Page 1944, June 27; ch. 287, 58 Stat. 390; Collins... 382 1944, October 3; ch. 479, 58 Stat. 768; National Aircraft... 505 1944, December 21; ch. 632, 58 Stat. 845; Pechette.. 189 1945, December 28; ch. 588, 59 Stat. 623, 625; Tennessee Me 1946, August 2; ch. 753, 60 Stat. 812; Betts... 530 1946, August 2; ch. 753, 60 Stat. 837; Eicks... 522 1946, August 8; ch. 886, 60 Stat. 934; Tennessee Mechanical Institute.. 344 1946, August 9; ch. 931, 60 Stat. 963; Eicks 522 1946, August 13; ch. 957, 60 Stat. 999; Fox.... 186 1946, August 13; ch. 957, 60 Stat. 999, 1010; Clark___ 1947, August 4; ch. 475, 61 Stat. 748; Eicks... 374 522 1947, August 6; ch. 508, 61 Stat. 791; Tennessee Mechanical Institute.. 344 1947, August 7; ch. 512, 61 Stat. 795, 843, 860; Williams---1948, February 14; ch. 52, 62 Stat. 19; Tennessee Mechanical Institute..- 513 344 1948, April 3; ch. 169, 62 Stat. 137; Societe Cotonniere du Tonkin.. 426 1948, May 4; ch. 255, 62 Stat. 208; Tennessee Mechanical Institute__ 1948, June 19; ch. 540, 62 Stat. 505; Brewington......-- 122 39 470 1949, August 24; ch. 506, 63 Stat. 631, 653; Tennessee Mechanical Institute___ 1949, October 12; ch. 681, 63 Stat. 802, 818-819; Williams. 513 245 113 104 1950, July 13; ch. 461, 64 Stat. 336, 338; Lenox Trade School. 1950, July 13; ch. 461, 64 Stat. 336, 341; Tennessee Mechanical Institute___ 723 344 1950, August 10; ch. 673, 64 Stat. 435; Geo. D. Emery Co... 1950, August 26; ch. 803, 64 Stat. 476; McGuire.. 71 17 Page 1950, September 30; ch. 1123, 64 Stat. 1098; Collins... 382 513 173 Eicks... 522 Betts.. 530 1954, August 26; ch. 937, 68 Stat. 832, 857; Clark.. 374 1956, February 20; ch. 66, 70 Stat. 26; Verckler... 1956, August 10; 70A Stat. 117; Eicks.. 252 522 1956, August 10; 70A Stat. 682; Eicks.. 522 1957, June 27; 71 Stat. 191; In re Government of Norway.. 470 1958, August 23; 72 Stat. 739, 740-741; Matson.. 225 Montana Power Co.... Sec. 101(6) (1952); Horace Heidt Foundation.. Sec. 163 (a) (Supp. V, 1952); Broome... 611 322 298 Sec. 3125(a) (1952); McCormick & Co..... Sec. 3250(1) (1952); McCormick & Co..... 160 160 Sec. 3404 (c) (1952); Record Guild of America____ 686 127 Sec. 5131(a) (Supp. V, 1952); McCormick & Co----- 160 Secs. 41 and 43; Texaco-Cities Service Pipe Line Co.---- 274 322 Sec. 112(b) (6); Warren_. 571 Sec. 114(b) (4); Burt.......... 282 Sec. 272(a)(1); General Outdoor Advertising Co.. 127 Sec. 322(b); General Outdoor Advertising Co... 127 259 DESIGNATIONS OF JUDGES FOR SERVICE ON THE UNITED STATES COURT OF CLAIMS The Chief Justice of the United States, the Honorable Earl Warren, pursuant to the authority vested in him by Title 28, United States Code, designated and assigned the following judges to perform the duties of judges of the United States Court of Claims on the dates indicated below: March 3-6, 1959-Honorable Albert B. Maris, Retired April 6-13, 1959-Honorable Albert V. Bryan, Judge, XV |