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" shall extend to a Body Politic, Corporate, or Collegiate, as well as an Individual ; and every Word importing the Singular Number only shall extend and be applied to several Persons or Things as well as one Person or Thing ; and every Word importing... "
The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ... - Page 194
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The Practice of Conveyancing: Comprising Every Usual Deed ..., Volume 3

James Stewart - 1831 - 754 pages
...shall extend and be applied to several persons or things as well as one person or Numberand thing; and every word importing the masculine gender only...extend and be applied to a female as well as a male. Noiandor u. That after the 31st day of December, 1833, no person rent to be re- * ' covered but shall...
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Parliamentary Papers, Volume 2

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1831 - 626 pages
...the plural number only is used, the word importing the plural number shall be held to include those applied to one person or thing, as well as several persons or things, in the same manner as if the singular number had also been used ; and where any word used in this Act...
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The American Jurist and Law Magazine, Volume 7

1832 - 504 pages
...number only, shall extend and be applied to several persons or things as well as one person or thing ; and every word importing the masculine gender only,...extend and be applied to a female as well as a male. 2. Descent shall always be traced from the purchaser, and the last owner shall be considered to be...
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Parliamentary Papers, Volume 2

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1832 - 754 pages
...shall extend and be applied to several persons or things as well as one person or thing; and every 1^ word importing the Masculine Gender only, shall extend...and be applied to a Female as well as a Male. And be it further Enacted, That in every case Descent shall be traced from the Purchaser ; and to the intent...
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Acts Relating to the Law of Real Property: Passed in the Last Session of ...

Solomon Atkinson - 1833 - 160 pages
...only shall gtudet. extend and be applied to several persons or things, as well as one person or thing; and every word importing the plural number shall extend...masculine gender only shall extend and be applied Settlement, to a female as well as a male; and every assurance already made or hereafter to be made,...
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Practice of the Superior Courts of Law, in Personal Actions, and Ejectment ...

William Tidd - 1833 - 452 pages
...number only, shall extend and be applied to several persons or things, as well as one person or thing ; and every word importing the masculine gender only,...extend and be applied to a female, as well as a male." The former statutes of limitation did not extend to a corporation aggregate, as mayor and commonalty,...
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A Practical Treatise on the Law Concerning Lunatics, Idiots, and Persons of ...

Leonard Shelford - 1833 - 964 pages
...the plural number only is used the word importing the plural number shall be held to include those applied to one person or thing as well as several persons or things, in the same manner as if the singular number had also been used ; and where any word in this act shall...
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The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain ..., Volume 74; Volume 1225

Great Britain - 1834 - 516 pages
...Number only shall extend and be applied to several Persons or Things as well as one Person or Thing ; and every Word importing the Plural Number shall extend...Male ; and every Assurance, already made or hereafter to be made, whether by Deed, Will, Private Act of Parliament, or otherwise, by which Lands are or shall...
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The Principal Statutes and Rules of Court for Reform of the ..., Page 957

England, Great Britain - 1834 - 254 pages
...number only shall extend and be applied to several persons or things as well as one person or thing; and every word importing the masculine gender only...extend and be applied to a female as well as a male. No land or II. And be it further enacted, That after the recovered thirty-first day of December one...
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Statutes at Large ...: (37 v.) A collection of the public general statutes ...

Great Britain - 1834 - 586 pages
...Number only shall extend and be applied to several Persons or Things as well as one Person or Thing; and every Word importing the Masculine Gender only...extend and be applied to a Female as well as a Male. XXVIII. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall extend To extend io only to that Part of the...
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