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In the chemistry of iron and steel when we deal with phosphorus we say phosphorus and we mean phosphorus, and in pharmacy and medicine when we say phosphoric acid we mean phosphoric acid, but in agricultural chemistry when we deal with phosphorus, organic or inorganic, we say and write phosphoric acid and we mean usually phosphorus pentoxid or sometimes the radicle of phosphoric acid (PO4), but never true phosphoric acid unless we speak as the farmer's druggist, physician, or veterinarian, and then it should be understood that we mean phosphoric acid.

If we desire to report the oxygen in a soil, we can report the total amount by computation and by difference just as accurately as we do under the old system. As a matter of fact, few of the elements in soil analysis are weighed as oxids, most of them being determined either by volumetric processes or by the gravimetric determination of some salt, as, for example, barium sulphate, potassium platinic chlorid, magnesium pyrophosphate, etc.

If the interest in any constituent concerns the compound present, then, in addition to the statement of elements, there should be given the percentage or amount of such compound. Thus the calcium carbonate present in the soil may be reported as such, not because of any element of plant food which it contains, but because of its value as limestone. Indeed, this is already being done in cases where the importance of calcium carbonate, as such, is recognized."

The only valid objection to the adoption of the element system for reporting analyses of soils and fertilizers is that most analyses have been previously reported on the basis of oxids, and consequently there would be some additional burdens, temporarily, in making comparisons with earlier work until the more important existing data shall have been compiled and recalculated to the element basis. This objection, which will apply to a few people for a few years, is extremely slight compared with the advantages of the simpler system to all people for all time; and it is worth while to call to mind in this connection that our forefathers discarded "pounds, shillings, and pence" for the decimal system, with its dollars and cents, at a time when the change concerned not a small proportion but practically the entire population of the country; also, that nearly all other countries, except Great Britain, have subsequently adopted a decimal money system; and, not only that, but they have also adopted decimal systems of weights and measures, a change involving temporary inconvenience and expense for almost every business in the country.

International agreement in the adoption of the element system for soils and fertilizers is desirable; but, even though the element system should never be adopted in European countries, it is nevertheless highly desirable that it should be adopted in this new agricultural country and that American agriculture should have the benefit of using the simplest basis in the application of science to this fundamental industry, upon whose ultimate success practically all other great industries depend.

The advantages of the simple element system for soils, fertilizers, and plantfood elements in farm produce are so great that no State having once adopted the element nitrogen in place of ammonia has ever returned to the ammonia basis, and for the benefit of her own agriculture any single State can adopt with advantage and profit the more complete element system, even though other adjoining States may retain some other system.

The association adjourned until 2 o'clock.

a J. Agri. Sci., December, 1907, 2: 306.


The discussion of the adoption of a dual system of nomenclature looking to the adoption of the element system for reporting analyses of fertilizers, soils, etc., was resumed, and Mr. Hopkins offered the following motion:

That the suggestion of the committee looking toward the ultimate adoption of the element system be approved, but that no State should discontinue the use of the terms now in use until such discontinuation is also approved by this association and that meanwhile the subject should be brought before the International Congress of Applied Chemistry in an effort to secure international agreement;

That this association appoint a committee to bring the matter of reporting results according to the element system before the next International Congress of Applied Chemistry with power to add to their numbers at their discretion. A lengthy discussion followed the seconding of this motion, during which the following opinions were expressed:

H. W. WILEY. I favor referring the matter to the International Congress of Applied Chemistry. It must be remembered that the elements are not present as such in the fertilizers, and the labels should show the definite composition of the package. Ethically this is always the requirement for a true label, but a statement might be made that the materials present equal so much phosphorus or nitrogen.

EDWARD GUDEMAN. It seems to me that a distinction should be made between the reporting of fertilizers and soils. Commercial conditions and common practice should be considered, and I can not see that the farmer will be benefited or obtain any more information from the element system than from the present one. The Council of the American Chemical Society is to consider this question at the December meeting and I shall oppose the adoption of the element nomenclature.

B. W. KILGORE. It seems to me that before going to the International Congress we should decide whether or not as an association we indorse the element system, and the motion as submitted does not seem to simplify the matter sufficiently. I can not see that the association comes any nearer a solution of the problem by sending such a report to the International Congress.

B. L. HARTWELL. Would it not be well to adopt the element system provisionally upon its adoption abroad and to send a committee to represent the association, approving such action if it can be made international?

H. J. WHEELER. I am in favor of the association calling the matter up and of the adopting of the element system if it can be made uniform usage under the State fertilizer law and by international agreement. In other words, I am opposed to the adoption of the element system under present conditions, but would approve it if universally adopted.

C. G. HOPKINS. It is not expected that any State would discontinue the use of its present system until further action is taken.

G. S. FRAPS. I am not willing to make this conditional indorsement of the element system. I believe that the association should decide this matter for itself and not pass it on to some other body for decision. The States accustomed to the old system will not be willing to begin their educational work over again in order to introduce a system which, to say the least, does not offer any advantage over that in use. We have uniformity practically all over the world in this

matter of expressing analyses of soils and fertilizers, with the exception of the States of Illinois, Ohio, and Kansas. It would be easier for these few States to abandon their new methods than for the remainder of the world to change methods of nomenclature which have been in use ever since the analysis of soils and fertilizers was begun. I endeavor to stand on the side of progress, and have honestly tried to see in what the merit of the elementary system of nomenclature consists, but it appears to me that its simplicity is a matter of words rather than facts, and that the old system is entirely preferable.

J. T. WILLARD. Kansas has adopted the element system without waiting for further action by the association. It makes no difference to the chemist or to the fertilizer manufacturer in respect to calculations how the results are stated. The farmers will require instruction in any case and can learn one system as well as another. Those who have learned the old system would be inconvenienced temporarily in learning the new. In the States where fertilizers have just come into use it would appear to be simpler to use the same terms in instructing the farmers, through bulletins and at institutes, as are used in instructing their children who study chemistry in our high schools and colleges. My plea is for the use of the right name on the label even at some temporary inconvenience, and not to saddle future generations with the present antiquated system. Had our forefathers been willing to endure a little difficulty in the introduction of the metric system we and our children would not be burdened with our complex and confusing tables of weights and measures.

B. W. KILGORE. The students in our agricultural colleges must understand the terms as at present used, and if they are to make any use of the literature on the subject they must deal in these terms.

B. B. Ross. In response to a circular letter with reference to this subject which was sent out several years ago I expressed an opinion favorable to the use of the element system in reporting the results of analysis of soils and ash, but so far as its employment in reporting fertilizer analyses is concerned, I think it would be very unwise to take such a step for some time to come, and I do not think we should go on record as an association in favor of abandoning the present method of reporting fertilizer results.

Alabama was the first State to adopt the use of the term "nitrogen" instead of "ammonia" (NH3), and we still find it necessary to explain the relation between the two. The authorities in our State connected with the fertilizer control have had great difficulty in securing the enactment of fertilizer legislation which is practically uniform with that of four or five adjacent States, and hence they are opposed to any change in the present system of reporting fertilizer analyses. For these reasons I must vote in opposition to the adoption of the element system for reporting results of fertilizer analyses.

J. G. LIPMAN. Many laws become obsolete when they lose the moral support of the people for whom they are framed. In this, as in other matters, the line of least resistance is always followed. Rules laid down for the guidance of men of science may become obsolete for the same reason. Now, there is evidently a strong sentiment in favor of the element system among some of the members of the association, and pronounced opposition to it among others. In adopting a dual system we give the element system a provisional approval. It can be discontinued when found inexpedient.

Only those chemists engaged in official fertilizer control work having a right to vote according to article 2 of the constitution, a rising vote was taken and the motion carried by a vote of 23 to 14.

The committee on the President's address, 1906, offered its report, which was accepted by the association.


Your committee submits the following report and recommends the adoption of the resolutions presented:

(1) Within the past few weeks Dr. George C. Caldwell, of Cornell University, and Dr. W. O. Atwater, of Wesleyan University, have been removed by death. Both these men were pioneers in agricultural chemical teaching and investigation in America, and as such have exerted a deep, abiding influence upon the progress of agricultural chemistry not only by their personal work but widely through the many who as students have received inspiration from personal contact with these men. Doctor Caldwell was an active member of our association as long as his health permitted, serving in the presidency one term and several times acting as referee. While Doctor Atwater was not directly active in our work, he was always in full sympathy with it. Many of us feel a distinct sense of personal loss in their death.

Be it therefore resolved, That we, as an association, express our sorrow at the removal of Doctor Caldwell and Doctor Atwater from earthly activities, and also our profound appreciation of the fundamental work which they performed as pioneers in agricultural chemistry.

Be it further resolved, That the secretary be requested to prepare for insertion in our proceedings appropriate minutes regarding the work of Doctor Caldwell and Doctor Atwater. (This resolution was adopted by a rising vote.)

(2) Whereas it is the belief of this association that great good may be accomplished for the unification and improvement both of analytical methods and of definitions of standards for the foods and drugs that enter into international commerce, by an international conference of chemists and others connected with food and drug control and with the administration of laws relating thereto; Therefore, be it resolved, That this association favors such an international conference and requests the proper officials of the United States Government to take the initiative therein. [Resolution adopted.]

(3) Resolved, That the changes suggested by President Street in his address be adopted as follows:

That one day of our convention be devoted entirely to the reading of papers and their discussion, and that for this purpose the convention be divided into three sections covering the same subjects as our present committees on recommendations, and that all papers to be read in these sectional meetings be referred to the proper committee, with full power to reject the same or assign places to them in the programme sent to all members prior to the convention. [Resolution adopted.]




W. A. WITHERS, Committee on Resolutions.


(1) Your committee respectfully recommends that Article IV of the constitution shall be amended by the insertion in the second line, after the word "meeting," of the clause "from among the members of the association."

[This recommendation was adopted, and in accordance with the suggested change Article IV of the constitution reads as follows:

There shall be appointed by the executive committee at the regular annual meeting, from among the members of the association, a referee and such associate referees for each of the subjects to be considered by the association as that committee may deem appropriate.]

(2) With respect to the suggested change in the tenure of office and organization of the committees on recommendations, your committee believes that, for the present, the matter could be better disposed of by the adoption of a resolution than by the insertion of a new article in the constitution.

It recommends for the attainment of the chief purposes of the proposed changes, the adoption of the following resolution with its preamble:

Whereas it is desirable to secure the greatest practicable uniformity in the form of expression and arrangement of the methods adopted by this association, and also to provide for the thorough consideration of the various changes in methods and of new methods proposed;

Resolved, That, beginning with 1908, the committee on recommendations be composed of nine members, elected (appointed by the president) as follows: Three to serve for six years, three for four years, and three for two years; and that as their respective terms expire, the vacancies caused thereby be filled by the election (appointment) of qualified successors for the full term of six years. Resolved further, That this committee shall organize from its membership three subcommittees, corresponding to the present committees A, B, and C, to whom all recommendations of new methods or of changes in methods, provisional or official, shall be submitted not later than three weeks prior to the date of the meeting of the association at which it is desired that the recommendations in question shall be considered, and said committee on recommendations shall report to the association, with its approval, disapproval, or suggestion of amendment all recommendations submitted in due form for its consideration. [The difficulty of electing such a committee by the association as a whole and insuring that the members be well chosen, and also the method of filling vacancies occurring during the year, were discussed at some length and a motion to amend this resolution to read “appointed by the president," instead of elected," was passed. The original resolution as amended was then adopted.] (3) With respect to the suggested expansion of the territorial extent of this association, your committee most cordially seconds the appreciation of good fellowship and of mutual scientific advantages gained by the attendance of our Canadian confrères in this and earlier years, and further is convinced that many advantages would result from the harmonizing of the official control methods and standards used by our North American neighbors and ourselves. The changes suggested are, however, far-reaching in their effects and may change the status of the association in ways not intended. It is believed that before action the subject should receive full consideration.

We therefore recommend that the following amendments to the constitution be brought to the notice of the association in the published announcement of the next annual meeting for the action of that meeting:

In Article I, first sentence, substitute for the words "the United States" the words "North America."

In Article II, first sentence, second and third lines, insert the word “provincial" after the word "State;" also in the third line of this sentence insert after the word "body" the phrase "in North America."

[This recommendation was adopted, and the proposed amendment is placed on record for action at the 1908 meeting.]

WM. FREAR, Chairman.



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