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purpose of constructing, grading and draining a county road from the town of Kenova, up Happy hollow, Sweet run and Dock's creek to Dunlieth, on Buffalo creek, Wayne county, West Virginia, and providing for the receipt and disbursement of all moneys raised by said levy.

[Passed April 24, 1923. In effect from passage. April 24, 1923]

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Approved by the Governor

2. Funds to be kept separate from other funds.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

Section 1. For the purpose of constructing, grading and 2 draining the main leading county road beginning at the city 3 of Kenova, up Happy hollow, up Sweet run, down Dock's creek 4 and over to Dunlieth, at the mouth of Buffalo creek, in Ceredo 5 magisterial district, county of Wayne, the county court of said 6 county is hereby authorized to lay a special levy on all taxable 7 property within the said Ceredo magisterial district for the 8 year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three, not to ex9 ceed twenty-five cents on the one hundred dollars valuation of 10 said property as assessed for regular state, county and district 11 taxation; said levy shall be called "The special county road 12 levy of Ceredo magisterial district," and the funds derived. 13 therefrom shall be used for said purposes and for no other pur

14 pose.

Sec. 2. Said road shall be constructed according to such 2 plans and specifications as the state road commission of the 3 state of West Virginia and the county court of Wayne county 4 may decide upon, and all moneys realized from said special levy 5 shall be kept in a separate fund and a separate account kept of 6 the receipts and disbursements of the same.


(House Bill No. 644-Mr. Dunn)

AN ACT authorizing the county court of Preston county to lay a special road levy for the years one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four and one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five for the purpose

of securing rights-of-way, grading, draining and hard surfaeing of roads in Valley district of Preston county, West Virginia.

[Passed April 13, 1923. In effect from passage. April 25, 1923]

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Approved by the Governor

two, three, four and five defined; levy for three years. Construction under control of County Court.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

Section 1. For the purpose of securing rights-of-way, grad2 ing, draining and hard surfacing, and to cover the expenditures 3 on the following proposed hard road improvements, to-wit:


Project No. 1: Beginning at the state road in the town of 5 Reedsville, at W. G. Cobun's store; thence along the Tunnelton 6 and Ices Ferry pike, south from said town of Reedsville, by 7 way of Brown's Mills, toward Gladesville.

8 Project No. 2: Beginning at state road in said town of Reeds9 ville, at W. G. Cobun's store, and extending westward along the 10 Morgantown and Kingwood pike, toward the Monongalia and 11 Preston county line.

12 Project No. 3: Beginning at a point in said state highway 13 in the northern part of the town of Masontown, where the state 14 highway joins the Tunnelton and Ices Ferry pike; thence north 15 toward Rohr and toward the Monongalia and Preston county 16 line.

17 Project No. 4: Beginning at state road near the Bank of 18 Masontown, in said town of Masontown; thence along the Bull 19 run road east, toward Cheat river bridge.

20 Project No. 5: Beginning at state road in said town of Mason21 town, near the said Bank of Masontown; thence along the road 22 toward Herring, by way of the I. N. Roby farm.


The county court of Preston county is hereby authorized to 24 lay a special levy on all taxable property within Valley district 25 of said county, of one dollar on the hundred dollars' valuation of 26 said property as assessed for regular state, county and district 27 taxation, for each of the years one thousand nine hundred and 28 twenty-three, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four and 29 one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five; which said levy 30 shall be in addition to all other levies for road purposes in said 31 district. The funds to be raised by said levy to be divided into

32 five equal parts and expended equally on each side of said 33 projects for securing rights-of-way, grading, draining and hard 34 surfacing said roads, or as much thereof as the funds will per35 mit; said funds to be expended on each of said projects equally 36 as raised by said levy.

Sec. 2. Said roads shall be constructed according to such 2 plans and specifications as said county court may decide upon, 3 and all moneys realized from said special levy shall be kept in a 4 separate fund and a separate account kept of the receipts and 5 disbursements of the same. The citizens served by each of said 6 projects may select a representative to advise with the county 7 court in the expenditure of the moneys raised by such levy, and 8 all expenditures to be made by the county court of Preston 9 county.


(House Bill No. 649-Mr. Estep)

AN ACT to validate the proceeding authorizing the issuance of bonds of the city of Logan, Logan county, West Virginia, for the purpose of providing funds for the erection of a fire department building and the construction of an incinerator, and to authorize the execution and sale thereof and to provide a tax to pay the same and the interest thereon.

[Passed April 24, 1923. In effect from passage. May 1, 1923]

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Approved by the Governor

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Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

Section 1. All proceedings authorizing the issuance of 2 bonds of the city of Logan, Logan county, West Virginia, in 3 the amount of twenty thousand dollars, ten thousand dollars of 4 which shall be for the purpose of building a house to be used 5 by the fire department of the said city of Logan in storing the 6 equipment, and the remainder, ten thousand dollars, in the 7 building and construction of an incinerator to take care of the 8 refuse accumulated in said city, which bonds bear date as of 9 the first day of April, one thousand nine hundred and twenty10 three, and bearing interest at the rate of not exceeding six per

11 cent per annum and due and payable on the first day of April, 12 one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three, and were author13 ized by an ordinance of said city of Logan and by an election 14 held in said city for that purpose, on the tenth day of March, 15 one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three, at which election 16 three-fifths of all the votes cast for and against ratification of 17 said ordinance voted in favor of the ratification thereof, and the 18 issuance of bonds thereunder, are hereby in all respects vali19 dated and confirmed.

Sec. 2. The constituted and acting authorities of the city 2 of Logan are hereby authorized to execute, make sale of, and 3 deliver such bonds pursuant to such proceeding and not less 4 than their value.

Sec. 3. A tax sufficient to pay the interest and maturing 2 principal of the bonds mentioned in section one of this act 3 shall be levied each year as required by the constitution, any4 thing herein or in any other statute to the contrary notwith5 standing.


(House Bill No. 650-Mrs. Gates)

AN ACT authorizing the county court of Kanawha county, to lay a levy of two and one-half cents on the hundred dollars valuation of the taxable property of Kanawha county for the purpose of building a bridge at Clendenin.

[Passed April 24, 1923.


In effect from passage. Became a law without the approval of the Governor]

County Court of Kanawha County
authorized to issue bonds to
build bridge at Clendennin.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

Section 1. That the county court of Kanawha county be and 2 it is hereby authorized and empowered to lay a special levy of 3 two and one-half cents on the one hundred dollars' valuation of 4 the taxable property of said county for the fiscal year beginning 5 July first, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three, for the 6 purpose of erecting a bridge across Elk River at the town of 7 Clendenin in said county.


(Senate Bill No. 40-Mr. Shinn)

AN ACT to fix the salaries of certain county officers and their assistants in the county of Jackson.

[Passed March 23, 1923. In effect ninety days from passage. Governor April 11, 1923]

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Approved by the

assistants and deputies, salaries; clerk circuit court, assistants and deputies, salaries; how paid; acts in conflict repealed.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia:

Section 1. The salary of the sheriff of Jackson county, on 2 and after January first, one thousand nine hundred and twenty3 five, shall be and the same is hereby fixed, at two thousand 4 dollars per year; and that of the assistants and deputies of 5 the sheriff of said county shall not exceed the sum of two 6 thousand dollars per year. The salary of the assessor of 7 said county, on and after January first, one thousand nine 8 hundred and twenty-five, shall be and the same is hereby fixed 9 at the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars per year, 10 and that of the assistants and deputies of the assessor of said 11 county shall not exceed the sum of one thousand five hun12 dred dollars per year. The salary of the clerk of the county 13 court of said county, on and after January first, one thousand 14 nine hundred and twenty-seven, shall be, and the same is here15 by fixed, at the sum of one thousand eight hundred dollars 16 per year, and that of the assistants and deputies of the county 17 clerk of said county shall not exceed one thousand two hun18 dred dollars per year. The salary of the clerk of the circuit 19 court of said county, on and after January first, one thousand 20 nine hundred and twenty-seven, shall be and the same is here21 by fixed at one thousand five hundred dollars per year, and 22 that of the assistants and deputies of the circuit clerk of said 23 county shall not exceed the sum of one hundred and fifty 24 dollars per year, each to be paid monthly.

25 All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby 26 repealed.

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