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103 Voting booths, made of thin corrugated steel, built in 1897 and 1898. 40 Wooden voting booths, built in 1898 and 1901 as permanent structUlré S. 35 Old wooden voting booths, known as “knock-down '' booths. 1 Old wooden voting booth.

The above booths when not in use are stored in different places in the city. To each booth belongs railings and voting compartments, tables, chairs, stove, and other necessary furnishings and voting paraphernalia. The department now owns 1,850 chairs, 769 tables, 530 voting compartments and 1,090 wooden horses for the same, 225 stools for ballotboxes, 196 counting-boards, 187 stoves, and the required lamps, coal-hods, shovels, pokers, coal-barrels, and other minor equipment for the voting booths.

185 Federal ballot-boxes, many in poor condition, used at elections. 25 United States ballot-boxes, comparatively new, used for caucuses. 25 Standard ballot-boxes, formerly used at caucuses, and now use , as “extras '' at caucuses and elections. 29 Acme ballot-boxes, constantly in need of repairs, 6 of which are regularly used at elections and the balance as “extras.” 2 Gravity ballot boxes.

All of the above ballot-boxes are kept in the basement room in the Old Court-house. At the storehouse in South Boston are 240 old ballot-boxes, not answering the present requirements of law, but placed at each polling place at elections for temporary use in case of emergency; also, 108 old revolving ballot-boxes, not now of any available use.

Office furniture in Rooms 1, 2, 8 and 9, Old Court-house, used as the offices of the department, consisting of 9 roll-top desks, 8 swivel chairs for same, and 23 smaller swivel chairs, 1 library table and 5 oak arm-chairs, 2 atlas cases, 3 card index cabinets, 1 filing case, 2 roll-front document cases, 1 large bookcase, 1 wardrobe, 1 coat-rack, 4 long tables, 2 counters, 1 typewriting table, 1 large iron safe, 3 small tables, 4 clocks, metal frame rack in one of large vaults for holding caucus and election cardboard boxes (about 500 in number), and books, two typewriting machines, stationery and required minor furnishings and fixtures for office purposes.





FOR THE YEAR 1902–1903.

BosTON, February 1, 1903.

Mayor of the City of Boston :

SIR, - The following report of the expenses and operation of this department for the year ending January 31, 1903, is submitted:

The duties of the City Engineer include the designing and superintending of the construction of new bridges, retaining walls, city wharves, and such other public engineering works as the City Council may authorize; the making of such survey, plans, estimates, statements, and descriptions, and taking such levels as the City Government or any of its departments or committees may require; the custody of all surveys and plans relating to the laying-out, locating anew, altering, widening, or discontinuing of streets, and the new engineering construction for all departments of the city. He must be consulted on all work where the advice of a civil engineer would be of service. The office of the City Engineer was established by ordinance on October 31, 1850, and by chapter 449 of the Acts of 1895.


The following is a statement of engineering expenses from February 1, 1902, to January 31, 1903:

Amount of department appropriation for 1902–

1903 . go o o e o e . $80,000 00 Amount expended for 1902–1903 so to e 79,995 84 Unexpended balance . o s e * e $4 16


Object of expenditures:
Salaries :
Engineer William Jackson (paid
as Acting Superintendent of
Streets to January 13, 1902,

inclusive) & e $5,783 33 Assistant Engineer, draughtsmen and assistants e e 65,791 64

&= -o-o-o-mom. $71,574 97

Instruments, tools and repairs . e © se 2,542 89 Travelling expenses © te te e o 1,774 77 Stationery to g te e g c & 966 36 Printing . o * to & e te † 581 60 Binding and plans . se so © * to 499 90 Horse-keeping © so © g * * 443 58 Telephone service . to e to e g 397 67 Books and papers . e © & © ę 303 32 Washing and small supplie • d te © 281 50 Furniture and office expenses . to so to 265 65 Rent of Office . to © se to e & 150 03 Blue printing and photographing go so o 149 10 Typewriting . e e g so 25 35 Messenger service . & g e * > so 24. 55 Carting . & te e e ge t e 14 60 $79,995 84

JBlue Hill Avenue and Oakland. Street.

Expenditures from February 1, 1902, to January 31, 1903:
Items of expenditure :

Land damages e e $9,380 00 Macadam roadway, Oakland Street & e * 5,580 14 Engineering and inspection . 1,972 12 Printing e © * * 76 15 Advertising . g e e 19 55 <--om-o-o-, *-*. $17,027 96 Expended previous to 1902 . to e e 8,552 07

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JDorchester Avenue.

Expenditures from February 1, 1902, to January 31, 1903 :

Items of expenditure:

Land damages . o . $198,959 58
Relocating water pipes © 8,441 40
Southampton-street bridge . 1,971 88
Appraisal services & o 485 00
Paving, fences, etc. . o 443 49
Auditing services o e 399 89

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Expenditures from February 1, 1902, to January 31, 1903 :

Items of expenditure:
Boston Electric Light Com-
pany, report of hearings . $539 17
Auditing services e o 169 56

Expended previous to 1902


Appropriation e o © © o o
Expenditures from February 1, 1902, to Janu-
ary 31, 1903:
Items of expenditure:
Retaining walls and piers . $19,346 55

Piers . o c & o 16,093 45
Grade damages . & o 12,000 00
Engineering and inspection . 11,886 75
Fender piers o © to 925 00
Fire wall and pointing abut-

ments o e e o 657 67 Miscellaneous work (by W. L.

Miller) . e O 589 80 Printing o o e o 200 78 Advertising © o o 176 55 Temporary bridge e © 169 06 $62,045 61 Expended previous to 1902 . 28,587 86

Balance February 1, 1902

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