English. O but the martyrs were the refiners of it, for that only is left you to fay. Admit they were, they could not refine a fcorpion into a fish, though they had drawn it, and rinced it with never fo cleanly cookery, which made them fall at variance among themselves about the use either of it, or the ceremonies belonging to it.

Remonft. Slight you them as you please, we bless God for fuch patrons of our good caufe.

Anfw. O Benedicite! Qui color ater erat, nunc eft contrarius atro. Are not these they which one of your bishops in print fcornfully terms the Foxian confeffors? Are not these they whofe acts and monuments are not only fo contemptible, but fo hateful to the prelates, that their fory was almost come to be a prohibited book, which for these two or three editions hath crept into the world by stealth, and at times of advantage, not without the open regret and vexation of the bishops, as many honeft

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honest men that had to do in setting forth the book will juftify? And now at a dead lift for your liturgies you blefs God for them: out upon fuch hypocrify!

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Remonft. As if we were bound to make good every word that falls from the mouth of every bishop.

Anfw. Your faction then belike is a fubtile Janus, and hath two faces: your bolder face to fet forward any innovations or scandals in the church, your cautious and wary face to difavow them if they fucceed not, that so the fault may not light upon the function, left it should fpoil the whole plot by giving it an irrecoverable wound. Wherefore elfe did you not long ago, as a good bifhop fhould have done, difclaim and proteft against them? Wherefore have you fat ftill, and complied and hoodwinked, till the general complaints of the land have fqueezed you to a wretched, cold, and hollow-hearted confeffion of fome prelatical riots both in this and other places of your book? Nay, what if you still defend them as follows?

Remonft. If a bishop have faid that our liturgy hath been fo wifely and charitably framed, as that the devotion of it yieldeth no cause of offence to a very pope's ear.

Anfw. O new and never heard of fupererogative height of wisdom and charity in our liturgy! Is the wisdom of God or the charitable framing of God's word otherwife inoffenfive to the pope's ear, than as he may turn it to the working of his myfterious iniquity? A little pulley would have ftretched your wife and charitable frame it may be three inches further, that the devotion of it might have yielded no cause of offence to the very devil's ear, and that had been the fame wisdom and charity furmounting to the highest degree. For Antichrift we know is but the devil's vicar, and therefore please him with your liturgy, and you please his master.

Remonft. Would you think it requifite, that we should chide and quarrel when we speak to the God of peace

Anfw. Fie, no fir, but forecaft our prayers fo, that Satan and his inftruments may take as little exception against them as may be, left they should chide and quar rel with us.

Remonft. It is no little advantage to our cause and



piety, that our liturgy is taught to fpeak feveral languages for ufe and example.

Anfw. The language of Afhdod is one of them, and that makes so many Englishmen have fuch a fmattering of their philiftian mother. And indeed our liturgy hath run up and down the world like an english galloping nun proffering herself, but we hear of none yet that bids money for her.

Remonft. As for that fharp cenfure of learned Mr. Calvin, it might well have been forborn by him in aliena republica.

Anfw. Thus this untheological remonftrant would divide the individual catholic church into feveral republics: know, therefore, that every worthy paftor of the church of Chrift hath universal right to admonish over all the world within the church; nor can that care be aliened from him by any distance or diftinction of nation, fo long as in Chrift all nations and languages are as one household.

Remonft. Neither would you think it could become any of our greatest divines, to meddle with his charge.

Anfw. It hath ill become them indeed to meddle fo malicioufly, as many of them have done, though that pa tient and chriftian city hath borne hitherto all their profane fcoffs with filence.

Remonft. Our liturgy paffed the judgment of no lefs reverend heads than his own.

Anfw. It bribed their judgments with worldly engage ments, and fo paffed it.

Remonft. As for that unparallelled difcourfe concerning the antiquity of liturgies, I cannot help your wonder, but fhall juftify mine own affertion.

Anfw. Your juftification is but a miferable shifting off those teftimonies of the ancienteft fathers alleged againft you, and the authority of fome inodal canons, which are now arrant to us. We profefs to decide our controverfies only by the scriptures; but yet to reprefs your vain-glory, there will be voluntarily bestowed upon you a fufficient conviction of your novelties out of fucceeding antiquity. Remonft. I cannot fee how you will avoid your own contradiction, for I demand, is this order of praying and admini

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