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1889, and by his will bequeathed to the City of Boston the sum of $11,766.67, which represents the income of said fund received by him up to the time of his death, to which was added $33.33 accrued interest on deposit up to the time of investment, to be added to the fund given by his brother.

Invested in City of Boston Four per cent. Bonds for . . $61,800 00

SOUTH BosTON BRANCH LIBRARY TRUST FUND. — Donation of a citizen of South Boston, the income of which is to be expended for the benefit of the South Boston Branch Library.

Invested in one City of Boston Four per cent. Bond for . $100 00

TICKNOR BEQUEST. — By the will of the late GEORGE TICKNor, of Boston, he gave to the City of Boston, on the death of his wife, all his books and manuscripts in the Spanish and Portuguese languages, about four thousand volumes, and also the sum of four thousand dollars. After the receipt of said sum the city is required to spend not less than one thousand dollars in every five years, during the twenty-five years next succeeding (i.e., the income of four thousand dollars, at the rate of five per cent. per annum), in the purchase of books in the Spanish and Portuguese languages and literature. At the end of twentyfive years the income of said sum to be expended annually in the purchase of books of permanent value, either in the Spanish or Portuguese languages, or in such other languages as may be deemed expedient by those having charge of the library. The books bequeathed or purchased are always to be freely accessible for reference or study, but are not to be loaned for use outside of the library building. If these beQuests are not accepted by the city, and the trusts and conditions faithfully executed, the books, manuscripts and money are to be given to the President and Fellows of Harvard College.

In order that the city might receive the immediate benefit of this contribution, Anna Ticknor, widow of the donor, relinquished her right to retain during her life the books and manuscripts, and placed them under the control of the city, the City Council having previously accepted the bequests in accordance with the terms and conditions of said will, and the Trustees of the Public Library received said bequests on behalf of the city, and made suitable arrangements for the care and custody of the books and manuscripts.

Invested in one City of Boston Four per cent. Bond for . $4,000 00

WILLIAM C. Todd NEWSPAPER FUND. — This is a donation by WILLIAM C. TODD, accepted by order of the City Council, approved October 30, 1897, the income to be at least two thousand dollars a year, to be expended by the Library Trustees for newspapers of this and other countries.

Invested in one City of Boston Four per cent. Bond for . $50,000 00

TOWNSEND FUND. — This is a donation from William Minot and William Minot, Jr., executors of the will of MARY P. TownseMD, of Boston, at whose disposal she left a certain portion of her estate in trust for such charitable and public institutions as they may think meritorious. Said executors accordingly selected the Public Library of the City of Boston as one of such institutions, and attached the following conditions to the legacy : “The income only shall, in each and every year, be expended in the purchase of books for the use of the library; each of which books shall have been published in some one edition at least five years at the time it may be so purchased.”

Invested in one City of Boston Three and one-half per cent.
Bond for & e t to * g to {l e . $4,000 00

TREADWELL FUND. — By the will of the late DANIEL TREADwell, of Cambridge, late Rumford Professor in Harvard College, who died February 27, 1872, he left the residue of his estate, after payment of debts, legacies, etc., in trust to his executors, to hold during the life of his wife for her benefit, and, after her decease, to divide the residue then remaining in the hands of the trustees, as therein provided, and convey one-fifth part thereof to the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston.

The City Council have accepted said bequests and authorized the Trustees of the Public Library to receive the same and invest it in City of Boston Bonds, the income of which is to be expended by said Trustees in such a manner as they may deem for the best interests of the library.

Invested in City of Boston Four per cent. Bonds for . . . $5,550 00 Invested in City of Boston Three and one-half per cent. Bonds for . o to e & e to te e e 1,400 00 Invested in 16 shares B. & A. R.R. Co. stock, par value $100 each . & * so * so e & * so & 1,600 00 Invested in 6 shares B. & P. R.R. Co. stock, par value $100 each . e . . . te to g & Q go o 600 00 Invested in 12 shares Fitchburg R.R. Co. stock, par value $100 each . e & * & & ( > to * e 1,200 00 Invested in 1 share Vt. & Mass. R.R. Co. stock, par value $100 each . & * e g e e o so g 100 00 Cash in City Treasury . g e * g g * g 37 69 $10,487 69

TWENTIETH REGIMENT MEMORIAL FUND. — This is a donation on account of the Twentieth Regiment Memorial Fund, the income to be used for the purchase of books of a military and patriotic character, to be placed in the alcove appropriated as a memorial of the Twentieth Regiment. .

Invested in one City of Boston Four per cent. Bond for , $5,000 00

DONATIONS. — Besides the preceding, the following donations have been made to the Public Library, and the amounts have been appropriated for the purchase of books, according to the intention of the donors, viz.:

J. Ingersoll Bowditch . s © & e so e . $6,800 00 Samuel Appleton, late of Boston . e o g e * 1,000 00 Sally Inman Kast Shepard . & to e & so t 1,000 00 James Brown, late of Cambridge . § & © g * 500 00 Andrew Carnegie . . & g & to g te o te 300 00 Nathaniel I. Bowditch . e e to & e so e 200 00 James Nightingale (s g & e g so e to 100 00

Dorchester and Milton Circulating Library, for the benefit of the Dorchester Branch Library . (e & e & 335 13 $10,235 13


Scholfield Fund . e & to to * * g . $61,800 00 William C. Todd Fund . se g e o e e . 50,000 00 Bates Fund to & e g to to & & to e 50,000 00 Phillips Fund . to g wo & to * to * . 20,000 00 Phillips Fund * * e to e to so se , 10,000 00 Treadwell Fund . . {} & se e so te so . 10,487 69

Carried forward . g g te & * o . $202,287 69

Browght forward , $202,287 69 Artz Fund C; to 10,000 00 Bowditch Fund g 10,000 00 Charlotte Harris Fund . 10,000 00 Abbott Lawrence Fund . 10,000 00 Daniel Sharp Ford Fund 6,000 00 Twentieth Regiment Fund 5,000 00 Pierce Fund wo go 5,000 00 Cutter Fund 4,000 00 Townsend Fund 4,000 00 Ticknor Fund . e to so * ū 4,000 00 Henry Sargent Codman Memorial Fund 2,854 41 Charles Mead Fund t 2,500 00 Green Fund . . . . 2,000 00 John Boyle O'Reilly Fund 1,000 00 Bradlee Fund . to e 1,000 00 Bigelow Fund . & to 1,000 00 Thomas B. Harris Fund . 1,000 00 Franklin Club Fund 1,000 00 Edward Lawrence Fund . o t e . . . to 500 00 Charles Greeley Loring Memorial Fund e go & go 500 00 South Boston Branch Library Trust Fund . to to § 100 00 $283,742 10


A bequest of GEORGE L. RANDIDGE. — The City Treasurer to pay the income thereof from time to time, as shall be designated by the Mayor of the city, for the sole purpose of affording to the children of the poor of the city, of all religious denominations, the pleasure of one or more excursions during the months of July and August in each year.

Invested in one City of Boston Four per cent. Bond for . $50,000 00


A bequest of the late SAMUEL E. SAWYER, of Gloucester, for the benefit of Marcella-street Home, the income to be expended in a manner that will promote the interests and prosperity of the institution.

Invested in City of Boston Four per cent. Bonds for . . . $2,000 00

Invested in City of Boston Three and one-half per cent.
|Bonds for . o * e & t e g * § 300 00
Cash in the City Treasury, January 31, 1903 • . • e 89 34
$2,389 34


CHARLESTown SCHOOL TRUST FUND. — The Legislature of Massachusetts, on the 27th of March, 1793, passed an Act to incorporate Richard Devens, Nath'l Gorham, Josiah Bartlett, Aaron Putnam, Joseph Hurd, Nath’l Hawkins, Seth Wyman, and their successors, Trustees of the Charlestown Free Schools. On the 18th of April, the same year, it was “Voted that the Town Treasurer deliver to Aaron Putnam, Esq., Treasurer of the Trustees of the Charlestown Free Schools, all the money, bonds, notes of hand, etc. (being the property of said free schools), that now are, or may come into his, the Town Treasurer's hand.”

The charter of the City of Charlestown, after prescribing the manner of electing the School Committee, provides that the persons thus chosen shall have “all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the liabilities, set forth '' in the Act to incorporate certain persons by the name of the Trustees of Charlestown Free Schools; the act of annexation to Boston provided for the continuance of this corporation in the members of the School Committee of the City of Boston from the Charlestown District. By an Act, approved March 13, 1877, the School Committee were incorporated and authorized to receive the Charlestown School Trust Fund, to “manage said funds, and disburse the income thereof within the limits of the former City of Charlestown, according to the tenor of the instruments creating said trust.” The following is a statement of the fund on January 31, 1903:

City of Boston Four per cent. Bond . o o & . $5,000 00 City of Boston Three and one-half per cent. Bond e o 650 00 On deposit in Charlestown Five Cents Savings Bank . © 2,419 32 On deposit in Warren Institution for Savings o e * 315 77 On deposit in Monument National Bank e e o e 121 37

$8,506 46


BOWDOIN DORCHESTER SCHOOL FUND. — Proceeds of sale of woodland in Milton, deeded to the inhabitants of Dorchester by JAMES Bowdoin, March 1, 1797, and invested by the City Treasurer. The income of said fund to be expended for the benefit of the public schools of Dorchester.

Invested in one City of Boston Four per cent. Bond for . $4,500 00

Cash on hand, income January 31, 1903 . e o e to $693 39

CoMINS SCHOOL LIBRARY FUND. —Donation of the late LINUs B. CoMINs, the interest of which is to be expended upon the library of the “Comins Grammar School for Girls,” and to be held in trust by the Chairman of the School Committee, the Mayor of the city, and the President of the Common Council, who are constituted, eac-officiis, Trustees of the Fund.

Invested in one City of Boston Three and one-half per cent.
Bond for . e se e o e e to o to $500 00

DEVENS INFANT SCHOOL FUND. — Bequest from DAVID DEvens, who died August 30, 1855, for the benefit of the infants' schools in Charlestown, and children who attend them. Accepted by the City of Charlestown, November 10, 1856.

Invested in one City of Boston Four per cent. Bond, due April 1, 1915, payable to the Mayor of the city and his successors, as trustees of said legacy . o o . . . $1,000 00

EASTBURN SCHOOL FUND. — This is a bequest from the late JoHN H. EASTBURN, and received from executors of his estate in April, 1886.

The following clause from his will explains the purpose of his bequest:

“The interest to be applied to aid and assist deserving and poor scholars to finish their education, by pecuniary assistance, in the Normal School for Females.”

Invested in one City of Boston Four per cent. Bond, due
April 1, 1916, for . o s o e e e o . $10,000 00

FRANKLIN SCHOOL MEDAL FUND. — This is a legacy by Dr. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, in 1791, the interest on which, since 1792, has been invested in silver Imedals, which are now distributed at the annual examinations among the most deserving boys in the ENGLISH HIGH AND LATIN SCHOOLs.

Invested in one City of Boston Three and one-half per cent.
Bond, due in April, 1930, for to * e § g . $1,000 00

GIBSON SCHOOL FUND. — This is the bequest of CHRISTOPHER GIBSON, who provided by will, about 1674, that after the payment of legacies and debts his executors should “purchase some estate for the promotion of learning in the Town of Dorchester.” The surviving executor, Daniel Preston, purchased, for £104, twenty-six acres of land at Smelt Brook, and deeded the same, February 6, 1693, to Enoch Wiswell, Samuel Robinson, John Tolman, James Bird, and Increase Sumner as trustees, and to their successors and assigns, for the “use and purpose, benefit and behoof, of the schools of learning in the Town of Dorchester.” Sales of this land have been made from time to time, and a part still held consists of 74,600 square feet. The proceeds have been invested in

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The income of this fund is appropriated for the supply of library books and such apparatus for the schools which are now or shall be embraced in the territory formerly known as “ Dorchester,” which are not supplied by the city, upon order of the School Committee, and apportioned to each school as said School Committee shall decide.

HORACE MANN SCHOOL FUND. — Bequest of the late SAMUEL E. SAwYER of Gloucester, for the benefit of the Horace Mann School, the income to be expended in a manner that will promote the best interest and prosperity of the institution.

Invested in one City of Boston Four per cent. Bond for . $2,000 00 Invested in one City of Boston Three and one-half per cent.

Bond for . • . . * s e to e e & to 300 00

Cash in City Treasury, January 31, 1903. & to g e 89 34

$2,389 34

Cash on hand, income January 31, 1903 . to g & to $187 00

LATIN SCHOOL PRIZE FUND. — This is a donation from a number of gentlemen in Boston, in the year 1819, the interest of which is invested in prizes, which are annually distributed among the most deserving scholars in the PUBLIC LATIN SCHOOL.

Invested in one City of Boston Six per cent. Bond for . . $1,050 00

LAwRENCE HIGH SCHOOL FUND. — This is a donation made by the late ABBOTT LAwRENCE, of Boston, in the year 1844, the interest of which is payable annually to the Sub-Committee of the ENGLISH HIGH SCHOOL, for the time being ; and is by them distributed in prizes for the best

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