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Brought forward, $930 00
Athletic games : -
Prizes, $300 00
Conducting games
and small items, 58 50 -
- * 358 50
Decorations, 300 00
Refreshments, 114 00
Cartage, 20 00
Calcium lights, 15 00

Allowance to organizations parading,

APRIL 19, 1902.

Decorations, $258 40
Fireworks, 225 00
Music, 125 00
Athletic games:
Prizes, $280 00
Referee, postage,
labor, etc., 111 60
em-or-mo 391 60
DAY, JUNE 8, 1902.
Music, $150 00
Use of cars and carriage-hire, 109 OO
|Use of chairs and small items, 71 00
Flowers, '70 00

Public Celebrations,

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Browght forward, . $15,190 59 $16,159,912 20 Advertising, 22 75 Travelling expenses, 10 00 Music, 5 70 to-o-o: 15,229 04 Old Claims. For sundry bills which have been audited and allowed in former years, but were not paid until the present financial year, 1,116 63

Overseeing of the IPoor Department.

Payments for general ea penses of the Overseers of the Poor, and for the Maintenance of the Temporary Home for the Destitute, Chardon street, and the Lodge for Wayfarers, which are wroder the charge of the Said Board.

General expenses.

Salaries :
Richard C. Humphreys, Treas-
urer, $1,000 00
Benjamin Pettee, Secretary, 3,500 00
Clerk-hire, 7,146 29
Visitors and agents, 15,254 26
Physicians, 712 00
Employés, 6,137 53
*====s $33,750 08
Treasurer of the Board, upon requisitions
drawn by the Board of Overseers of the
Poor, 22,000 00
Subsistence supplies, 28,141 19
For relief furnished by other cities and
to Wns, 8,909 20
Fuel, 7,097 13
Burial expenses, 2,693 75
Expressage, 1,999 45
Soap, 978 33
Furnishings, 504 74
Cleaning, 500 40
Travelling expenses, 392 62
Medical expenses, 243 33
Printing, 218 24
Electric lighting, - 231 83
Stationery, 193 51
Rent, 100 00
Repairs on building, 94 68
Telephone service, 83 59
Insurance, 75 00
Expert examination of accounts, 60 00
Gas, 46 89
$108,313 96

Salaries of matron and assist-

ants, $2,314 17 Subsistence supplies, 1,288 77 Medical expenses, 609 25 Repairs, 264 77 Furniture, 200 32 Fuel, 89 75

Carried forward, $4,767 03 $108,313 96 $16,176,257 87 Payments of ea penses incurred by the Park Commissioners appointed winder an Act of the Legislature, approved May 6, 1875, and accepted by the people June 9, 1875.

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