normal radius of 100 miles. Details from this company will assist in the administration of signal corps depots of supply at bases and distribution points. 2 wire wagons, 4 mules each. 3 lance trucks, 4 mules each. TRANSPORTATION. 3 instrument wagons, 2 mules each. 2 construction wagons (escort), 4 mules each. 1 escort wagon (general transportation), 4 mules. 51. The drivers for the reel carts and instrument wagons will be enlisted men of the Signal Corps. These are special vehicles supplied by the Signal Corps. 52. Each cavalry division will have two field companies and one telegraph company, all mounted. 53. When one company is required to provide all classes of service, viz, field, telegraph, and base-line, suitable equipment will be furnished accordingly. 54. The base-line companies will usually be assigned for duty under direction of the chief of telegraph and telephone service of the bases and lines of communication, instead of serving with a division. 55. A balloon company will be assigned to each army corps, army, or expeditionary force as circumstances warrant. The balloon company will serve under the immediate direction of the Chief Signal Officer of the army in the field. 56. A division in camp, when practicable, will be supplied with the following telephone service by the Signal Corps: One telephone at each brigade headquarters, headquarters of divisional cavalry, headquarters of divisional artillery, engineer battalion, quartermaster supply depot, commissary supply depot, headquarters Signal Corps, division headquarters (two fones), each field hospital, corral of ammunition and supply train, and to each regimental headquarters when the amount of material on hand warrants. 57. The following will be considered the equipment for a field company unless the duties required of a particular company necessitate additions. This list is subject to change to conform to improvements in field equipment. 6 axes. 6 axes, extra helves, for. 6 belts, lineman's tool. 100 blanks, field message, pads. 3 boards, letter clip. 6 buzzers, cavalry. 10 buzzers, field. 100 cartridges, carbide. 48 cartridges, Very, red. 48 cartridges, Very, white. 48 cartridges, Very, green, 75 cells, dry, No. 6. 40 cells, dry No. 5. 120 cells, dry, No. 4-0. 20 cells, dry, for cavalry buzzers. 1 chest, post tool. 10 chests, pack. 2 clamps, slicing, combination wire and sleeve. 2 pairs climbers with straps. 58. The following will be considered the equipment for a telegraph company unless the duties required of a particular company necessitate additions. This list is subject to change to conform to improvements in field equipment. 40 arresters, lightning, Mason, fuse 3 clocks, alarm. type. 12 axes. 12 axes, extra helves for. 12 bars, crow. 2 bars, digging. 12 belts, lineman's tool. 100 blanks, field message, pads. 1,000 blanks, message, sending. 1,200 blanks, message, receiving. 3 boards, letter clip. 500 brackets, oak. 4 buzzers, field. 6 pairs climbers, with straps. 3 compasses, prismatic. 6 pounds -inch cord, Samson spot. 6 disks, cipher. 1,500 envelopes, message. 200 fuses, for Mason L.A. 12 glasses, field, day and night. 2 glasses, field, 10 Terlux. 6 pairs grips, Buffalo, with pulleys. 12 hatchets. 12 handles, extra, for hatchets. 2 handles, extra, for 6-foot shovels. 2 cabinets, L. A., for portable field 2 handles, extra, for 7-pound picks. switchboard. 200 cartridges, carbide. 40 cells, type "V." 10 cells, dry, No. 5. 150 cells, dry, No. 6. 20 cells, dry, 4-0. 1 chest, post tool. 6 heliographs. 3 hooks, message. 240 insulators, clamp. 960 insulators, pigtail. 500 insulators, pony, porcelain. 12 kits, inspector's pocket. 10 kits, flag, 4-foot. 20 kits, flag, 2-foot. 50 knives, brush-cutting. 15 chests, pack. 1 chest, tool, electrical engineer's. 12 clamps, splicing, combination wire 10 lanterns, coal oil. and sleeve. 8 lanterns, field, acetylene. 2 mortars. 1 keg nails, 10d. 1 keg nails, 20d. 1 nailpuller. 12 8-inch pliers. 2 picks, 7-pound, with handles. 1 gross pencils, lead. 1 gross pencils, copying. 1,200 poles, lance. 2 reels, payout. 1 reel, pick-up. 2 relays, standard, 150-ohm. 3 relays, box sounding, 150-ohm. 40 renewals, for type “V” cells. 10 rockets, sequence. 10 rockets, yellow smoke, parachute. 50 rods, ground. 6 10-inch screw-drivers. 2 sounders, 4-ohm. 1 switchboard, telegraph, 3 line. 2 switchboards, portable, telephone, 10 drop. 1 switchboard, 50-drop, telephone. 2 shovels, 6-foot. 4 switchboards, telegraph, 1 line. Stationery, office, assorted. 20 shells, red. 20 shells, white. 20 shells, amber smoke, parachute. 4 sets induction field telegraph. 12 spectacles, smoked. 2 telephones, cut-in. 4 tables, folding, telegraph. 10 telephones, desk sets, L. B. 30 telephones, field. 6 telescopes, complete, with holder. 2 typewriters. 1 voltmeter, pocket, 0-6 volts. 50 miles wire, G. I., No. 14. 1,500 feet wire, outside twisted, pair. 1 wringer and pan, for copying. 59. The following will be considered the equipment for a base-line company unless the duties required of a particular company necessitate additions. The list is subject to change to conform to improvements in field eqipment. 50 arresters, lighting, Mason, fuse type. 36 axes. 36 axes, extra, helves, for. 12 bars, crow. 24 bars, digging. 20 belts, lineman's tool. 100 blanks, field message, pads. 5,000 blanks, message, sending. 5,000 blanks, message, receiving. 10 boards, letter clip. 1,000 brackets, oak. 2 cabinets, L. A., for portable field switchboard. 200 cartridges, carbide. 200 cells, type "V." 40 cells, dry, No. 5. 100 cells, dry, No. 6. 2 chests, post tool. 15 chests, pack. 1 chest, tool, electrical engineer's. 30 pounds-inch cord, Samson spot. 1,500 crossarms for iron poles, with bolts. 6 disks, cipher. 3,000 envelopes, message. 200 fuses, for Mason L. A. 12 glasses, field, day and night. 2 glasses, field, 10 Terlux.. 20 pairs grips, Buffalo, with pulleys. 48 handles, extra, for hatchets. 48 handles, extra, for 6-foot shovels. 2 handles, extra, for 7-pound picks. 48 hatchets. 6 heliographs, field. 100 insulators, clamp. 400 insulators, pigtail. 4,500 insulators, pony, porcelain. 12 kits, inspector's pocket. 10 kits, flag, 4-foot. 20 kits, flag, 2-foot. 20 clamps, splicing, combination wire 50 knives, brush cutting. and sleeve (connectors). 10 clocks, alarm. 10 pairs climbers with straps. 3 compasses, prismatic. 1 letterpress. 10 lanterns, coal oil. 8 lamps, Rochester. 8 lanterns, field, acetylene. 20 message hooks. 5 mortars. 2 kegs, nails, 10d. 2 kegs, nails, 20d. 1 nail puller. 30 8-inch pliers. 2 picks, 7-pound, with handles. 1 gross pencils, lead. 1 gross pencils, copying. 1,500 poles, iron. 500 poles, lance. 3 poles, pike, 12-foot. 3 poles, pike, 18-foot. 4,500 plugs, for iron poles. 4 reels, payout. 2 reels, pick-up. 6 relays, standard, 150-ohm. 10 relays, box sounding, 150-ohm. 200 renewals, for type “V” cells. 10 rockets, sequence. 10 rockets, yellow smoke, parachute. 50 rods, ground. 20 10-inch screw-drivers. 6 sounders, 4-ohm. 10 switchboards, telegraph, 2 line. 1 switchboard, telegraph, 6 line. 2 switchboards, portable telephone, 10 drop. 24 shovels, 6-foot, straight. 24 shovels, 6-foot, spoon. Stationery, office, small assortment. 30 shells, red. 30 shells, white. 30 shells, amber smoke, parachute. 6 sets, induction field telegraph. 12 spectacles, smoked. 6 telephones, cut-in. 10 tables, folding, telegraph. 10 telephones, desk sets, L. B. 30 telephones, field. 6 telescopes, complete with holder. 4 typewriters. 1 volt-ammeter, portable, Weston, D. C. 170 miles wire, G. I. no. 14. 2,000 feet wire, outside twisted, pair. 2 wireless telegraph sets, 1 kilowatt, station. 12 wrenches, monkey, 10-inch. 10 pair wringers, for copying. 60. Detachments of the Signal Corps shall be exempt from detail for any other duty, except when in the judgment of the commanding officer the importance of the duty will not permit exemption. (A. R., 370.) 61. When detachments of the Signal Corps of less than 30 men are on duty at stations garrisoned by other troops, the officers and men of the former will not be required to perform guard duty, and will be required to perform only such police as may be necessary around their own barracks, storehouses, and other buildings. When detachments of the Signal Corps of more than 30 privates form a part of a garrison their officers and men may, in the discretion of the commanding officer, be required to perform the necessary guard duty to protect the storehouses, sheds, stables, parks, and corrals pertaining to the Signal Corps, provided such property can not be properly guarded by including observation thereof in the duties of sentinel posts or patrols already established. The necessary police duty around such buildings and property will be assigned to enlisted men of the Signal Corps, but they will be exempt from the ordinary police duties of the garrison. (Circ. 48, W. D., 1904.) 62. At ceremonies the position of companies or detachments of the Signal Corps, if dismounted, will be as laid down in paragraph 6, Army Regulations, viz: "On the right of the command to which they are attached." |