September 21. Description of Dunvegan. Lord Lovat's Pyramid. Swift's Lord Orrery. Defects as well as virtues the proper September 23. Further disquisition concerning Fingal. Eminent men disconcerted by a new mode of publick appearance. Garrick. Mrs. Montague's Essay on Shakspeare. Persons of consequence watched in London. Learning of the Scots from 1550 to 1650. The arts of civil life little known in Scotland till the Union. Life of a sailor. The folly of Peter the Great in working in a dock-yard. Arrive at Talisker. Presbyterian September 24. French hunting. Young Col. Dr. Birch, Dr. Percy. September 25. Every island a prison. A Sky cottage. Return to Corrichatachin. Good fellowship carried to excess. September 26. Morning review of last night's intemperance. Old September 27. Dr. Johnson's popularity in the Isle of Sky. His September 28. Ancient Irish pride of family. Dr. Johnson on threshing and thatching. Dangerous to increase the price September 30. Mr. Burke the first man every where. Very mod- erate talents requisite to make a figure in the House of Com- mons. Dr. Young. Dr. Doddridge. Increase of infidel writ- ings since the accession of the Hanover family. Gradual im- Curious October 2. Old manners of great families in Wales. German Emigration. October 4. Burnet's History of his own Times. October 6. Heritable jurisdictions. The opinion of philosophers Books the best solace in a state of confinement. Pretended brother of Dr. Johnson. No redress for a man's name being affixed to a foolish work. Lady Sidney Beauclerk. Carte's Life of the Duke of Ormond. Col's cabi- net. Letters of the great Montrose. Present state of the isl- October 9. Dr. Johnson's avidity for a variety of books. Improbabil- October 11. London and Pekin compared. Dr. Johnson's high October 12. Return to Mr. M'Sweyn's. Other superstitions be- October 13. October 14. Arrive in Mull. Addison's Remarks on Italy. Addi- son not much conversant with Italian literature. The French masters of the art of accommodating literature. Their Ana. Racine. Corneille. Moliere. Fenelon. Voltaire. Bossuet. October 15. Erse poetry. Danger of a knowledge of musick. The propriety of settling our affairs so as to be always prepared for death. Religion and literary attainments not to be described to young persons as too hard. Reception of the travellers in October 16. Miss Maclean. Account of Mull. The value of an October 17. daughters. None but theological books should be read on Sunday. Dr. Campbell. Dr. Johnson exhibited as a High- lander. Thoughts on drinking. Dr. Johnson's Latin verses October 18. Young Col's various good qualities. No extraordi- October 19. Death of young Col. Dr. Johnson slow of belief Sketch of the ruins of Icolmkill. Influence of sol- emn scenes of piety. Feudal authority in the extreme. Re- October 21. Pulteney. Pitt. Walpole. Mr. Wilkes. English and buy. Description of the laird. Uncommon breakfast offered to Dr. Johnson, and rejected. Lochbuy's war-saddle. Sail to Oban. October 23. Goldsmith's Traveller. Pope and Cowley compared. Archibald Duke of Argyle. Arrive at Inverary. Dr. John- son drinks some whiskey, and assigns his reason. Letter from the author to Mr. Garrick. Mr. Garrick's answer. October 24. Specimen of Ogden on Prayer. Hervey's Meditations. The authour's visit to the castle of Inverary. Perverse oppo- October 25. Dr. Johnson presented to the Duke of Argyle. Gran- deur of his grace's seat. The authour possesses himself in an embarrassing situation. Honourable Archibald Campbell on a middle state. The old Lord Townshend. Question con- cerning luxury. Nice trait of character. Good principles and October 26. A passage in Home's Douglas, and one in Juvenal, compared. Neglect of religious buildings in Scotland. Arrive October 27. Dr. Johnson's letter to the Duke of Argyle. His grace's answer. Lochlomond. Dr. Johnson's sentiments on dress. Forms of prayer considered. Arrive at Mr. Smollet's. October 28. Dr. Smollet's Epitaph. Dr. Johnson's wonderful memory. His alacrity during the Tour. Arrive at Glasgow. October 29. Glasgow surveyed. Attention of the professors to October 30. October 31. Sir John Cunningham of Caprington. November 1. donald. toune. November 2. Rules for the distribution of charity. Castle of Dun- Countess of Eglintoune. Alexander Ear cf Eglin- Arrive at Auchinleck. Character of Lord Auchin- leck. His idea of Dr. Johnson. November 3. Dr. Johnson's sentiments concerning the Highlands. November 4. Auchinleck. Cattle without horns. Composure of November 5. Dr. Johnson's high respect for the English clergy. November 6. Lord Auchinleck and Dr. Johnson in collision. November 7. Dr. Johnson's uniform piety. His dislike of pres- November 8. Arrive at Hamilton. November 9. The Duke of Hamilton's house. Arrive at Edin- November 10. Lord Elibank. Difference in political principles increased by opposition. Edinburgh Castle. Fingal. Eng. lish credulity not less than Scottish. Second Sight. Garrick and Foote compared as companions. Moravian Missions and November 11. History originally oral. Dr. Robertson's liberality SUMMARY ACCOUNT of the manner in which Dr. Johnson spent his HE |