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September 21. Description of Dunvegan. Lord Lovat's Pyramid.
Ride to Ulinish. Phipps's Voyage to the North Pole.
September 22. Subterraneous house and vast cave in Ulinish.

Swift's Lord Orrery. Defects as well as virtues the proper
subject of biography, though the life be written by a friend.
Studied conclusions of letters. Whether allowable in dying
men to maintain resentment to the last. Instructions for writ-
ing the lives of literary men. Fingal denied to be genuine, and
pleasantly ridiculed.

September 23. Further disquisition concerning Fingal. Eminent

men disconcerted by a new mode of publick appearance.

Garrick. Mrs. Montague's Essay on Shakspeare. Persons of

consequence watched in London. Learning of the Scots from

1550 to 1650. The arts of civil life little known in Scotland

till the Union. Life of a sailor. The folly of Peter the Great

in working in a dock-yard. Arrive at Talisker. Presbyterian

clergy deficient in learning.

September 24. French hunting. Young Col. Dr. Birch, Dr. Percy.
Lord Hailes. Historical impartiality. Whiggism unbecom-
ing in a clergyman.

September 25. Every island a prison. A Sky cottage. Return to

Corrichatachin. Good fellowship carried to excess.

September 26. Morning review of last night's intemperance. Old
Kingsburgh's Jacobite song. Lady Margaret Macdonald
adored in Sky. Different views of the same subject at differ-
ent times. Self-deception.

September 27. Dr. Johnson's popularity in the Isle of Sky. His
good-humoured gaiety with a Highland lady.

September 28. Ancient Irish pride of family. Dr. Johnson on

threshing and thatching. Dangerous to increase the price
of labour. Arrive at Ostig. Dr. M'Pherson's Latin poetry.
September 29. Reverend Mr. M'Pherson. Shenstone. Hammond.
Sir Charles Hanbury Williams.

September 30. Mr. Burke the first man every where. Very mod-

erate talents requisite to make a figure in the House of Com-

mons. Dr. Young. Dr. Doddridge. Increase of infidel writ-

ings since the accession of the Hanover family. Gradual im-

pression made by Dr. Johnson. Particular minutes to be kept

of our studies.

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October 2. Old manners of great families in Wales. German
courts. Goldsmith's love of talk.
story of the people of St. Kilda.


October 4.
Dr. Johnson's mode of living in the Temple. His
curious appearance on a sheltie. Nature of sea-sickness.
Difference between dedi-

Burnet's History of his own Times.
cations and histories.
October 5. People may come to do anything by talking of it. The
Reverend Mr. Hector Maclean. Bayle. Leibnitz and Clarke.
Survey of Col. Insular life. Arrive at Breacacha. Dr. John-
son's power of ridicule.

October 6. Heritable jurisdictions. The opinion of philosophers

concerning happiness in a cottage, considered. Advice to


October 9. Dr. Johnson's avidity for a variety of books. Improbabil-
ity of a Highland tradition. Dr. Johnson's delicacy of feeling.
October 10. Dependence of tenants on landlords.

October 11. London and Pekin compared. Dr. Johnson's high
opinion of the former.

October 12. Return to Mr. M'Sweyn's. Other superstitions be-
side those connected with religion. Dr. Johnson disgusted
with coarse manners. His peculiar habits.

October 13.
Bustle not necessary to dispatch. Oats the food not
of the Scotch alone.

October 14. Arrive in Mull. Addison's Remarks on Italy. Addi-

son not much conversant with Italian literature. The French

masters of the art of accommodating literature. Their Ana.

Racine. Corneille. Moliere. Fenelon. Voltaire. Bossuet.

Massillon. Bourdaloue. Virgil's description of the entrance

into hell, compared to a printing-house.

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October 15. Erse poetry. Danger of a knowledge of musick. The

propriety of settling our affairs so as to be always prepared for

death. Religion and literary attainments not to be described

to young persons as too hard. Reception of the travellers in

their progress. Spence.

October 16. Miss Maclean.

Account of Mull. The value of an
oak walking-stick in the Hebrides. Arrive at Mr. M'Quar-
rie's in Ulva. Captain Macleod. Second Sight. Mercheta
Mulierum, and Borough-English. The grounds on which the
sale of an estate may be set aside in a court of equity.

October 17.
Arrive at Inchkenneth. Sir Allen Maclean and his

daughters. None but theological books should be read on

Sunday. Dr. Campbell. Dr. Johnson exhibited as a High-

lander. Thoughts on drinking. Dr. Johnson's Latin verses

on Inchkenneth.

October 18. Young Col's various good qualities. No extraordi-
nary talents requisite to success in trade. Dr. Solander. Mr.
Burke. Dr. Johnson's intrepidity and presence of mind. Sin-
gular custom in the islands of Col and Otaheité. Further
eulogium on young Col. Credulity of a Frenchman in foreign

October 19. Death of young
without strong evidence.
of Mull. Nun's Island.
Land on Icolmkill.

Col. Dr. Johnson slow of belief
La Crédulité des incrédules. Coast
Past scenes pleasing in recollection.

[merged small][ocr errors]

November 1.



November 2.

Rules for the distribution of charity.

Castle of Dun-

Countess of Eglintoune. Alexander Ear cf Eglin-

Arrive at Auchinleck. Character of Lord Auchin-

leck. His idea of Dr. Johnson.

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and Foote compared as companions. Moravian Missions and

November 11. History originally oral. Dr. Robertson's liberality
of sentiment. Rebellion natural to man.

SUMMARY ACCOUNT of the manner in which Dr. Johnson spent his
time from November 12 to November 21. Lord Mansfield,
Mr. Richardson. The private life of an English Judge. Dr.
Johnson's high opinion of Dr. Robertson and Dr. Blair. Let-
ter from Dr. Blair to the authour. Officers of the army often
ignorant of things belonging to their own profession. Acad
emy for the deaf and dumb. A Scotch Highlander and an
English sailor. Attacks on authours advantageous to them.
Roslin Castle and Hawthornden. Dr. Johnson's Parody of
Sir John Dalrymple's Memoirs. Arrive at Cranston. Dr.
Johnson's departure for London. Letters from Lord Hailes
and Mr. Dempster to the authour. Letter from the Laird of
Rasay to the authour. The authour's answer. Dr. Johnson's
Advertisement, acknowledging a mistake in his Journey to the
Western Islands. His letter to the Laird of Rasay. Letter
from Sir William Forbes to the authour. Conclusion.


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