a new Branch thereto; and also to annex to and consolidate therewith the Turnpike Road from Rugeley, through Armitage, to Alrewas in the county of Stafford. xxix. An Act for more effectually amending, widening, and repairing the Road from Yarmouth Bridge, through the hamlet of Southtown otherwise Little Yarmouth, to Gorleston in the county of Suffolk. 111. An Act for the better Maintenance, Improvement, and Repair of the Road from Livingston, by Shotts, to the city of Glasgow, and the making and maintaining certain Roads connected therewith. xxxi. An Act for improving and maintaining certain Roads in the counties of Montgomery, Merioneth, Salop, and Denbigh. xxxii. An Act for repairing and maintaining the Road from Quebec in the parish of Leeds in the West Riding of the county of York, to Homefield Lane End in the same parish, with a Bridge or Bridges on the Line of such Road; and for making and maintaining certain Branch Roads to communicate therewith. xxxiii. An Act for lighting with Gas the town or borough of Bridgwater in the county of Somerset, and suburbs of the said town or borough. nxiv. An Act to repeal an Act passed in the Sixth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled, An Act for enabling the Alliance Marine Assurauce Company to sue and be sued in the Name of the Chairman for the Time being, or of any other Member of the Company,' and for granting certain Powers to the said Company instead thereof. XXIV. An Act to enable the Proprietors or Shareholders in a Company or Association styled "The United Kingdom Life Assurance Company" to sue and be sued in the Name of One of their Directors, or Secretary. Ivi. An Act to enable "The Suffolk and General Country Amicable Insurance Office" to sue and be sued in the Name of One of their Treasurers, or of any One of their Directors, and for other Purposes relating thereto. xxvii. An Act to amend an Act of the Fifty-fourth Year of King George the Third, for enabling "The West of England Fire and Life Insurance Company" to sue and be sued in the Name of their Secretary, and to give further Powers to the said Company. xxxviii. An Act to incorporate the Subscribers to St. George's Hospital at Hyde Park Corner, and for better enabling them to carry on their charitable Designs. xxxix. An Act to alter and amend an Act of the Ninth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty, intituled, 'An Act for more effectually repairing several Roads leading through the county of Selkirk, and for better making and repairing the said Roads, and other Roads in the said county and in the Vicinity thereof.' xl. An Act to repeal an Act of the Forty-ninth Year of King George the Third, for the more easy and speedy Recovery of Small Debts within the parish of Merthyr Tidfil and other Places therein mentioned, in the counties of Glamor. gan, Brecon, and Monmouth. zli. An Act for extending the Time for completing the Wishaw and Coliness Railway in the county of Lanark. xlii. An Act for better supplying the borough of Dudley in the county of Worcester, and the Neighbourhood thereof, with Water. thii. An Act for improving the Port and Harbour of Aberavon in the county of Glamorgan. xliv. An Act to provide for lighting the Suburbs of the city of Gloucester with Gas. xlv. An Act for erecting, establishing, and maintaining a Market in the parish of St. George the Martyr in the borough of Southwark in the county of Surrey. xlvi. An Act for building a Bridge over the Water from the town and county of the town of Poole to the parish of Hamworthy in the county of Dorset, with an Approach thereto. xlvii. An Act for lighting, watching, cleansing, paving, and otherwise improving the town of Chippenham in the county of Wilts. xlviii. An Act for preserving and maintaining the Piers and Harbour of Cromarty. xlix. An Act for removing the Markets held in the town and borough of Monmouth in the county of Monmouth, and for providing other Market Places in lieu thereof. 1. An Act to amend Two Acts passed in the Ninth and Tenth Years of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, for building a Bridge over the River Thames at Staines in the county of Middlesex, and for making proper Approaches thereto. li. An Act for deepening, extending, and improving the Navigation of the River Dart, from Totnes Bridge to Langham Wood Point in the county of Devon. lii. An Act for better lighting the city of Gloucester and its Suburbs with Gas, and for enlarging the Capital of the Gloucester Gas Light Company. liii. An Act for making a navigable Canal from the Bridgewater and Taunton Canal in the parish of Creech St. Michael in the county of Somerset, and terminating in the parish of Chard in the same county, with a collateral Cut therein described. liv. An Act to enable the Gloucester and Berkeley Canal Company to take Water from the River Froome, and to alter and enlarge the Powers of the several Acts for making and maintaining the said Canal. Iv. An Act to enable the Grand Junction Railway Company to alter and extend the Line of such Railway, and to make a Branch there from to Wolverhampton in the county of Stafford; and for other Purposes relating thereto. Ivi. An Act to enable the Hartlepool Dock and Railway Company to make a new Branch of Railway to the city of Durham; and for amending an Act of the Second Year of His present Majesty, relative to the Hartlepool Railway. lvii. An Act for making and maintaining a Railway from the Hartlepool Railway near to Moorsley, to the Stanhope and Tyne Railroad in the township of Usworth, all in the county of Durham. Iviii. An Act to alter and amend an Act passed in the Seventh Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, for paving, lighting, watching, and otherwise improving Grosvenor Place, and several Streets and other public Places in the parishes of St. George Hanover Square and St. Luke Chelsea in the county of Middlesex. lix. An Act for repairing and maintaining the Road from Stafford to Church Bridge, and the Road from Stafford to Uttoxeter, in the county of Stafford, and also the Road from Stafford to Newport in the county of Salop. Ix. An Act for more effectually repairing certain Roads from Scaddow Gate in the parish of Ticknall to the Burton-uponTrent and Ashby Road, and for making new Branches of Road, in the counties of Derby and Leicester. Ixi. An Act for more effectually making, amending, widening, repairing, and maintaining certain Roads and Bridges in the counties of Dumbarton and Stirling. lxii. An Act for supplying with Water the Inhabitants of the town and parish of Brighthelmston, and the parishes of Hove and Preston, in the county of Sussex. Ixiii. An Act for more effectually draining and preserving certain Fen Lands and Low Grounds in the parishes of Stoke Ferry, Northwold, Wretton, Wereham, West Dereham, Roxham, Fordham, Denver, Downham Market, Wimbotsham, and Stow Bardolph in the county of Norfolk. XXX STATUTES (Local and Personal, &c.) 4 & 5 WILL. IV. Ixiv. An Act for embanking, draining, and otherwise improving Lands in the parishes of Holbeach and Gedney in the county of Lincoln. lxv. An Act for establishing a general Cemetery in the Neigh- Ixvi. An Act for establishing a Market within the town of lxvii. An Act to alter and amend an Act passed in the lxviii. An Act for making and maintaining a Railway from Ixix. An Act to encourage the working of Mines and Quarries Ixxiii. An Act for more effectually repairing certain Roads Ixxvi. An Act for continuing certain Acts for regulating the Police of the city of Edinburgh and the adjoining Districts, and for other Purposes relating thereto. lxxvii. An Act for more effectually enforcing the due Execution of the Office of Constable in the city of London and Liberties thereof. lxxviii. An Act to alter, amend, enlarge, and extend the Powers and Provisions of several Acts for enabling the Company of Proprietors of the South London Waterworks to supply the Inhabitants of the parish of St. Giles Camberwell and Parts of the parish of St. Mary's Lambeth, and several other parishes and places in the county of Surrey, with Water; and to enable the said Company to supply the Inhabitants of the several parishes of St. Mary Lambeth, St. Mary Newington, St. George the Martyr, St. Saviour, St. John, St. Thomas, St. Olave, and Christchurch, all in the said county, with Water. lxxix. An Act for better supplying with Water the borough of Southwark, and parishes and places in the county of Surrey near thereto. lxxx. An Act for erecting and maintaining a new Gaol and Court House and other Offices for the burgh of Elgin and the county of Elgin and Forres; and for erecting and maintaining a new Gaol and Court House and other Offices for the burgh of Forres; and for other Purposes relating thereto. lxxxi. An Act for erecting and maintaining a Goal for the Royal Burgh of Dundee in the county of Forfar. lxxxii. An Act to amend and enlarge the Powers of an Act passed in the Second Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, An Act for granting certain Powers to a Company called "The General Steam Navigation Com. pany. lxxxiii. An Act for taking down and removing Old Stratford Bridge over the River Ouse in the counties of Buckingham and Northampton, and for erecting a more commodious Bridge in lieu thereof. lxxxiv. An Act to amend an Act passed in the Fourth Year lxxxvi. An Act for constructing and maintaining a new Harbour lxxxviii. An Act for making a Railway from London to lxxxix. An Act to continue, alter, and amend an Act of the xci. An Act for regulating and converting the Statute Labour xcii. An Act for amending the Proceedings and Practice of the Court of Passage of the borough of Liverpool in the county palatine of Lancaster. xciii. An Act to amend and explain an Act passed in the First Year of His present Majesty, for establishing and maintaining the Harbour of Port Crommelin in the Bay of Cushendun in the county of Antrim. xciv. An Act for making, improving, and keeping in repair the Roads leading from Barrington to Campsfield and Enslow Bridge in the county of Oxford. xcv. An Act for better paving, cleansing, lighting, and improving the Waterside Division of the parish of St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, in the county of Surrey. xcvi. An Act for incorporating certain Persons for the Car riage of Goods and Commodities by means of a Railway from the city of Durham to Sunderland near the Sea, with a Branch to join the Hartlepool Railway in the townshi of Haswell, all in the county of Durham. PRIVATE ACTS, PRINTED BY THE KING'S PRINTER, AND WHEREOF THE PRINTED COPIES MAY BE GIVEN IN EVIDENCE. 4 & 5 WILLIAM IV. 1. An Act for amending an Aet of the Eleventh Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled, 'An Act for inclosing Lands in the Tithings of Arle and Arleston otherwise Allstone in the parish of Cheltenham in the county of Gloucester, and for discharging from Tithes Lands in the said Tithings.' 2. An Act for inclosing Lands in the parish of Tisbury in the county of Wilts, and for dividing the said parish into three parishes. 3. An Act for inclosing Lands in the parish of Great Shelford in the county of Cambridge, and for commuting the Tithes of the said parish. 4. An Act for inclosing Lands in the parish of Duntsborne Rouse in the county of Gloucester, and for exonerating from Tithes the Lands in the said parish. 5. An Act to effect a Partition of the Advowson of the Vicarage and Parish Church of Cockerham in the county palatine of Lancaster, and to confirm the sale of the next Turn or Right of Presentation thereto. 6. An Act for more effectually vesting in the Feoffees acting under the Will of Isaac Bowcock certain Estates in the county of York, held for certain charitable Uses applicable within the parish of Keighley in the said county, and for confirming certain Leases, Covenants, and Contracts of Sale already made as to Parts of such Estates, and authorizing the granting of Building Leases and the Sale of other Parts of such Estates. 7. An Act for enabling the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of Saint Paul London, and their Successors, to grant Licences for building upon and improving the Copyholds within the Manor of Sutton Court in the parish of Chiswick in the county of Middlesex, and to grant Licences to demise such Copyholds for those Purposes, and to fix the Fines payable upon Admission to the same during limited Periods. 8. An Act for vesting Estates belonging to Eleanora Anne Julia Hunt Grubbe Spinster, an Infant, in Trustees for Sale, and for laying out the Money arising from such Sale, under the Direction of the High Court of Chancery, in the Purchase of other Estates, and for granting Leases of the Estates to be purchased; and for other Purposes. 9. An Act to commute for a Corn Rent certain Tithes within the Parish of Kirkby Lonsdale in the county of Westmoreland. 10. An Act for inclosing Lands in the parish of Dalwood in the county of Dorset. 11. An Act for inclosing Lands in the parish of Middleton in Teesdale in the county of Durham. 12. An Act for dividing, alloting, inclosing, and otherwise improving the Open Fields, Commons, and Waste Lands in the Liberty of Kirk Langley in the county of Derby. 13. An Act for inclosing and exonerating from Tithes Lands in the parish of Colmworth in the county of Bedford. 14. An Act for inclosing, dividing, and allotting the Commons, Droves, Banks, and Waste Lands in the parish of Elm in the Isle of Ely in the county of Cambridge. 15. An Act for inclosing Lands within the townships of Alstonefield, Warslow, Lower Elkstone, Fawfieldhead, Hollingsclough, Heathilee, and Quarnford, all in the parish of Alstonefield in the county of Stafford. 16. An Act for inclosing Lands in the parish of Chipstable in the county of Somerset. 17. An Act to amend the Corn Rent Schedules annexed to the Award made in pursuance of an Act of the Fifty-second Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, for inclosing Lands in the parish of Longney in the county of Gloucester. 18. An Act to commute for a Corn Rent the Tithes and Dues payable to the Rectors and Vicar of the parish of Kendal otherwise Kirkby Kendal in the county of West moreland. 19. An Act for comfirming and carrying into effect a Partition and Division of the Real and Personal Estates of William Molyneux Esquire, deceased, and for other Purposes therein mentioned. 20. An Act for facilitating the Proof of the Will of the Right Honourable Charles Henry Coote late Earl of Mouutrath in certain Actions in Ireland. 21. An Act to enable the Trustees of Hugh Montgomerie of Skelmorlie, Earl of Eglinton, deceased, to sell a Part of the Trust Estates, in order to extinguish the Debts left by the said Earl which affect or may be made to affect the said Estates. 22. An Act for settling and securing the Lands of Potterfield, and Parts of the Lands. Lordship, and Barony of Elphinstone, in the county of Stirling, to and in favour of George Earl of Dunmore and the Series of Heirs entitled to succeed under a Deed of Entail made by the Trustees of John Earl of Dunmore deceased, and under the Conditions and Limitations contained therein, and for vesting in lieu thereof the Lands of Carrick, Innermuck, and others, in the county of Argyll, in the said George Earl of Dunmore and his Heirs and Assignees in Fee Simple. 23. An Act to enable the Trustees of George Viscount Keith deceased to sell certain Lands vested in them in Trust, and purchase with the Price thereof the Lands of Burnbrae: and to empower the Heir of Entail of the said Lands of Burnbrae to dispose of the same; and for investing the Price thereof in other Lands, to be entailed to the same Series of Heirs. 24. An Act to grant further Powers of leasing part of the Estates devised by and purchased pursuant to the Will of Sir John Aubrey Baronet, deceased. 25. An Act for vesting Part of the Settled Estates in the county of York devised by the Will of Henry Peirse Esquire, deceased, in Trustees, upon Trust to sell, and to apply the Monies arising therefrom, under the Direction of the High Court of Chancery, in the Purchase of other Estates to be settled to the same uses, with Power to pay off Incumbrances. 26. An Act for exonerating Estates in the counties of Somerset and Devon comprised in the Marriage Settlement of Sir John Palmer Acland Baronet, deceased, from the Jointure or Rent-charge thereby limited to Dame Sarah Maria Palmer Acland his Widow, during her Life, and for charging other Estates in the county of Somerset devised and directed to be purchased by the Will of the said Sir John Palmer Acland with the Payment thereof. 27. An Act for vesting certain detached Estates devised by the Will of the late Henry Charles Aston Esquire, deceased, in Trustees, upon Trust to raise Money for the Purchase of an Estate called the Dutton Estate, in the county of Chester, and for other Purposes incidental thereto. 28. An Act for effecting an Exchange of certain Parts of the Entailed Estates of the Right Honourable Anthony Adrian Keith Falconer Earl of Kintore, Lord Falconer, of Haulkertown, situated in the counties of Kincardine and Forfar, for certain Lands belonging to Robert Taylor of Kirktonhill, Esquire, situated in the county of Kincardine. 29. An Act for inclosing Lands within the parish and manor of Stanwick in the county of Northampton, and for extiuguishing the Tithes therein. 30. An Act for vesting certain Estates situate in the parish of Herne in the county of Kent devised by the Will of Edward Reynolds Esquire, deceased, in Trustees for Sale, and for laying out the Monies to be produced by such Sale in the Purchase of other Estates, to be settled to the same Uses. 31. An Act for vesting Part of the Settled Estates of the Most Honourable George Augustus Francis Rawdon Hastings Marquis of Hastings and the Most Honourable Barbara Yelverton Marchioness of Hastings, Baroness Grey de Ruthyn, his Wife, situate in the county of Warwick, in Trustees for Sale, and for laying out the Money arising from such Sale in the Purchase of other Lands, to be settled to the same Uses. 32. An Act for vesting the Estates in the Counties of Surrey and Cornwall devised by the Will of Matthew Russell Esquire, deceased, in Trustees, upon Trust to sell the same, and to lay out the Monies to arise from such Sale in discharging Incumbrances on other Estates settled to the same Uses, or in the Purchase of other Estates, to be settled to the same Uses. 33. An Act to authorize the Sale of Lands settled for the perpetual Augmentation of the Curacy of Oldbury in the county of Salop. 34. An Act for inclosing Commons and Waste Lands within the parishes of Mealiffe, Upper Church, and Temple Beg, in the county of Tipperary. 35. An Act for establishing a School on the Site of Honey Lane Market in the city of London. 36. An Act for the Relief of Patrick Richard Blackwood Brady and Richard Blackwood Esquires, in respect of certain Lands and Premises, their Estates, situate in the county of Cavan in Ireland. PRIVATE ACTS, NOT PRINTED. 37. An Act to enable James Thomas of Halifax in the county of York, Gentleman, and his Issue, to take and use the Surname and Arms of Berry. 38. An Act for inclosing Lands in the township of Raskelfin the parish of Easingwold in the North Riding of the county of York. 39. An Act for the Naturalization of John Peter Segundo Mousley and Charles Edward Eugene Mousley. 40. An Act for inclosing Lands within the Manors and Tithings of Elwell otherwise Ridgeway and Stottingway within the parish of Upway in the county of Dorset. 41. An Act to dissolve the Marriage of John Allan with Jane his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other Purposes therein mentioned. 42. An Act to enable Frederick Lumley Esquire to take and use the Surname and Arms of Savile. 43. An Act for naturalizing Charles William Francken. 44. An Act to dissolve the Marriage of Isaac John Horlock Esquire with Phebe Horlock his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other Purposes therein mentioned. 45. An Act for naturalizing Arthur Auguste de la Rive of Geneva, and William de la Rive, Jeanne Adele de la Rive, and Charles Lucien de la Rive, his Children. 46. An Act to dissolve the Marriage of Henry Howell with Elizabeth his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other Purposes therein mentioned. INDEX TO THE PUBLIC GENERAL 4 & 5 WILLIAM IV. Shewing whether they relate to the Whole or to any Part of the United Kingdom, viz. E. signifies that the Act relates to England, (and Wales; if the Subject extends so far.) S...... I. E. & S.. Scotland. England and Scotland. England and Ireland. Great Britain. Almanacks, repealing Stamp Duties on Apportionment of Rents, Annuities, and other Apprentices to Chimney Sweepers, for the Appropriation Acts { Arms, continuing for One Year several Acts 54. G.B. 47. E. vits of the Execution of Indentures of.... 9. U.K. to erect, into a British Province or Pro- Bank of England, providing for the Repay- 95. U.K. 80. E. Bayswater, enabling the Commissioners of Burghs, explaining certain Provisions in 3 & Capital Punishment, in case of returning from in England and Ireland, amending VOL. XII. STAT. e |