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MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1861.

On motion by Mr. Foster,

The Senate proceeded to consider the resolution submitted by him, the 8th instant, to expel the Hon. L. T. Wigfall from the Senate; and On motion by Mr. Clingman, to amend the resolution by striking out all after the word "Whereas," and in lieu thereof inserting it is understood that the State of Texas has seceded from the Union, and is no longer one of the United States: Therefore,

Resolved, That she is not entitled to be represented in this body,
Pending debate,

On motion by Mr. Clark, that the Senate proceed to the consideration of executive business,

It was determined in the affirmative, {ays...

On motion by Mr. Polk,



The yeas and nays being desired by one fifth of the senators present, Those who voted in the affirmative are,

Messrs. Anthony, Baker, Bingham, Chandler, Clark, Collamer, Cowan, Dixon, Doolittle, Fessenden, Foot, Foster, Grimes, Hale, Harlan, Harris, Howe, King, Lane, Latham, Morrill, Simmons, Sumner, Ten Eyck, Trumbull, Wade, Wilkinson, Wilson.

Those who voted in the negative are,

Messrs. Breckinridge, Bright, Clingman, Douglas, Hunter, Kennedy, Mason, Mitchel, Nesmith, Nicholson, Pearce, Polk, Powell, Rice, Thomson, Wigfall.


The Senate proceeded to the consideration of executive business. After the consideration of executive business, the doors were opened;


On motion by Mr. Grimes, that the Senate adjourn,

It was determined in the affirmative, {eas...

On motion by Mr. Mason,

[blocks in formation]

The yeas and nays being desired by one fifth of the senators present, Those who voted in the affirmative are,

Messrs. Anthony, Baker, Bingham, Chandler, Clark, Collamer, Cowan, Dixon, Doolittle, Fessenden, Foot, Foster, Grimes, Hale, Harlan, Harris, Howe, Johnson, King, Lane, Morrill, Simmons, Sumner, Ten Eyck, Trumbull, Wade, Wilkinson, Wilson.

Those who voted in the negative are,

Messrs. Breckinridge, Bright, Clingman, Douglas, Kennedy, Latham, Mason, Mitchel, Nesmith, Nicholson, Pearce, Polk, Powell, Rice, Thomson, Wigfall.


The Senate adjourned.

TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1861.

On motion by Mr. Anthony,

Ordered, That the Committee on Printing be discharged from the further consideration of a motion to print the report of Captain A. A. Humphreys on the survey of the delta of the Mississippi river, referred to that committee at the last session.

The Senate resumed the consideration of the resolution submitted by Mr. Foster the 8th instant, to expel the Hon. L. T. Wigfall from the Senate; and,

On motion by Mr. Simmons,

Ordered, That the resolution, with the amendment proposed by Mr. Clingman, be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

The Senate proceeded to consider the resolution submitted by Mr. Grimes, the 8th instant, to rescind the order setting apart a portion of the gallery for the use of the diplomatic corps; and,

On motion by Mr. Sumner,

Ordered, That the resolution lie on the table.

Mr. Trumbull, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the resolution submitted by Mr. Mason, the 5th instant, to pay such actual costs as may be incurred by Silas Carlton and others in defending suits against them for acts in executing a process of the Senate against F. B. Sanborn, and also the memorials of F. B. Sanborn, reported the resolution without amendment, and with a recommendation that it be postponed to the third Monday in December next. The Senate resumed the consideration of the resolution; and,

On motion by Mr. Trumbull,

Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until the third Monday in December next.

On motion by Mr. Hale,

Ordered, That Dominic Lynch have leave to withdraw his petition and papers.

After the consideration of executive business,

The Senate adjourned.


Mr. Hale submitted the following resolution; which was considered, by unanimous consent, and agreed to:

Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate be directed to pay the clerks to committees and pages employed during the present special session of the Senate, the usual per diem compensation.

Mr. Douglas submitted the following resolution for consideration: Resolved, That the Secretary of War be requested to inform the Senate what forts, arsenals, navy-yards and other public works within the limits of the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, are now within the actual possession and occupation of the United States; and by what number of men each is garrisoned and held, and whether reinforcements are ne

cessary to retain the same, and if so, whether the government has the power and means under existing laws to supply such reinforcements within such time as the exigences and necessities of the case may demand; and whether the defense and protection of the United States and their interests make it necessary and wise to retain military possession of such forts, places, and other property, except at Key West and Tortugas, and to recapture and reoccupy such others as the United States have been deprived of by seizure or surrender for any other purpose and with a view to any other end than the subjugation and occupation of those States which have assumed the right to secede from the Union, and within whose limits such forts and other public property are situated; and if such be the motives for recapturing and holding the forts and other public property, what military force, including regulars and volunteers, would be necessary to enable the United States to reduce the States aforesaid, and such others as are supposed to sympathize with them to subjection and obedience to the laws of the Union, and to protect the federal Capitol.

The Vice-President laid before the Senate a report of the Secretary of War, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 7th instant, reports from Major E. Steen and Lieutenant John Mullan, relative to the movement of troops overland to the northern portion of the department of the Pacific; which was read.

On motion by Mr. Wilson,

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and the Militia.

Mr. Fessenden submitted the following resolution for consideration: Resolved, That Albert G. Brown and Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, Stephen R. Mallory, of Florida, Clement C. Clay, jr., of Alabama, Robert Toombs, of Georgia, and Judah P. Benjamin, of Louisiana, having announced that they are no longer members of the Senate, and having withdrawn therefrom, their seats in this body have thereby become vacant, and the Secretary is directed to strike their names from the roll of members.

Mr. Powell presented a petition of citizens of Superior, Wisconsin, in favor of the adjustment of the sectional difficulties on the plan proposed by Mr. Crittenden, or that of Mr. Rice.

Ordered, That it lie on the table.

Mr. Nicholson submitted the following resolution; which was read the first and second times, by unanimous consent, and referred to the Committee to Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the Sen


Resolved, That there be paid, out of the contingent fund of the Senate, to the legal representatives of S. E. Benson, late a clerk in the office of the Secretary of the Senate, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars for funeral expenses, and an amount equal to one quarters salary of the deceased.

After the consideration of executive business,
The Senate adjourned.


Mr. Mason submitted the following resolution for consideration: Resolved, That the Secretary of War be directed to inform the Senate whether any portion of the militia of the District of Columbia, or any officer or officers thereof, have, since the 1st day of January last, been mustered into the service of the United States, or put upon military duty in said District, and received any and what pay or allowances for such duty or service, and what such duty or service was, and under what authority of law, and to whom such pay or allowances have been granted, and for what time, and whether the same still continue.. On motion by Mr. Douglas, that the Senate proceed to the consideration of the resolution, yesterday submitted by him, relative to the forts, arsenals, navy-yards, and other public works within the seceded States,

It was determined in the negative,

S Yeas.....



On motion by Mr. Fessenden, The yeas and nays being desired by one fifth of the senators present, Those who voted in the affirmative are,

Messrs. Bayard, Breckinridge, Bright, Clingman, Douglas, Hunter, Johnson, Latham, Mason, Mitchel, Nesmith, Nicholson, Polk, Powell, Rice, Thomson.

Those who voted in the negative are,

Messrs. Anthony, Bingham, Chandler, Clark, Collamer, Cowan, Doolittle, Fessenden, Foot, Foster, Grimes, Hale, Harris, Howe, King, Lane, Morrill, Simmons, Sumner, Ten Eyck, Trumbull, Wade, Wilkinson, Wilson.

On motion by Mr. Fessenden, that the Senate proceed to the consideration of the resolution, yesterday submitted by him, declaring the seats of certain senators vacant, and directing the Secretary to strike their names from the roll of the Senate, Yeas

It was determined in the affirmative, { Nays.

On motion by Mr. Douglas,



The yeas and nays being desired by one fifth of the senators present, Those who voted in the affirmative are,

Messrs. Anthony, Bingham, Chandler, Clark, Collamer, Cowan, Doolittle, Fessenden, Foot, Foster, Grimes, Hale, Harlan, Harris, Howe, King, Lane, Morrill, Simmons, Sumner, Ten Eyck, Thomson, Trumbull, Wade, Wilkinson, Wilson.

Those who voted in the negative are,

Messrs. Breckinridge, Bright, Clingman, Douglas, Hunter, Latham, Mason, Mitchel, Nesmith, Nicholson, Polk, Powell, Rice.

So the motion was agreed to; and

The Senate proceeded to consider the said resolution; and

The resolution having been modified on the motion of Mr. Fessenden, to read as follows:

Resolved, That Albert G. Brown and Jefferson Davis, of Missis

sippi, Stephen R. Mallory, of Florida, Clement C. Clay, jr., of Alabama, Robert Toombs, of Georgia, and Judah P. Benjamin, of Louisiana, having announced that they are no longer members of the Senate, and having withdrawn therefrom, their seats in this body have thereby become vacant, and the Secretary is directed to omit their names from the roll of members.

On motion by Mr. Bayard, to amend the resolution by striking out all after the word "resolved," and in lieu thereof inserting:

That Albert G. Brown and Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, Stephen R. Mallory, of Florida, Clement C. Clay, jr., of Alabama, Robert Toombs, of Georgia, and Judah P. Benjamin, of Louisiana, having announced that by the secession of their respective States they were no longer members of the Senate, and withdrawn therefrom, the Secretary is directed to omit their names in calling the roll of the Senate,


It was determined in the negative, {Nay....

On motion by Mr. Bayard,



The yeas and nays being desired by one fifth of the senators present. Those who voted in the affirmative are,

Messrs. Bayard, Breckinridge, Bright, Clingman, Hunter, Mason, Mitchel, Nicholson, Polk, Powell, Rice, Thomson.

Those who voted in the negative are,

Messrs. Anthony, Baker, Bingham, Chandler, Clark, Collamer, Cowan, Doolittle, Douglas, Fessenden, Foot, Foster, Grimes, Harlan, Harris, Howe, King, Lane, Morrill, Simmons, Sumner, Ten Eyck, Trumbull, Wade, Wilkinson, Wilson.

After debate,

On motion by Mr. Collamer, that the Senate proceed to the consideration of executive business,

It was determined in the affirmative; and

After the consideration of executive business, the doors were opened.

The Senate resumed the consideration of the resolution of Mr. Fessenden; and

The resolution having been further modified on the motion of Mr. Clark, to read as follows:

Whereas the seats of Albert G. Brown and Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, Stephen R. Mallory, of Florida, Clement C. Clay, jr., of Alabama, Robert Toombs, of Georgia, and Judah P. Benjamin, of Louisiana, as members of the Senate have become vacant: Therefore, Resolved, That the Secretary be directed to omit their names respectively from the roll.

On motion by Mr. Mason, to amend the resolution by striking out all after the word "resolved," and in lieu thereof inserting:

That Albert G. Brown and Jefferson Davis of Mississippi, Stephen R. Mallory, of Florida, Clement C. Clay, jr., of Alabama, Robert Toombs, of Georgia, and Judah P. Benjamin, of Louisiana, having ceased to be members of the Senate, the Secretary be directed to omit their names from the roll,


It was determined in the negative, Nay......



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