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Browght forward, $57,795 99 $1,633,840 83 $25,491,500 39

Neponset-river valley sewer:
(Chapter 406, Acts of 1895.)

Sinking-fund, $11,976 98

Maintenance, 40,557 38

52,534 36

“mom-smomosomso 110,330 35

(For Metropolitan water assessment, see Water Department, page 156, and for Metropolitan highway assessment, see County of Suffolk, page 170.)

Statistics Department.

E. M. Hartwell, Secretary, $3,000 00
Employés, 4,246 66

too-oo-smosos $7,246 66
Printing, 4,277 24
Postage, 354 65
Stationery and supplies, 207 19
Travelling expenses, 58 84
Telephone service, - 54 59
Bxpress charges, * 38 98

Books and periodicals, 20 75

Statue of Gen. Joseph Warren.

Payments on account.
Paul W. Bartlett, Sculptor,

Sta’eet Department.



William Jackson, Acting Su-
perintendent, to January 13,
1902, inclusive, $270 83

James Donovan, Superintend-
ent, from January 14, 1902, 7,229 17

Clerk-hire, 3,340 25
Purchasing agent and assist-

ant, 4,518 03

I’mployés, o 1,543 33

Guy C. Emerson, services, 232 14
- * $17,133 75
Stationery, 874 64
Printing, 657 04
Buggy and horse-keeping, 490 60
Telephone service, 379 50
Travelling expenses, & 351 89
Typewriting, 300 50
Office expenses, 158 05
Messenger service, 40 07
$20,386 04


General expenses.

Salaries :

Walter Reed, Deputy Superin-
tendent, to January 21, 1902,
inclusive, $175 00

Carried forward, . $175 00

1,744,171 18

12,258 90

3,000 00

$27,250,930 47

Brought forward, $175 00 Joseph P. Lomasney, Deputy Superintendent, from Jan

uary 22, 1902, 2,825 00 Clerk-hire and messengers, 4,131 08 Supervisors of Bridges and Construction, 3,349 77 $10,480 85 Employés at yards, 12,806 00 Horse, buggy, caravan and horse-keeping, - 3,279 48 Tools, hardware and general supplies, 1,590 73 Removing snow and dirt, 860 50 Printing, 646 17 Lumber, 386 23 Telephone service, 224 83 Stationery, 216 01 Fuel, 104 22 Travelling expenses, 100 00 Electric light, 75 16 Gas, 42 88 Medical attendance on injured persons, 33 00 Advertising, 27 01 Damages, 22 40 Furniture and office expenses, 21 43 Badges, 15 00

BROADWAY BRIDGE, leading from Albany Street to South Boston.

Drawtenders and assistants, $7,742 41 Repairs, 651 27 Fuel, 235 02 Water, 65 25 Supplies, 13 20 CHARLESTOWN BRIDGE.

Draw tender and assistants, $10,884 01 Repairs, 1,963 85 Small supplies, 283 11 Water, 96 O0 Gas, '72 94 Fuel, 49 60

CHELSEA BRIDGE, between Charlestown and Chelsea.

North Draw :

Drawtender and assistants, $7,294 40 Repairs, 892 03 Fuel, 76 84 Electric lighting, 48 00 Supplies, 8 00 South Draw:

Drawtender and assistants, $7,096 55 Repairs, 751 18 Fuel, 284 '79 Gas and small supplies, 47 74

Carried forward,

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Browght forward, $4,028 20 $152,564 63 $27,250,930 47

Dartmouth street, 728 84
Dorchester street, 28 95
Everett street, .* 542 98
b'erdinand street, 114 93
EHarvard street, 2 00
Huntington avenue, 318 39
Hyde Park avenue, 102 52
Reyes street, 6 46
Leyden street, 16 00
Linden Park street, 266 72
Massachusetts avenue, over

Boston & Albany R.R., 178 28
Massachusetts avenue, over

N.Y., N.H. & H. R.R., 73 74 Shawmut avenue, 1,140 54 Southampton street, 266 73 Texas street, 83 50 West Fourth street, 1,944 28 West Newton street, 946 34 Williams street, 40 60

to-mom oom-o: 10,830 00 Public Landings, East Boston. Rents, $662 50 Repairs, 25 00 * =omo- omomos 687 50

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Payments of one-half of the cost of the care and maintenance of these bridges, the other half being paid by the

city of Cambridge.

Clerk-hire, $250 00
Travelling expenses, station-
ery, printing, etc., 126 78
Em-mossomsomomos $376 78
Salaries of drawtender and as-
sistants, $1,675 88
Electric lighting, 622 32
Repairs and cleaning, 228 09
Small supplies, 22 00
Fuel, 12 92
2,561 21
Salaries of drawtender and as-
sistants, $2,105 64
Repairs and cleaning, 1,258 37
Electric lighting, 312 06
Fuel, 208 46
Small supplies, 77 13
Watering roadway, 31 00
*====== 3,992 66
Salaries of drawtender and as-
sistants, $1,191 04
Repairs and cleaning, 626 94
Carried forward, $1,817 98 $6,930 65 §27,250,930 47

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