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requisition number in case of issues. When received at the Signal Office, the signal service daily report cards are posted on the stock cards in the telegraph division and the fire control reports are posted in the electrical division.

356. The shipping directions to property depots for the issuance of supplies will be sent direct to depots. Such orders for issue after shipments are made will be returned to the Chief Signal Officer of the Army direct, with notation showing date and manner of shipment and serial numbers of instruments. Articles which can not be supplied for any reason are then ordered from other property depots or purchased. Shipping directions must be returned from supply depots within one week after being received.

357. Requisitions for depot stock signal service property from Fort Wood, Fort Omaha, and Benicia Barracks will be made quarterly and mailed about the 1st day of January, April, July, and October each year, to reach the Signal Office by the 10th of the months stated. These will be consolidated and abstracted in the telegraph division, submitted to the Chief Signal Officer of the Army with recommendation, and the approved items referred to the disbursing division for purchase. In the interest of enconomy, requisitions should be reduced to as few items as possible, but the items that are entered should be in quantity to fill probable issues for one year. It is desired to purchase about one-fourth of the annual stock each quarter in different items that is, a certain item will appear only in one of the quarterly requisitions during the year.

358. Only the Fort Wood depot will submit a quarterly requisition for fire-control stock, and that on the dates above specified.

359. The requisition for the Philippines division will be made annually and mailed in time to reach the Signal Office by July 10 each year; it will be abstracted and consolidated in the telegraph division with the depot quarterly stock requisitions of that date.

360. The requisition for the Alaskan telegraph and cable system will be made annually and mailed in time to reach the Signal Office by January 10 each year; it will be abstracted and consolidated in the telegraph division with the depots' quarterly stock requisitions of that date.

361. Quarterly stock requisitions from general supply depots, and the annual requisitions from the Philippines division and Alaska will be rendered in duplicate and all items divided into the following classifications, viz:

Hardware. This classification to include everything which is usually carried in stock by the wholesale hardware dealers It includes all line-construction tools, rope, bolts, paints, painting supplies, etc. Electrical machinery. To include motors, dynamos, transformers, switchboards, and all parts and appurtenances usually pertaining to electric-power equipment.

Miscellaneous electric supplies. To include insulating and splicing material, testing instruments, telegraph instruments, and inside wiring fittings.

Wire and cable. To include every kind of wire and cable. Telephones. To include all kinds of telephones, cavalry and field buzzers, telephone switchboards, switchboard lightning protectors, and all parts for these.

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Line material. To include poles, insulators, brackets, cross-arms, messenger strand, and all appurtenances for these.

Special field equipment. To include all field equipment which the Signal Corps has manufactured under our specifications and can not be purchased in open market, such as breast reels, payout handles, fireworks, " Very" pistols, and all visual signaling equipment.

Typewriters. To include all typewriter parts and supplies. Bicycles. To include all bicycle repair parts and supplies. Stationery. To include all items of stationery and office furniture, excepting signal corps blank forms (see Form 57).

Wireless equipment. To include supplies and repair parts for all classes of wireless. It is very necessary that complete information and description be furnished concerning every article.

Engine parts. - It is very important that the manufacturer's name, type, and serial number be given for the engines to which the parts will be repaired.

Optical. To include field glasses, telescopes, clocks, meteorological instruments, etc.

Miscellaneous. To include all items which can not be properly included in any of the above classifications.

All items in each classification above should be arranged in alphabetical order.

362. Shipping directions for the issue of property from the general depots of supply must be returned to the Chief Signal Officer of the Army within one week after they are received at the depot, reporting action taken. (See Paragraph 356.)

363. The officer in charge of a general depot of supply may issue material and supplies from depot stock as may be required in the repair shop, cable splicing, etc., without submitting a requisition to the Chief Signal Officer of the Army. Material so issued from stock will be reported on the daily reports of property under a requisition number which will be assigned for that purpose by the telegraph and electrical divisions of the Signal Office.


364. The officers in charge of the general depots of supply of the Signal Corps in the United States will ordinarily be so detailed by a War Department order. The relation between the property officer and post commander will be governed by the following instructions:

(a) In matters of inspection, discipline, police, fire protection, transportation, guard, and detail of enlisted men the post commander will have general supervision of the property depot and the repair shop in connection therewith.

(6) Directions for the issue of property and correspondence pertaining thereto will be addressed to and reply will be made direct between the Signal Office, Washington, and the property officer.

(c) The repair of unserviceable instruments and property will be under the immediate direction of the property officer.

(d) The post commander should not detail the property officer for other duty without permission from the Chief Signal Officer of the Army, except in case of emergency. In the absence of the post commander he would, as senior officer present, assume the duties of post commander by reason of such seniority, in addition to his duties as property officer.

(e) When practicable, the post commander will detail the necessary enlisted men to carry on the work of the property depot and repair shop, and do everything that is possible to expedite the work at the depot and shop.

365. The Fort Wood property depot is designated to supply signal corps blank forms, and the property officer should keep on hand an ample supply by timely requisitions for printing to the Signal Office, Washington. Applications for blank forms sent direct to the Fort Wood depot will be filled by the property officer when the quantities appear to be reasonable.

366. Officers in charge of general supply depots will arrange for an expert inspection of all delicate apparatus received by them immediately upon its arrival and before opening and unpacking. The purpose of this inspection is to determine whether or not the apparatus received has been injured in shipment, and so far as possible to determine whether or not the instrument is operative. It is not intended that any attempt should be made to compare the articles with the specification; but it is necessary that any defects arising from carelessness in handling be reported to the chief signal officer of the department without delay.


367. During the period in which the Signal Corps is installing firecontrol systems at coast artillery posts a storehouse will be established for the preservation and issue of the construction material and instruments required. These storehouses will usually be in charge of an experienced noncommissioned officer of the Signal Corps, who will be accountable and responsible for the property sent there.

368. General instructions for storekeepers.- (a) All signal corps material sent to the artillery district for original installation will be. invoiced to the storekeeper.

(b) The only exception to this rule is for tools (carried on the papers of civilians) and post supplies on requisitions from artillery engineers.

(c) No property is to be issued by the storekeeper except on the authority of the chief signal officer of the department, through local representatives.

(d) The storekeeper will be advised concerning all apparatus which it is proposed to ship to his post, and a weekly report will be required showing what shipments are lacking.

(e) Small supplies will be purchased locally by conferences with the senior civilian assistant or officer of the Signal Corps, if one be present.

(f) All property leaving the storeroom will be issued on memorandum receipt. When the installation is completed it will be invoiced as indicated in Manual No. 8.

(g) The storekeeper will report promptly to the chief signal officer of the department all delays and shortage in shipments, as well as supplies which are needed and can not be secured locally.

(h) All signal corps supplies intended for the storeroom will be marked as follows:


In Charge of S. C. Storeroom,

Fire-Control Installation,


(i) The storekeeper shall keep his storeroom in a neat and methodical fashion.

(j) The records will conform to paragraph 374 these regulations, and will be so arranged that the civilian overseer may determine, at any time, from the card records, the exact status of each item in the list of standard supplies.

(k) The storekeeper will allow no unauthorized persons in the storeroom and will see to it that the construction men do not have access to the supplies except under the supervision of himself or his assistant.

(1) Either the storekeeper or his assistant will be present at the storeroom at all reasonable hours, and, if practicable, one of them should bunk in an adjoining room. The storekeeper will be held responsible for any delays that may result in installation work due to


the storeroom being closed when it is necessary that apparatus be issued.

(m) All storekeepers will keep a complete record of all material received by them; this record indicating the nature of the shipment, the name of the shipper, and the name of the party who delivered the goods. The purpose of this record is to assist in tracing missing shipments, and storekeepers will be expected to be able to furnish exact information on short notice concerning any material received by them. Particular care will be taken, in case the storekeeper is relieved from duty, that his successor be fully informed concerning all the shipments that have been received, so that the record may be complete and continuous from the time of organization of the storeroom until it is abandoned.

369. Requisitions.- (a) Electrical assistants, or assistant electrical engineers acting as overseers, will, when necessary, provide storekeepers for their posts or districts with a list of supplies for which requisitions should be made.

(6) Under ordinary circumstances it will be unnecessary for civilians to make requisitions for construction supplies.

(c) When it is necessary for engineering employees to make requisitions for either construction supplies or personal equipment, form 273 should be used, and duplicate copies should be forwarded to the officer under whom the employee is engaged.

(d) Where requisitions must be made out for work for several posts in a district, care should be taken to separate the requisitions by posts unless the shipments are to be made to a district storekeeper for general distribution.

Allowance should be made for delays in shipments as well as the time required for requisitions to go through proper channels, and under no conditions should there be less than one month's supplies in the main storeroom.

(e) It is intended that hardware, lumber, etc., will be purchased locally, all purchases being approved by the signal corps officer in charge or his representative. Material which can not be purchased locally will be made the subject of a special requisition on form 273.

370. Inspections of stock received. — (a) Civilian employees of the Signal Corps, acting as overseers of construction, shall inspect delicate apparatus upon its receipt by the storekeeper, in order to ascertain whether or not any damage has come to it in transit.

(6) This inspection is for the purpose of assisting in fixing the responsibility for any damage which has occurred to the instruments from careless handling in shipment or improper care in packing. A complete report should be made by the storekeeper to the officer in charge of any deficiencies or damages which may be found to exist.

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