162 Attachment not to include the right to sue, 3.......... If bond and security be given by the plaintiff at the time of suing out such attachment, officer to take possession of the property attached, ............... 182 If such bond be given, no action to be maintained against the officer, 6........... 162 ATTORNEY GENERAL, 228 Time in which Joseph Sprigg is to qualify as such, extended... AUDITOR, 232 ...... To issue his warrant to Goodwin Lykins, ? 2.... To issue his warrant for the removal of Jephtha G. Steinsypher, a lunatic, to the state of Tennessee......... 62 To release any one of the sureties of William Roach, on his paying into the state treasury his proportion of said indebtedness... To ascertain the indebtedness of William Roach, late sheriff of Wyoming county... 87 To pay the proportion of the state school fund due to the school district of 198 To issue his warrant to certain citizens for the amount of taxes paid by them for the year 1870, 2........... 206 207 To issue his warrant to R. S. Blair... To issue his warrant to John B. Morrison...................................... 207 To allow the sheriff of Jefferson county credit for certain taxes released, 2... 207 209 213 To issue his warrant to James L. Carr.. To issue his warrant to such persons as the board of supervisors of Hancock county may direct............ 225 231 To issue his warrant to Harriet Smith... To credit the sheriff of Marshall county with certain commissions... 232 245 To issue his warrant to E. C. Fox........... AUDITOR-Continued. PAGE. 274 ....... 278 278 Authorized to pay Joseph S. Wheat.......... Certain duties required of.......... To communicate with the auditor of the state of Virginia, ? 1.......... Authorized to demand from any of the banks of this state, who were doing 280 280 280 281 To inquire into the matters of the winding up of the affairs of the North- 281 To credit John Alford with certain taxes released... BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD, 286 Auditor authorized to pay the members of the joint special committee to in- 280 Joint resolution in relation to, and directing the attorney general to institute 284 Deed from to Samuel R. Houston and others, trustees, legalized.............................................. 198 BERKELEY AND JEFFERSON TURNPIKE COMPANY-Continued, Counties to be stockholders, 3........... Votes of counties; how cast, 3............ Tolls to be charged only while road is in repair, 4...... BETHANY. Corporate limits, ¿ 1.. Incorporation, 2.................... Powers of corporation, 2...... Municipal authorities, 3... Annual election, 4..... BETHEL, GERMAN BAPTIST CHURCH, BEVERLY, Corporate limits, ? 1. Municipal authorities, 2..... Common council, 2......... Bonds of sergeant and treasurer, 3.............. Corporate powers, 4......... Terms of office, 5..... Qualifications for office, 6........... First election, 7.. Annual election, 7.. Who may vote, 8... Vote by ballot, 9........... Tie votes; how decided, 9...... Oaths of office, 10.......... Presiding officer of council, 11... Journal of council, 11 Yeas and nays, 11........ Casting vote, 11. Powers of council, 12........ Powers of council, 12... Annual levy, 12...... .......................... BETHANY, Transfer of Wheeling and Bethany turnpike legalized............ BICKEL, JACOB M., ASSESSOR, 31 Authorized to make copy of the militia roll of Ohio county for the year 1871,81 66 BIG CACAPON LUMBER AND BOOM COMPANY, Privilege of constructing boom on the Big Cacapon river, 4............... BIG CACAPON LUMBER & BOOM COMPANY.-Continued. Rates of toll and boomage, 6............ Lien for toll and boomage, 6......... Sale of unclaimed timber; disposition of proceeds, 7............................... ᏢᎪᏀᎬ . 22 22 22 22 22 22 Penalty for injuring company's works, or defacing marks on timber, 8......... 22 Act to abolish and embrace the same in the township of Lewisburg and ***** Division line of Lewisburg and Falling Spring Townships, 2....... 205 To be licensed for three months, or for any fractional portion of a year not less than three months, in the same preportion as the annual tax...... Chapter thirty-three of the code relative to, amended..... ...... 151 249 The owner or keeper of may take out license on the same for any fractional part of a year, not less than one month....... 249 To pay the proportionate part of present rate of tax........ $31.50 appropriated to pay for services as adjutant general, second brigade, first division, West Virginia militia........ Raleigh Court House and Blue Sulphur Springs Turnpike Company iucorporated.......... 73 BOARD OF EDUCATION, Of Graham township Mason county, authorized to lease school building...... 21. Of Sewell township, Fayette county, authorized to pay S. H. Love as teacher.. 99 Of Triadelphia township, Ohio county,authorized to employ a German teacher 258 Of Parkersburg township, Wood county, authorized to pay their secretary... 259 BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, To contract for interest on state funds, ? 1........... To take certain measures to encourage immigration into the state, 1............. 208 BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, To appoint a commissioner of immigration, 2... To report annually to the legislature, 3........ Expenses; how paid, 4 Directed to take legal steps against banks refusing to make certain disclosures, and to furnish certain information to the auditor, 5............. BOARDS OF SUPERVISORS, PAGE. 208 208 208 281 To prepare jury lists for their respective counties for the year 1871, § 3....... 171 Meeting of to ascertain the result of the election on proposed amendment to the constitution, 5......... BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, 900 209 Of Putnam county authorized to pay E. P. Hodges balance due him............ 36. 206 4th Thursday in October, 1870, for county and township officers legalized.. 204 Of Jefferson county, to report to the auditor the names of the sufferers in said county by the late flood in the Shenandoah river, ? 2................. Of Ritchie county authorized to pay George W. Corbin amount due for services as surveyor of roads........... 225 BOATS, Congress requested to prohibit the construction of any bridge which may imperil the transit of on the Ohio river............................. 276 BOATING COMPANIES, Greenbrier incorporated 154 BONDS, Those required to be approved by the governor to be submitted to the attor ney general or one of the judges of the supreme court or a circuit judge, 11........... Chapter 33 of the code relative to, amended............ To be licensed for three months or any fractional portion of a year not less than three months, at the same proportion as the annual tax. 151 249 Inconsistent acts repealed.... To pay the proportionate part of the present rate of tax............ Owner or keeper of may take out license on the same for any fractional por tion of a year not less than one month........................ |