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Brief Extracts from the Agents' Reports.

First Thames Station.-Rev. W. Benson reports, that though some disappointments have been experienced in the procuring of ships, &c. the meetings that have been held have had a very pleasing aspect. From the attention paid to the addresses given, and the feeling evinced at the close of the meeting, we are warranted in concluding, that though the services have been less in number, it is believed they have not been of less importance; and this is confirmed by the promptitude with which the mates and men collect their fellow-seamen to hear the word of God.

Rev. J. T. Rowland reports, that the darkness of the nights, &c. had occasioned the loss of two meetings this month; but those which he was able to hold were well attended by seamen. He had one new Bethel ship, on board of which he was received by the master and the crew in the kindest manner; and the hold of the vessel was fitted up in a very convenient way for the meeting. Three or four ladies were present, who, with others present, seemed deeply affected by the word of salvation then preached.

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Second Thames Station. Mr. Joyce reports, of the meetings held by him this month had been particularly characterized by three pious masters and several of their equally pious men meeting together; and by their devout prayers and spiritual conversation exemplified the power of divine grace, the life of godliness, and the increase of knowledge and enjoyment of experimental religion. That he had addressed a larger number of inmates in the Destitute Sailors' Asylum than he had seen since last winter, and that the number was daily augmenting as the present wintry season advanced.

Mr. Joyce presented a letter which he had received from Rev. Mr. Rogers, Missionary in Scilly, and requested that it might appear, or part of it, in the PILOT for January— especially as it relates to the extreme want of clothing among many of the poor disciples of Jesus Christ in Scilly. See "Operations in the Scilly Isles," in the present number of the PILOT, page 28.

Mr. Barclay reports, that the meetings during the past month have been better attended than heretofore: in some instances large assemblies have been gathered; and that at each service the master, and on most occasions the mate

assisted in prayer.

and part of the crew, At one meeting five engaged in prayer, addressing the throne of grace with much solemnity, and rendering it delightful to witness masters, mates, and men, thus uniting at the footstool of the heavenly mercy, supplicating eternal blessings not only for themselves, but for all who are occupied on the trackless ocean.

Mr. B. reports that one new vessel has been thus dedicated to God; the master, who had recently purchased this ship, introducing the service by prayer. This was a delightfully solemn meeting, and much gratitude was expressed by the crew for the opportunity of thus hearing the gospel of Christ. At the close of the service, the officer in charge said, he never prayed in public himself, but was always happy in having the privilege of meeting with those who felt it their happiness to wait upon God.

Third Thames Station.-Rev. J. T. Rowland reports, that he held three meetings on this station during the month, and all these meetings, which were of a very interesting character, were held on board the same ship-and this a vessel in which there had never before been held a Bethel meeting! About 110 seamen attended those several means of grace, and from every appearance it is believed to the profit of their souls.

Mr. Edwards reports his having attended four meetings on this station, the services as usual.

Fourth Thames Station.—Mr. Abbott reports, "The meetings during the past month have been well attended; and on two occasions there would have been more if there had been more room, some having to go away again.

"Your Agent was greatly delighted on two occasions, on going into the cabins, to find the masters engaged in reading the word of God.

"On board the P. Nov. 23d, the master came about the middle of the service, deeply regretting at the close that he was not there at the commencement, but he did not before know of the meeting, the mate having taken the flag during his absence.

"On another occasion, at the close of an interesting service, the captain, a member of the Scotch Church, expressed his gratitude for our care and trouble on their behalf; and remarked that our labour was not in vain in the Lord,' inasmuch as he had witnessed a great change effected among our maritime population.

"Your Agent also has to deplore, that on one occa



sion, although the captain sent one of his men over the tier, very few could be induced to attend.

"One new Bethel ship during the past month."

Fifth Thames Station.—Mr. Waldon reports having attended eight meetings on this station during the month, evidently profitable to those who united in the sacred services. "At one of these meetings,” says this Agent, "I was grieved to learn from the captain of the ship, that during his absence from home one of his sons was drowned, and his wife became distracted in consequence of it. I asked him how he was enabled to bear up under such a bereavement and calamity; to which he replied, I feel it, Sir, very keenly; but it is the Lord's will, and I must submit, and I wish to do so as becomes a Christian.' believe him to be a sincere godly man.

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"At another of these meetings, the captain not being able to attend in consequence of a particular engagement, I asked the mate, after service, if the captain was a serious man? 'O, yes!' was his reply, we all belong to the concern. This is a Wesley-ship. The owner is a preacher, and his nephew is a prayer-leader; and we have a Bethel Flag of our own. We hoist it when in foreign ports, and delightful meetings we have.' On this same evening, when landing, I saw two sailors on the beach, who were very kind in assisting me out of the boat. One of them asked the lads to put him on board a ship in one of the tiers. I gave him some tracts, when he said to his friend, 'Here, Tom, take some of these good books.' The other followed me, and said, ‘That young man, Sir, about six months since, was, I think, one of the wickedest men that could possibly be found: he was a drunkard, a swearer—indeed he could scarcely speak but with an oath; but now he is always reading the Bible or some good book. The change in him is mysterious indeed. This evening he has been reading to me and my wife. I wish I was like him, for he seems to be always happy he is always inviting me and my wife to go with him to a place of worship, and he has certainly done me a great deal of good.'

"At another season, after your Agent had been urging on the meeting the importance and blessings of prayer, the captain, at the close of the meeting, said, 'Indeed, Sir, it is not pride nor the fear of man that keeps me from publicly praying; but I think I am such a guilty sinner, that I am not worthy to open my mouth before Him.' He informed your agent that God had been very gracious to

him, in giving him a praying mate, to whom he could open his mind in things relating to salvation."

Mr. Edwards reports, that on this station he had attended at four meetings during the month, one of which was of a peculiarly interesting character, on account of some circumstances strikingly illustrating the power of religion among seamen.

Mr. Maddox states, that the meetings in the fifth station continue to be well attended. It is a circumstance of rare occurrence that a Bethel meeting is held without one sailor or more engaging in prayer. "A captain recently mentioned the following fact. 'I was one night walking the deck, when all at once I thought I heard a noise among the hands forward. I walked thither, and on looking down, to my great surprise found them on their knees and one of them praying aloud. Up to this time I was not aware that they were so disposed.'

"A spirit of prayer," writes Mr. M. "appears to be greatly on the increase among the colliers. Many of those who have recently been awakened are young men. They are very zealous, and appear to be anxious to be useful to others. O that the many prayers, earnest and importutunate supplications, that have lately been offered up by pious mariners, may be heard and answered on behalf of their fellow-men and fellow-sailors! My flag has again found its way into new ships, and has been favourably received, and even retained for future meetings. I have not had a single disappointment."

Sixth Thames Station.-Capt. Prynn reports, "I have held seven meetings on this station during the month; and they have been of a very interesting nature. On one occasion, two sailors who had recently been marvellously delivered in shipwreck, and who were sensible of the goodness of God towards them, shed many tears when recounting the preserving mercy of the Lord. At one meeting, a minister who attended with me, declared that he never witnessed such a service, and never heard such earnest petitions offered up by sailors. On another occasion, the captain of a ship, at the close of the service, said, 'My vessel, Sir, is always ready for you; and I feel much obliged for your kind attentions.' Upon the whole, those meetings have been of a most cheering nature, and much good continues to result from these exercises among the hardy sons of the ocean."

Seventh Thames Station.-This station, Captain Prynn

reports, has been visited twice during the month, from Botany Bay Tier to Deptford and Greenwich. Much interesting conversation has arisen in these visitations of the shipping with the sailors.

Visitation of Shipping.-During the past month Capt, Prynn reports, that, as Thames Missionary, he has visited 976 ships, and distributed 2,116 tracts among sailors on the river, and in the London and St. Katharine Docks. Capt. P. states that there is much opposition manifested on the part of some against the Bethel Flag, yet there is an increasing number who gladly hail it on board their vessels. Tracts, however, are generally received with thankfulness.

Loan Libraries.-Five Loan Ship Libraries have been furnished this month to vessels bound to Halifax, Calcutta, Cape of Good Hope, Sierra Leone, and St. Helena. Three Libraries have been returned; the captains expressing great thankfulness for the loan of such books. About 105 volumes have been furnished on loan to sailors bound coastwise; and many pleasing accounts have been received from sailors on returning their books.

Sailors' Chapel.-"Our numbers in attendance," the Thames Missionary reports, "continue much the same as the past month.. Much attention is paid at all times to the preaching of the Gospel in this place; and many a sailor is heard to speak of the benefit received from attending the means of grace in this sanctuary. Four new members have been added to the church, and several other applications have been made for admission to Christian communion.

Navigation Class.-This useful branch of learning is continued weekly, and many from time to time attend at the vestry to receive instruction.

OPERATIONS IN THE SCILLY ISLES. TEMPORAL necessities are frequently found to be extreme among those who are sought to be spiritually benefited; and perhaps few will be thought more truly necessitous than the poorer part of the inhabitants of the Scilly Isles. We therefore most earnestly entreat our opulent readers to consider the latter part of the following extract from the communication of our respected Agent, Rev. W. Rogers.

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