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Page 212, last line on page, for "fixed" read "filed."

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in Carroll Township, Lincoln county, in this State, are hereby authorized to sell and convey their church property, situated on Mud River, in said township, in said county, and now used as the Court House for said county.

CHAPTER 2.--An ACT enabling John M. Greer, of Jackson County, to qualify as Sheriff of that County.

Passed January 31, 1871.


WHEREAS, At the general election held in the county of Preamble. Jackson, on the twenty-seventh day of October, eighteen hundred and seventy, John M. Greer was duly elected to the office of sheriff of said county of Jackson, for the term of four years, commencing on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-one;

And whereas, the Board of Supervisors of the said county of Jackson have failed to declare the result of said election as required by law;

And whereas, it satisfactorily appears that the said John M. Greer was, at the time of the said election, a qualified voter of the said county of Jackson, under the Constitution of this State; therefore,

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia :


That the said John M. Greer, for the reasons stated in Authority to the preamble to this act, be, and he is hereby authorized, qualify as and permitted to qualify as sheriff of the said county of Sheriff of Jackson, for the term of four years, to date from the first county. day of January, 1871, in the manner prescribed by law, before the Circuit Court of the said county of Jackson, or the judge thereof in vacation, at any time within sixty days from and after the passage of this act.

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