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1902, were received by the Board of Assessors as fol


A State warrant for the proportion of the City of Boston of a State tax of $1,500,000, as fixed by chapter 536, Acts of

1902 . wo o e g $541,920 00 A State warrant for a tax to be paid to the Commonwealth for Boston armories, as fixed by chapter 384, Acts of 1888, 1 34,223 15 A State warrant for a tax to be paid to the Commonwealth for the abolition of grade crossings, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 428, Acts of 1890, and all acts in addition or amendment thereto to e G • • to 2 179,243 78 A State warrant for a tax to be paid to the Commonwealth for the proportion of the City of Boston of the expense of “building, maintenance, and operation of a system of sewage disposal for the Mystic and Charles River Valleys,” as determined by chapter 439, Acts of 1889, and other acts relating thereto, 857,795 99 Neponset River Valley, chapter 406, Acts) à of 1895 . © e e to . . High Level Gravity Sewer for the relief - 452,534 36 of the Charles and Neponset River Valleys, chapter 424, Acts of 1899 A State warrant relative to Metropolitan Parks and Boulevards, chapter 407, Acts 1893; chapter 550, Acts 1896; chapter 464, Acts 1899 * go o 5334,043 72 Balance assessment Metropolitan Park for the years 1900–1901 10 18 Carried forward . $1,199,771 18 1 Sinking-Fund. Interest. Total. $12,623 15 $21,600 00 $34,223 15 2 Assessments. Interest. Total. Congress street . $61,001 71 $13,437 04 $74,438 75 DOrchester avenue 43,263 82 5,291 76 48,555 58 Austin Street . 6,783 90 1,053 30 7,837 20 Tremont Street 31,852 54 16,559 71 48,412 25 siąż,901 97 si slog is - Maintenance Sinking-Fund. Interest. and Operation. Total. 3 $7,834 56 $28,598 99 $21,362 44 $57,795 99 4. 11,976 98 sos 40,557 38 52,534 36 171,346 72 93,749 75 334,043 72

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Brought forward so so © © $1,199,771 18 A State warrant to provide for a Metropolitan Water Supply, chapter 488, Acts 1895 . ge * e e * to * 200,000 00 A county warrant for the tax of Suffolk County for county purposes [see section 53, chapter 12, R. L.] . © e A city warrant for the tax of the City of Boston for city purposes [see section 53, chapter 12, R. L.] * e to A warrant for school expenses [chapter 400, Acts of 1898], as amended by

1,200,123 00 11,345,946.00

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chapter 448, 1901 . e © Aggregate of warrants committed to Board of Assessors . e . $17,379,144 62


The number of polls recorded for assessment before August 13, 1902, and included in the estimate that determined the rate of taxation for the current year, was 171,516. Under the operation of the law providing for supplementary assessment of omitted male persons, liable to assessment under the provisions of section 20 of chapter 548 of the Acts of 1898, and chapter 400, Acts of the year 1901, as amended by chapter 211, Acts of 1902, which provides for investigation, by local assessors, of all names supplementarily assessed, there were added to the list 4,096 polls, making the total number of males assessed 175,612.


The valuation of the city, as of the first day of May, 1902, determined by the Assessors, August 13 of that year, when the rate of taxation for the current year was fixed, was as follows: *.

Value of land . . 1 $573,193,150 00 Value of buildings . 384,303,750 00 Total value of real estate e e . $957,496,900 00 Carried forward e e * . $957,496,900 00 * Balance of this warrant met from revenue. *g 1 For detail of 312,963,442 sq. feet occupied land, valued at ........... $502,097,650 367,441,802 ** V8 Cant “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . 64,404,100 91,989,353 “ marsh and flats, “ “............ 6,691,400 Total . . . . . . . . . 772,394,597 $573,193,150

—see table H, page 42.

Brought forward to { } e . $957,496,900 00 Value of personal property other than bank stock . * ... $220,956,600 00 Value of shares in national banks, located in Boston, taxable in said city . to 12,821,116 13 Total value of personal estate. & 233,777,716 13 Total valuation © © e $1,191,274,616 13

This valuation was increased by supplementary assessments, under authority conferred by sections 19 and 20, chapter 11, Revised Laws . & e © 13,300 00

Also by assessments under the provisions of section 85 of chapter 12 of the Revised Laws to the amount of * o 1,309,900 00

The total valuation of the city upon which taxes were assessed for the financial year 1902–03, when all assessments were made, was te to . $1,192,597,816 13.

The valuation can be further increased, say $1,284,400 for bank stock assessed at the several rates of the places where the banks are located, as the taxes are paid to Boston as assessments upon this class of property held by its citizens in Massachusetts banks located outside that city.

This valuation of the shares in Massachusetts corporations, and also in national banks within the State, but without the limits of Boston, is determined by taking the amount paid by the Commonwealth to the city during the financial year, on account of corporate taxes assessed as of the first day of May of that year. The totals are under estimates, as the collection extends beyond the year in which taxes are assessed, and a small proportion of their total sum is paid over to the city with the assessments of subsequent years.

As the revenue from these two sources is always estimated before the amount to be raised by taxation is determined, the effect of the valuation of this property in reducing the rate of taxation is the same as though its amount was included in the Assessors’ aggregate and the taxes were assessed by them.

The valuation of personal property can properly be further increased by the sum of $363,785.06 for shipping owned by Boston citizens, which was employed in foreign trade May 1, 1902. Sections 7 and 8 of chapter 12 of the Revised Laws provide that such property shall not be included in the personal estate of its owners, if they make a return of the same and report for taxation the net yearly income thereof. Section 9 of said chapter required that the State should reimburse the cities and towns for the loss sustained by such exemption. The value of the shipping returned for the tax of 1902 was $363,967, and the net income returned amounted to $181.94. In the revenue of the city the amount of the payment by the State for the current financial year on this account is put at $5,197.57.

The United States, the Commonwealth, the county, the city, churches, charitable, scientific, and other corporations, hold property exempt by law from assessment. That of the nation consists of certain islands, forts and lighthouses in our harbor, the navy yard, custom-house and the building used for the United States courts, sub-treasury and postoffice. The property of the State within the limits of the city is made up of the State House, the State Prison, an area of land and flats in East and South Boston, and land taken for metropolitan sewerage, metropolitan water system and metropolitan parks. The county property includes the court-house and jail. But as the entire cost of all county estate has been paid by the city, and as the other municipalities that with Boston make up Suffolk County pay no county taxes [Revised Laws, chapter 12, section 53], the estates used for county purposes are included as a part of the city property. The character and value of the property used for municipal purposes may be ascertained by reference to the list of real and personal estate, under the title of nominal assets of the city.


Land. Building. Total.

United States of America . e . $8,940,900 $4,368,700 $13,309,600 Commonwealth of Massachusetts . te 9,354,900 4,735,300 14,090,200

City of Boston e e & 34,676,001 22,131,000 56,807,001 (, i. “ (Personal Estate) . e -- *-*. 32,801,887 { { “ (Personal Estate Mominal), 14,261,824

11,118,800 9,296,000 oil; iii.

Churches . * e te so
Charitable, Literary, Scientific, etc.,
Institutions . 13,952,300 9,375,500 23,327,800

Charitile, "literary, scientific, etc., Institutions (Personal Estate as returned under provisions thap. 217,

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As required by section 5 of chapter 12 of the Revised Laws the officers of charitable, literary, and scientific institutions reported that their receipts for the twelve months preceding May 1, 1902, amounted to $6,527,296, and their expenditures to $6,411,159. It appeared by their returns that at the date of assessment these benevolent and educational institutions held as investments $10,664,612 of the real estate of this city, which, not being occupied for the purposes of their incorporation, is assessed at its estimated value, forming a part of the real estate valuation for the tax of the current year. The City of Boston holds, in its corporate capacity (not assessed for city taxes), $32,801,886.76 of actual assets available for the payment of liabilities and $69,090,901 nominal assets.

Valuation of real and personal estate by
Assessors’ general assessment . . $1,191,274,616 13
Valuation of real and personal estate by
Assessors’ supplementary assessment . 1,323,200 00
Valuation of Massachusetts corporation
stock [assessed by State], tax paid to
the city © to o e
Valuation of Massachusetts National
Bank shares [assessed by State], tax

62,031,900 00

paid to the city . so o •* so 1,284,400 00 Valuation of ships and vessels in foreign

trade . o © wo g e t 363,785 00 Total taxable valuation . e © . $1,256,277,901 13

Valuation of the real
estate of the United of
States . e . $13,309,600 00
Valuation of the real
estate of the Com-
monwealth . do 14,090,200 00
Valuation of the real
estate of the City of
Boston [n ominal
assets] . {o . 54,280,901 00
Valuation of the per-
sonal property of the
City of Boston
[nominal assets] . 66,654,801 00

Carried forward . $148,335,502 00 $1,256,277,901 13

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